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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Actually that's not true, having no cause is an intrinsic part of reality, it does not arise due to our inability to measure or to know the real cause...
  2. Paul Davies seems to think that some things having no cause is a fundamental part of physical reality see post #55...
  3. Then there is this guy.... from Cambridge
  4. Paul Davies has some easy to understand thoughts on this subject here
  5. I was completely white headed by the time I was 30, I have a friend who was white headed at age 19, neither of us are Asians. I'm not sure why you would think only Asians get white haired early but it can happen in almost any human...
  6. Water does not necessarily make a planet inhabitable, just one trace element out of place could make the earth useless to any aliens, they might use arsenic instead of phosphorus, some life forms on the earth do, they might need extra mercury or be very sensitive to it and the Earths mercury levels could make it unusable to them. If the mercury levels on a planet were just a few times higher than they are now we wouldn't be able to use it. Another planet might contain stuff like ammonia or methane and thus they would not be able to breath ours. Far too many variables to say a planet with water is usable by aliens or us for that matter...
  7. Yes, it's called a nuclear pumped gamma ray laser, it's pumped by a nuclear explosion... http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/rocket3x1.html Unless of course the Earth was useless to the aliens due to trace elements or atmosphere not having enough oxygen or too much methane or ammonia or any one of thousands of different reasons it would be worthless to any being who hadn't evolved here...
  8. It would seem some stars do indeed go critical and a runaway nuclear fusion reaction disrupts the star completely. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova
  9. How.... Disappointing ...
  10. What do your minions get to wear? Do you need an evil side kick?
  11. The floating ice of the Arctic Ocean will no effect on the sea level if it melts, it's the Greenland ice sheet that needs to be protected...
  12. Just stopped by to say hello!

  13. Thanks for the heads up, better late than never, they were here last night, that probe was uncomfortable...
  14. Yes it does, uplift exposes new material that was once at the bottom of the sea, this sediment turned to rock has a load of salt that used to be in the ocean. As uplifted material is eroded away the salt is taken away as well as it is exposed. Volcanoes around zones of subduction release magma that is essentially melted sedimentary rocks that were at one time at the bottom of the ocean as well.
  15. Ants leave pheromone trails with no thought of the other ants following them, it's not a conscious decision any more than a dog pissing on a pole is a conscious decision to add his info to the info of the last dog who visited. Humans record abstract thought to pass down info to later generations and yes I would have to say that cave paintings was close to the beginning of this behavior. I can see how this behavior could have evolved from a simple need to leave marks on rocks to let others know you are here but the idea of recording complex and or abstract thought is a purely human thing...
  16. Plate tectonics completes the circle, the sea floor is raised into mountains, volcanoes erupt melted sea floor that is sub-ducted... Why is this a problem?
  17. I agree, most human behaviors are just a matter of degree between us and animals... You are close to what i have in mind, but animals also communicate, what we do is just a matter of degree but we do something with those abstract thoughts that no other animal can do... We record abstract thoughts outside our minds, writing is what we do that is unique, IMHO...
  18. Cute but I'll treat it as serious, juggling is nothing more than manipulating objects, indeed rather advanced but still just manipulating objects, many animals can manipulate objects... Good guess but no ring, animals can also come up with novel solutions to problems.
  19. If the Nuke isn't actually touching the object you want to "kill" I think the gamma ray flash would be the worst part of it for any living beings nearby. In the atmosphere the gamma ray flash is absorbed quickly by air, in space it would not be diminished by anything other than distance...
  20. No, that is like saying you can step outside the universe and see the big bang from a distance, the North Star is not part of the Earth...
  21. Stilts are just tools, advanced tools I guess but just tools none the less and animals make tools....
  22. So you are saying there is no plate tectonics? Can you back that up with anything other than your Opinion?
  23. Name a point that is further north than the North Pole...
  24. What sort of behaviors do humans do that only humans do? I can only think of one...
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