HB, seriously dude, a bitch slap is the correct thing to do in this situation? Go to a biker bar for advice? Maybe go to a biker bar if your looking to hire a hit man, in the moves, in real life you'd be more likely to get your ass kicked by a biker chick, I never figured you for a misogynist HB...
You can't ignore verbal nagging? You call nagging abuse? Nagging drives men to drink? Let some one slap the shit out of you then have sex with you while you taste blood in your mouth from the slap, "yeah that's better baby, just behave and everything will be ok....."
Nagging in the work place is the same as physical abuse of a spouse who can't get away from you because you will beat the shit of of her if she does? The males behavior is ok? you never though he might have actually done something to upset his spouse resulting in the nagging? You've got to be kidding me.... I am quite sure there is plenty of blame to go around in the OP's case, blaming the woman is bullshit, both of them need to get their act together, the woman might really be an asshole and the man completely innocent but both are obviously not handling the situation in the correct way and the son suffers while they fight, so juvinile... Both of them need a knot jerked in thier asses....