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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Well I'm back , more or less, the surgery was a success, now it's just a matter of recovering. I am still weak and in considerable pain, the catheter i have to wear isn't much fun either, all in all it was an experience I hope to never repeat but I'd like to say to everyone, get that PSA test, it saved my life and it cold save yours as well!
  2. Funny you would say pain in the @$$, prostrate cancer surgery, lol
  3. Moontanman


    I go in for surgery in the morning, I'll be gone for a few days, I know I'll be missed, wish me luck guys and gals...
  4. Welcome Angelica, welcome Demonica, nothing like opposites!
  5. Your "point" had been shown to be false many times in this forum clairvoyant, funny how your name doesn't seem to say much about your ability to see this... Not to mention you need to show evidence of your assertion, it's not up to us to disprove your "point"
  6. The new tank is finally doing well, new video on you tube of the new tank...

  7. Rigney you can bet your sweet bippie if i ever feel the need to have faith it won't be in this guy or his line of self serving bullshit....
  8. I am pretty sure that calling you a fool would be inaccurate, making all those claims would insinuate you have some special knowledge no one else has and that needs to be backed up by evidence. So far you have made no effort to do that which makes me wonder if you think we are all fools... Again I see no evidence of what you claim and until you offer some proof i see no reason not to assume you are not just another person who wants everyone to think he is special with out providing any proof other than your own claims, I think putting all your energy into such a flimsy meaningless cause is sad considering that if you have nothing better to do then you could at least be doing good works even if your premise is fatally flawed. Mother Teresa put her own need for acclaim aside and did powerfully good things in the name of her god, leading by example not by bragging about how special her take on reality was. she deserves respect for that not matter if she was right or wrong about god, what have you done other than brag about your special knowledge? This is just more meaningless prattle mean to glorify your self, it helps no one at all... Men were sent to the moon by a huge group of people who through enormous acts of cooperation and self sacrifice achieved what had been thought to be impossible. The over all knowledge of mankind was advanced more than in all of humanities past, if that doesn't relate to you then you are not part of humanity but only a self centered narcissist who only wants to glorify himself. Glorifying yourself by denigrating others while taking no real action your self? To you it is evidently more temptation than you can handle, it's easy to claim greatness difficult to demonstrate it... There again it is easy to point it out, difficult to actually help the world, a Mother Teresa you are definitely not... Just another self centered narcissist trying to glorify himself in the easiest way possible, by doing nothing other than making noise... seagulls are more useful and less noisy....
  9. If you assume that a creator, no matter how you define her/he/it, created everything then you have to admit that she/he/it designed flaws into the system quite often, not only that but it is apparent that this creator likes to mislead people by writing books describing her/his/it's creation that are completely inaccurate and she/he/it seems to enjoy our confusion and the pain and suffering she/he/it imposes on the world.
  10. uh oh! I am so very screwed
  11. What i am thinking about is a planet 24,000 miles in diameter it has a core similar in composition to the earth but 16,000 miles in diameter this would mean an ocean 4,000 miles deep. An atmosphere of 150 psi 33% oxygen, 60% nitrogen, 7% stuff like Noble gasses and CO2, surface water temps of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. How far down would the water go before it became one of the strange forms of ice? Used to be a really cool site where you could plug in the parameters of a hypothetical planet and get understandable numbers but i can't find it any more.. Can any one help with this? Knowing Gravity at the surface would a big part of it too...
  12. What does this have to do with the op? Define sin, to do so means you have to define both god and religion something no one can really do with any more assurance than anyone else....
  13. While I do believe that most people do indeed believe in their religion you seem to assume only the ones who believe in your religion have valid beliefs. To define sin you must first decide whose belief is valid so talk of sin cannot figure into "really believing their religion"
  14. How odd needimprovement, i didn't even come close to getting that out of Marat's post, are you sure we read the same one? In fact i would say he said exactly the opposite of what you claim he did???
  15. No needimprovement I've gone back over the thread, belief doesn't really figure into it, the idea of all rules stemming from love has been shown over and over to be an artifact of your mind, nothing more....
  16. No, when you die, you die, you will not realize anything much less the end of time, the Lord of the Rings is no more funny than any other book of fiction, it contains accounts of great deeds both evil and good and the eventual triumph of good over evil. Kinda like the bible in a many ways...
  17. What would conditions at the bottom of the ocean be if the ocean was 2000 miles (3200K) thick? Planets like Neptune and Uranus have deep water oceans but even though the temperature at the waters surface of hundreds of degrees and hotter the deeper you go the bottom of that ocean is water ice. Made ice due the high pressure. if the earths oceans were 2000 miles deep would the bottom be ice?
  18. My apologies jimmy you are entirely correct, the original question was, "What did the Pink Panther say after stepping on an ant?" The correct answer to that would been "nothing", The Pink Panther never spoke. What I was remembering was The Blue Aardvark, who at least once, asked that question as he tried to step on a bunch of ants and as he stomped around he said "Dead ant, dead ant, Dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant ... which should be in the style of The Lone Ranger theme song.... edit: In later years new Pink Panther cartoons did allow the pink panther to speak, I never saw those...
  19. Well if he has problems finding employees he can always run it by hand...
  20. What did the Pink Panther say after stepping on an ant? dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant... Hi ho silver.....
  21. Jimmy, I've lived in the USA my whole life and ass-hat was a new one me too. Possibly it means shit-head or is similar to dick-head, or butt-head. One thing i like about American English is the ease of insulting people in new ways, the best way is to insult someone by making up a word that describes them perfectly but will still take a few days till they figure it out....
  22. Needimprovement can you honestly assert that the best way to confirm parts of the bible as "Truth" is to ask an organization that is famous for corruption and lying to support it's own self interest? Asking the Church, any Church really, to confirm the reality of the Bible is a little like asking a child molester if having sex with children is ok. Religion has a horrible track record in any form of admitting being wrong about anything or even admitting to the possibility of being wrong about anything. You are a prime example of why religion is dangerous to our society and dangerous to individuals looking for some sort of truth to build their lives around. You are obviously an intelligent human being but your need to both confirm your religious beliefs and to convince others of the basic truth of your religious beliefs is pathological in nature. You cannot conceive of the church doing anything wrong even though the evidence of the church doing terrible things and both covering them up is wide spread and easily available. Justifying this stuff by saying they are working gods will is really over the top and ignores reality in a way that is very dangerous if you are an example of what a true believer really is. It's difficult to believe anyone would be gullible enough to swallow this hook line and sinker as well as dismissing all evidence to the contrary as Catholic haters or religious haters. This type of thinking shows a dangerous pathology and explains how over the centuries the church has been able to do such horrendous things with no consequences. If I prayed i would pray that you wake up and smell the coffee before you end up doing something horrible that no matter how much god forgives you for it your own innate sense of right and wrong will destroy you from the inside out. I feel for you needimprovement but you have been totally blinded by the light.... only you can decide to look away...
  23. At this point we do not have the energy necessary to test back to the energy level of the big bang much less beyond the big bang, The idea of colliding branes in a multidimensional bulk space appeals to me in a very basic level but it will be a very long time, if ever, before we will command enough energy to do experiments to see if anything exists at the required energy levels....
  24. Savannas are covered by grass and grass grows fast and absorbs carbon fast as well. This carbon can be released by grazing animals or released even faster by fire
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