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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. It's not personal needimprovment, it has nothing to do with me disliking you or your posts, it has to do with not liking how you makes baseless assertions then proceed to back them up with more baseless assertions then even more baseless assertions often followed by insulting attempts at humor. Proved some evidence to back your self up other than more baseless claims and we'll get along fine...
  2. Surely there are other ancient reports that sound like descriptions of technology?
  3. You're making a huge assumption based on that assumption agreeing with your religious views, the idea that the big bang came from a singularity is loosing ground in favor of other theories. Hanging your religious hat on a scientific theory is a bad idea because science goes where the evidence points and just because it points to something that agrees with your ideas of creation in a flash can and often is a mistake. It's a big complex universe and some think our theories that show things like singularities will be over turned for better theories that do not require infinite densities.... or infinities in general... Science is not dogma, science changes as the evidence changes.. Religion tends to stay stuck in dogma.... Are you a Catholic priest? Or is one talking through you? I know several Catholics and none of them are as "religious" as you....
  4. Possibly liquid methane or ethane would be better for silicon life... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry Possibly H2SO4 could be used as solvent for silicone experiments? but what chemicals would you start out with ? The reason i brought up boron compounds for the Urey-Miller experiment is due to Boron forming long chain polymers and rings as well as Bucky balls, carbon forming Bucky balls shows how well it creates large molecules, the fact that boron does the same thing is suggestive that boron might share more of carbons properties...
  5. This is off topic but there are many threads on this forum that explain that very thing, check them out....
  6. Most claims of miracles are just a misinterpretation of what happened, when someone recovers from what was thought to be terminal cancer it is often called a miracle when in reality there are many explanations that do not require intervention by a supreme being on any level. people have fallen out of airplanes are 25,000 feet with no parachute and survived and this is hailed as a miracle but closer inspection shows other wise. the are things that i would see as a miracle but I would have to keep the possibility of technology at hand too. If Venus and Mars were to suddenly exchange places in orbit around the sun for no apparent reason it would be difficult not to think miracle but any reasonable person would have to admit technology of some kind could be at the root of the exchange. Not understanding why something happened does not make it a miracle, nor does understanding mean a supreme being wasn't involved. The whole idea of something being miraculous is disingenuous to me... using something not understood to prove or disprove anything is also wrong...
  7. Oh I do, needimprovement is on a mission to prove god is real and proselytize the message of the bible, nothing less.... I'd like to see some evidence to back up his constant claims other than just his assertions....
  8. The literal problems with the bible in general and the story of Moses in particular has nothing to do with the number of slaves he saved or the accurate accounts in the bible of people places and events. It has to do with the claimed miracles God preformed, the story claims he parted the red sea, rescuing slaves is entirely possible but the claim of parting the red sea and other miracles is where the story runs into trouble. The bible has many accurate descriptions of events, cities and and even individual people, morality plays based on the morals of that time and place. But this does not mean it is a message from god nor does it show any evidence of the existence of god or the over all truth of the story of the bible. I could write a book about aliens invading New York City, I could use the names of real people and real places describe real events, I could describe the moral choices the people of that city would have to make and the results of those choices, slanted to my own sense of morality and much of it would be accurate, I could describe many miraculous things the aliens could do but the premise of the book, alien invasion would be false. The fact that the bible contains accuracies doesn't mean it is true or that God is real, it is just a work of fiction used by the priest class to gain control over their people, to suggest it is something more requires evidence you have thus far been unable to provide in even a tiny amount....
  9. What would you use for a working fluid? Silanes react violently with water and silicones are not soluble in water.
  10. Then you won't remember any of this... Is there any chance you will stop proselytizing and try to discuss god in a rational manner? You cannot explain anything by simply assuming god is the source of it, that is not an explanation, it's an excuse, an assumption due to lack of information. I think there is the possibility of god yet I see no holy anything in god. Your assertions of god are just your own personal beliefs nothing more, no better than any one elses...
  11. I'm not sure anyone really expected living things to pop out of the Urey-Miller experiment but some complex organic molecules did. Doing it with boron compounds would be interesting to see if some sort of organic boron analogs emerged from the experiment... Up till the point of the Urey-Miller experiment those complex organics were thought to be only produced by living things...
  12. A great deal of the evil that is afoot in the world is caused, both directly and indirectly, by religion, a great deal of that evil can be laid at the feet of catholicism. There is no doubt that if you regard natural disasters as evil then they are also the result of god, either through direct action or inaction. To think that god is not responsible for evil is delusional...
  13. No you didn't you asserted that God killing a liberal wouldn't be noticed as though the life of a liberal is some how less valuable than other human beings. only an evil god would think that and only a evil human would assert it... Again you demand respect for your point of view and ridicule the point of view of others when you have no more basis for your beliefs than any one else does. Your ignorance of the Pagan belief system does not show that Pagans have no depth in their beliefs... You cannot show that your version of god is more relevant than belief in Thor or Gaea. your belief system got to where it is by killing people who disagreed with you, by destroying any writings and traditions they had or by adopting their rituals to suit your version of god. You are just as gullible as those "old timey" folks and your assertions that you deserve more respect than anyone who believes in the old ways is in it's self disrespectful. The very fact that people do indeed believe in those "old timey" things and only by risking their lives could they pass on those "old timey" things to their descendants says that at least they deserve the same respect as you and your beliefs. Your beliefs are nothing more than superstition, claiming other wise is just proselytizing, nothing more, you have no proof what so ever of your God and equating the beliefs of others with fictional characters is no better than someone equating your own beliefs with fictional characters. Your religion has only stood the test of time by being willing to repress the beliefs of others, often by violence and intimidation through threats of violence and by making sure all records of such competing belief systems were destroyed. The catholics are infamous for destroying the religious writings of other cultures and for destroying the cultures they encountered, truly an evil religion that lives by intimidation and fear. The Pagans were simply not big enough bastards to compete with catholicism...
  14. A speal cjheker woiuld be good on this....

  15. Tea flavored burbon, just tastes like a red oak lumbur somebody spilled tea on, I'll stick with tequela....

    1. rigney


      Tea flavored bourbon? That's freaky guy!

  16. I've heard that interpreted many ways, most of the time as some sort of helicopter type craft, I'm not sure i follow the tank treads but I agree it was something outside his religious experience for sure....
  17. I'd like to see an Urey-Miller type experiment done except substituting boron hydrides for methane or other carbon compounds. It would have to be done in cold and or highly pressurized conditions so the ammonia would be liquid with just a small amount of water dissolved in the liquid ammonia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment Possibly to test some of this.... http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/B/boron-based_life.html
  18. Isn't that still natural selection?
  19. Possibly we should enlist mooey to see what the original Hebrew texts actually said? While historical accounts do have weight, and I admit i love that line of inquiry, the whole cover up/debunking effort of the US military, the out right lies and sneaky false claims, and over all the totally false claim that UFOs had been investigated and no substance was found to base any real scientific investigation on has kept UFOs from being realistically investigated since. J. Allen Hynek Came into the US military study as a debunker and come out believing something beyond our understanding was happening. He saw the farce the US military was perpetuating on the people and called them on it.
  20. I have a few UFO threads here, have you checked them out? UFOs in art is an interesting subject to me. http://www.crystalinks.com/ufohistory.html
  21. Aquarium problems, evidently i made suphuric acid in my tank :doh:

  22. I made a pot of shirmp and scallop gumbo for luch today.... mmmmmm... goooood!

  23. As I have been saying in my thread about keeping paddlefish I just set up a 75 gallon tank for the paddlefish, last night i put the Jump rock in the tank, this morning he was comatose on the bottom and he died after being put back in his old tank. The water parameters i control are the same or very similar in the 75 as the 30 gallon tank he came from, about 6 hours and he was dead! what could have killed him? The real kicker is that gambusia in the tank are doing fine and show no signs of stress. That jump rock was one of my all time favorite fish, he was a great fish I put $40 worth of black sand in the tank just so he would show off his colors. What could have killed him that wouldn't effect the gambusia? No other fish are in the tank yet, just a couple of gambusia... That jump rock was a tough fish, he had been through some really bad outdoor conditions before i got him inside several months ago... I am heart broken.... http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?speciesID=367 I think I solved the mystery, when I added the H2O2 to take away the HS smell i made a weak solution of sulphuric acid, the pH of the water must be very low. Gambusia can live in very low pH water while the Jumprock comes from mountain streams with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. so.... death by low pH! I need to get some pH test strips for sure!
  24. c4 like most high explosives, including gun powder BTW, contains it's own oxidizer so it would work in a complete vacuum. You could attach the rail gun to the asteroid and use it change the asteroids course as well...
  25. Moontanman

    The moon

    The moon is just reflecting energy, nothing is being excited to give off energy, you are seeing reflected light from the moon and from the objects around you.
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