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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. If you live in the USA go to your local liquor store and ask for Everclear, it's about 190 proof or 95% alcohol and it doesn't have the flavor impurities something like absinthe has.
  2. I have serious doubts about any of the major powers launching a nuclear attack, we all know it would be bad for us all. The real danger is small countries who think they are sent from God to conquer the world using nukes to try and show they have power. Lasers or other anti missile tech could and should be developed to defend against rogue states that have no care for the effects of nuclear attack on them selves or the rest of the world.
  3. I agree with you Realitycheck, only another religious person could understand the cruelty and violence the religious are capable of. Building a church near a site where Christians did something terrible in the name of god is typical religious behavior and only the religious should understand why it's necessary to rub the faces of another religion in it.... Bravo!
  4. None the less Emilio, by your own definition, speciation has been observed and examples of this observation have been given in this thread, you have chosen to ignore them for what ever reason....
  5. I sent a message to the company who makes Tahitian Moon Sand and got this back.... So now I'm back to why is it so much heavier per volume than regular silica sand.... since obsidian is silica or volcanic glass.... The density of sand is figured by a unit volume not by individual grains, probably so the weight of truck loads can be figured
  6. Only a truly evil human being would assert such a thing and only an evil god would do such an arbitrary thing.... I think I am good with being an atheist if a man who believes in God thinks that is funny.... You could be the poster child for atheism....
  7. As the man said who jumped off the sky scraper as he passed the 50th floor, "so far so good" :lol:

  8. Seriously HB, you can eat shellfish on site, no need to store them, the dangers of things like red tides applies to regular fish as well and land animals can make you sick too. this makes no sense at all... Letting farm land lie fallow for one year would not bring it back to being fertile, 7 was a special religious number and you have to do far more than let land lie fallow to make a difference. If God had said grow legumes in the soil and plow them under every few years you would have a point but again this is simply not true. Only the rule against more than one god makes it a problem, many more tolerant societies did quite well with multiple gods... So STDs do not affect heterosexual people? Aids in ancient times? Aids is a modern disease, originating in the early 1900s, again you assertion does not hold water... Not meant to be the path of humans by who? you assume God is real and then justify his laws by that assumption. Failure of logic in this is obvious ....
  9. I added some details of the 75 gallon set up to the paddlefish thread...

  10. I partially set up my 75 gallon aquarium today, I used 40 pounds of black sand, Tahitian Moon Sand, about 1 inch over the bottom of the tank. I filled the tank with well water run through a regular home water softener. The water, as usual had a very strong odor of HS, I added a quart of regular H2O2 and the odor dissipated. i added one cup of marine aquarium salt and 1/2 cup of calcium chloride to compensate for the extreme softness of the water. I am aerating the water for 24 hours before adding filtration or fish. I'll put up a you tube video of the fish in their new home in a few days... I'll add some sacrificial fish for 24 hours before adding the paddlefish....
  11. You are thinking of quartz which has a specific gravity of 2.65, dry sand has a sp of 1.6, wet sand is 1.9 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_specific_gravity_of_sand What is the specific gravity of the materials you suggested if they are in sugar sized sand particles? The black aquarium sand is at least twice as dense as silica sand by my estimate. The black aquarium sand is sold as Tahitian Moon Sand, i my doubts about it coming from Tahiti or the Moon, volcanic sand can be black but it should have a similar specific gravity to silica sand...
  12. I like black sand in my aquariums, it is not only expensive but it has about 1/2 the volume by weight than white sand. the black sand cannot contain metals because it's safe to use with marine invertebrates which are very sensitive to metal poisoning. White sand is primarily SiO2, what is black sand made of? I may have found the answer to this.... Slica sand "SiO2" specific gravity 1.6 Ilmenite Sand "TiO2, Fe2O3, Cr2O3, MnO" specific gravity 4.6 Works for me....
  13. I think humans eventually evolve into beings so powerful they merge into a hive mind and become God, at the end of time they go back in time and create the universe so they can evolve, deny God's existence, and evolve into God..... and so it goes, what goes around eventually comes around...
  14. Actually you did not, you asserted special knowledge, with no evidence to support it, that you knew that the Catholic version of God is in fact the one true God, the Earth Mother Gaea is just as supportable as the Creator of the universe as your trinity..... as is any number of ideas about the nature of or even the lack there of God.
  15. Thor! No way, only a Goddess can give birth to the Universe, the very idea of a male supreme being is blasphemy! it's not nice to deny Mother Nature! I don't know why the image failed to show.... Possibly the faeries and elves objected Seriously, why didn't the image show up?
  16. This is nothing but pure proselytizing, isn't this against the rules even in the religious forum?
  17. Most cephalopods are annual, they live breed and die in a year or less, nautilus are the only relatively long lived cephalopods i know of and no one really knows how long they live but they do live through more than one breeding cycle. Even the Giant octopus lives only a couple of years and the really large squids are equally short lived. There was a known species of octopus that lived through more than one breeding cycle but it is thought to be extinct now, it lived off the coast of Mexico and no specimens have been seen in more than a couple decades. Turtles are long lived, CharonY's estimate is about right, the great whales are though to have long lives as well as do elephants but even the longest lived animals do not live much longer than humans. I can see practical immortality, where the body lives on until some accident kills you. i once saw some studies that showed at the current rate of accidental death almost all humans would be killed by something other than old age well before they hit 200 years old and no one would be expected to live past 500 or so, those numbers maybe off somewhat it's been many years since i read that, but the point is that even if disease and old age were conquered death would still take us well before we reached 1000 years or more just from falling in the bathtub if nothing else.... here is a more accurate estimate of the age of animals, the bowhead whale suprised me big time... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_long-living_organisms
  18. I don't miss him at all but the people who do must mirror the woman that was on teh news last night, her son was coming home from Iraq and the reporter asked her if she would be willing to send him all over again if she had the choice and she answered, "Yes! We have to fight for our freedom!" what a dumb ass
  19. Rigney, the ozone layer does not trap anything in, it keeps UV radiation out, the Earths gravity is what keeps our atmosphere in.
  20. Emilio, it's not up to me to prove you wrong, you must provide proof of your assertions, so far all you have provided is rhetoric. Simple repeating claims over and over is not proof, provide some proof or forever hold your peace.... BTW I have shown evidence that what you are asserting is false, you have chosen to ignore it.... You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink...
  21. I mean the link to the glaciers created the oceans thing.
  22. So where is the link?
  23. Rigney, do you have a link to that?
  24. In a heart beat, wanna pic? Actually being a life long nudist I have found that the novelty of nudity wears off in about ten minutes...
  25. Emilio, even though your idea of evolution is indeed not the way it works there are rare instances of abrupt speciation, i provided a list of several of them in the link i provided which you obviously did not read.
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