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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Rigney, while I think that photosynthesis probably occurred in the prebiotic Earth chemo-synthesis, what the critters at the bottom of the ocean use to make food, almost certainly occurred first... chemo-synthesis produced the first organic chemicals that not only fed but formed the first life forms.....
  2. If you really think that a sting ray is a sting ray then you have a profound lack of understanding of what a species is. How can you even pretend to understand what life is much less evolution? You come to a discussion making claims you have no clue about, asking questions you do not want an answer to, and only looking to disrupt what you cannot even pretend to understand.... total failure....
  3. As along time chronic pain sufferer I've taken a great many pain meds under doctor supervision and otherwise, to give you a real answer I would have to know exactly what you are taking. you could be worrying about nothing or taking your life into your own hands. PM me if you are reluctant to let every one know what you are taking but as far as ethics, it's your pills, I see no reason not to do with them as you please as long as you are informed as to the possible effects...
  4. Does anyone really know what time it is.... does anybody really care....about time.....
  5. In theory there are no questions science can not answer
  6. They reproduce at a high rate too
  7. I'm rooting for the worms... In the bottom of the Mescal bottle
  8. What are you saying rigney? i have seen friction result in fire, it's a process and produces lots of by products like heat, smoke, and debris before you get fire, life did not suddenly spring into existence, it was a process, i think it took lots of time and produced lots of heat, smoke, and debris before there was fire.... and it predated RNA, DNA, or bacteria. Protists, lichens and the rest are johnny come latelys to say the least....
  9. I think it needs to be asked, has anyone has ever survived free fall from high altitude into water? I know people (not many) have survived free fall from 25,000 feet or so and hitting land, very special circumstances I'll admit, but as far as I know no one is recorded as surviving falling into water. The survivors who hit land fell through dense fir tree limbs down the side of a mountain through deep snow, circumstances that seem unlikely to say the least into water....
  10. Moontanman


    Good luck with that....
  11. Moontanman


    In post #8 you made some assertions, it's up to you to back them up, it's not up to me to prove you wrong....
  12. Moontanman


    7th, you seriously need to read and understand the rules, you are the one who needs to provide the evidence not me... As for why i wouldn't want to research a cult? Why on Earth would I want to do so?
  13. Moontanman


    Jumping to conclusions? I don't think so, the so called premise behind Scientology is well known from the Sociologists themselves.... They do their best to down play the original "premise" but they said it, either it's totally bullshit or alien spirits live inside of us.... Then why are you here? To proselytize or simply troll? I see no reason to try and be mysterious unless your motives break site rules and you doing your best to skate around them... I have no desire to research Scientology, you came here with the claims and or assertions no matter how thinly veiled, I am just trying to find your motives and to see if you have anything to say other than trying to convert others to your religion. Back up your claims.... I do not have the power to do that, but feel free to explain your position until someone with that power decides to move this thread or not. Of course I am sure you think this is just media hype.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology
  14. Moontanman


    Really? So aliens came down and gave him the no shit real take on reality? Sounds a little bit like Raelism... More accurately cojones.... Here you will not be called names, it is against the rules. Tell us please. I really do not understand what you are saying here, please clarify this. An interesting quote, who said it? I think this thread should be moved to the religion forum....
  15. I'm not sure I understand your question? Streching it? The 75 gallon tank it 49" long and 19" wide and 21" tall....

  16. Would you care to let us in on what your religion would be?
  17. Moontanman


    So your contention is that L. Ron Hubbard did not make up Scientology?
  18. Moontanman


    I'm not sure what you mean can you be specific?
  19. Pretty good day so far, i am working on getting my 75 gallon aquarium set up for my paddlefish.

  20. Moontanman


    Well if you mind an incredibly controlling religion completely made up by a second rate science fiction writer then I guess it's ok.... Raelism is more fun and has lots more sex, and aliens too.... paganism has lots of nekked girls dancing around bonfires (just so you can compare them )
  21. Ok, I changed to blue and it works now, thanks cap'n!
  22. I'm not sure what you mean rigney, my assertion is that nothing extraordinary happened, that life is a natural process that happens pretty much automatically with the correct conditions over long periods of time. No sudden extraordinary blooms of anything...
  23. I am still missing the cute little name under my avatar..... Can i pick my own name?
  24. While I agree that humans are the main force behind global warming I take exception to the idea of the whole end of the world hype that is being used to promote the idea of AGW. The Earth, throughout much if not most of the history of complex life, was a much warmer place than it is now. Since the end of the Cretaceous period the Earth has experienced several ice ages, mostly due to continent alignments and lack of volcanic activity. Humans, even from before the beginning of civilization, have caused the release of CO2 into the air by burning forests and later fossil fuels but I take exception to this being a bad thing. What if we are the only thing keeping the earth from falling into a semipermanent ice age? http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16026-humans-may-have-prevented-super-ice-age.html
  25. I think the need to deny anthropogenic global warming is a strange brew of religion, capitalism, fear of change, and a large dollop of patriotism....
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