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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. So lying like a rug when it boosts ratings isn't problem? A bias is one thing but Fox has been caught up in outright lies many times, supporting ones bias with lies is hardly what i would call news, it's more like... politics....
  2. All religions have the same definition of god? Ah... no... different sects of Christianity can hardly agree on that much less all religions....
  3. What else would it be?
  4. It is a pretty good question, in this day and age you can find someone who will bow up at the idea of killing anything. i have to fall somewhere in the middle, I trapped muskrats for their fur when I was a kid, they tasted pretty good too, best small animal wild meat you'll ever eat. How ever the idea of smacking baby seals in the head sticks in my throat. From a purely scientific view point we have to consider the ecology and ramifications of loosing even on part of the food web. Ethically it's a mine field, what is more important supporting 20 billion people like kings or a whale? I am a big advocate of space colonization, not because it will remove people from the earth but because we can spread the ecology of the planet. i ascribe to the "Rare Earth" theory for the most part which means that every complex life form is extremely rare and should be protected to some extent at least. Then again i like to eat meat too.... and I'm not shy about killing to eat... I know some real scientists who agree with my patchy idea of saving the animals, but they eat meat too....
  5. I think that bringing any species to extinction is unethical, i tend to think that all animals deserve to exist as much as we do in the general scheme of things. i tend to be brain chauvinistic in that I think that animals capable of conscious thought deserve to be allowed to live with minimal interference from us. Whales are indeed part of the food chain as ultimately we are. i see no reason to hunt whales at all much less to extinction, their flesh is close to being poisonous to eat to start with and i think the Earth as a place to live will be much poorer when they are gone. Like many large animals, humans have pretty much squeezed them out of the ecosystem and they live mainly because we let them live. I'm not sure if i like the idea of cockroaches being the only animal we share the globe with. it's important to note that once gone a species of animal is gone, no bring backs, even if we bring back something like mammoths there is no room for them in the natural world and they would forever be curiosities in a zoo...
  6. I have to ask, why do you say that Venus is not the morning star?
  7. Sweden must be a relatively sane place, i know from being a long time nudist that social nudity isn't quite as big a charge as people think it would be. After about 10 minutes you realize it's not a big deal (at least not in my case, B) ), the idea of it is far more erotic than the reality. it is very true that is you have ever been in a situation like school or military where you shower with others you have indeed been in the presence of some one of the same sex who might have liked the same sex sexually but not necessarily you The idea that nudity equals sex is totally wrong, only in a society that covers up could playboy magazine and the hundreds of Johnny come lately imitations make any money!
  8. Well I have to say if what you are looking for is H2O2 then you are looking in the wrong place. The drug store sells it all day long in liter sized bottles to me the various dyes would be more interesting and makign them glow again is really cool. I have to say that glow sticks are uber cool, i keep several around all the time, they are really good in night time scuba diving, surf fishing, sex, the list goes on and on!
  9. The Department of Defense wants to know if you would feel comfortable showering with gays. http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/leaked-survey-aims-to-gauge-service-members-reaction-to-gays-in-military/19548214 I've given this some real thought, I have quite a few gay friends, i am quite sure i would enjoy showering with most of them immensely, of course I'm not sure how much the lesbians i know would enjoy showering with me Seriously, we have all showered with people who we have no idea of their sexuality and more than few who we were quite sure were indeed homosexual, no one has offered to have sex with me while showering and i don't expect them too. Why does everyone think that just because you happen to be of the gender another person is usually attracted to it makes you attractive to them? Having been a nudist all my life the idea of being uncomfortable showering with some who "might" be attracted to me sexually is totally bogus. Lets hear your veiws...
  10. WOW! How do you narrow it down? It's a Wonderful Life by Gould Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs by Adrian J. Desmond Dynamic Aquaria "Building living Ecosystems" by Walter H. Adey and Karen Loveland Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena by Willian R. Corliss Life as we do not know it by Peter Ward The Deep Hot Biosphere by Gold The list goes on.... Oh and one fiction book I had the privilage of reading before it was released to the public... and I still have the pre-release copy! really great book, it is of course fiction but with great details of what is was really like in the Cretacious age! Cretaceous Dawn by L.M. Graziano and M.S. Graziano
  11. All I can think of is the Cheech and Chong movie where Cheech pisses on Sargent Stedinkos leg in the bathroom of the police department while the Sergent is desperately looking for the van made of fiber-grass which Cheech is driving around town
  12. I've been thinking of getting into the fermintation of things... Dark blueberry bitters sounds wonderful! I had a buddy who made MJ beer once, it was wild to say the least! You have a recipe for the blueberry bitters?
  13. I think it's an interesting association, no reason to think it's more than coincidence but if you have more evidence I'd be willing to entertain it a little more.... i can also see the possibility the ancient Egyptians might have had a small working telescope, glass lenses in a tube aren't exactly high technology but as i said I'd need more evidence to entertain this idea as much more than coincedence...
  14. HB, this is the key to your problem Life on earth HB, while it is the only life we know of there is reason to think that water may not be the only working fluid of life. Life on the Earth is based in water life on Venus might be based in concentrated sulfuric acid, life on mars might be based in hydrogen peroxide, life on titan might be based in liquid methane. we have one data point, we cannot derive a curve based on one data point, your idea of life is only based in water is just that, an idea, one data point, nothing to back it up but the one data point.... and what does water have to do with the OP of irreducible complexity?
  15. Being further from the Earth than Mars or the Moon doesn't mean they are harder to visit than the Moon or Mars. One thing is certain, the asteroids are easier to mine than the Moon or Mars, asteroids do not have large gravity wells that need to be over come to bring mined materials to the Earth. Any way you slice it materials mined from asteroids are easier to use than materials lugged up out of even the Moons weak gravity well...
  16. You have changed this forum to the same format as the NANFA forum, i seldom go there because it's awkward, clumsy, and it locks up my computer even though that forum deals with one of my main areas of expertise. It's slightly more difficult to find new content on this format than the old was. Reputation was more than a bit more straight forward on the old format. I'm sure I'll get used to the changes evntually...
  17. Any progressive tea party equivalent would be just as repulsive as the original...
  18. Probably needs to be a point source of light strong enough to cause glitter lines, it works best at high noon in my back yard pool.
  19. You mean I should have done it more often??? I have prostrate cancer, I haven't been able to find any thing that indicates how I got it...
  20. Near the speed of light they would age slower just like anything else, atomic particles have much longer lives than particles at rest. The effect of time dilation is real, it can be measured, So far Einstein rules... the detractors drool
  21. I am more into Dominance and submission but I do understand the lifestyle of S/M as well. D/s is not a 24/7 thing to me but it can be a very intense way to enjoy an evening or a week end. I am not interested in a woman who needs to be my slave on a leash 24/7 but as an occasional play/game it can be intense and very satisfying for all involved. Pain can be apart of D/s but it is more about finding ways to take your submissive to places in her mind she wouldn't or couldn't go by herself. Bondage and humiliation can be a big part of D/s and the small pains that allow the enjoyment of sex to be magnified. I once had a submissive explain it to me as going to a horror movie and participating instead of just watching. You know it's just a game but you allow your self to get into it and just like a good horror film the danger feels quite real even though deep down you know it's just a game Fire cupping Dominant massage hot wax Fun fun fun! But best if only done as the occasional treat, no need to make it routine
  22. In the sense that the entire Earth is made of what we call meteorites yes, if you mean are we mining actual meteorites that have fallen and left deposits of iron, then yes again in some circumstances but most iron that is mined comes from banded iron formations where iron was deposited when oxygen produced by cyanobacteria caused iron that was dissolved in the early Earth's oceans to fall out of solution as iron oxide deposites...
  23. Dolphins do the bubble ring thing in the wild and as a matter of fact divers seeing dolphins do it is how humans learned to do it. In the wild dolphins have been known to blow the bubble rings while interacting with divers...
  24. I don't see how illegal immigration can be defended, the idea that this anecdotal evidence is some how profound fails but the fact remains that illegal immigration is indeed illegal and being illegal it attracts people with little or no problem with breaking the law. The average illegal alien might be a saint but they still deal with and are part of an illegal enterprise that can and does go to great lengths to break laws to finance and to import these illegal aliens and large amounts of money being made by breaking the law always seem to result in violence. In this case it was two law enforcement officers but the violence is also directed at every day citizens as well as the illegal aliens themselves. I don't see how ignoring the illegal alien problem helps anyone but the criminals who make huge amounts of money off the illegal aliens by any means possible.
  25. My computer/browser or something about my connection doesn't like the new format very well. Slow, awkward, and hard to navigate is what I see so far.
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