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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Probably needs to be a point source of light strong enough to cause glitter lines, it works best at high noon in my back yard pool.
  2. You mean I should have done it more often??? I have prostrate cancer, I haven't been able to find any thing that indicates how I got it...
  3. Near the speed of light they would age slower just like anything else, atomic particles have much longer lives than particles at rest. The effect of time dilation is real, it can be measured, So far Einstein rules... the detractors drool
  4. I am more into Dominance and submission but I do understand the lifestyle of S/M as well. D/s is not a 24/7 thing to me but it can be a very intense way to enjoy an evening or a week end. I am not interested in a woman who needs to be my slave on a leash 24/7 but as an occasional play/game it can be intense and very satisfying for all involved. Pain can be apart of D/s but it is more about finding ways to take your submissive to places in her mind she wouldn't or couldn't go by herself. Bondage and humiliation can be a big part of D/s and the small pains that allow the enjoyment of sex to be magnified. I once had a submissive explain it to me as going to a horror movie and participating instead of just watching. You know it's just a game but you allow your self to get into it and just like a good horror film the danger feels quite real even though deep down you know it's just a game Fire cupping Dominant massage hot wax Fun fun fun! But best if only done as the occasional treat, no need to make it routine
  5. In the sense that the entire Earth is made of what we call meteorites yes, if you mean are we mining actual meteorites that have fallen and left deposits of iron, then yes again in some circumstances but most iron that is mined comes from banded iron formations where iron was deposited when oxygen produced by cyanobacteria caused iron that was dissolved in the early Earth's oceans to fall out of solution as iron oxide deposites...
  6. Dolphins do the bubble ring thing in the wild and as a matter of fact divers seeing dolphins do it is how humans learned to do it. In the wild dolphins have been known to blow the bubble rings while interacting with divers...
  7. I don't see how illegal immigration can be defended, the idea that this anecdotal evidence is some how profound fails but the fact remains that illegal immigration is indeed illegal and being illegal it attracts people with little or no problem with breaking the law. The average illegal alien might be a saint but they still deal with and are part of an illegal enterprise that can and does go to great lengths to break laws to finance and to import these illegal aliens and large amounts of money being made by breaking the law always seem to result in violence. In this case it was two law enforcement officers but the violence is also directed at every day citizens as well as the illegal aliens themselves. I don't see how ignoring the illegal alien problem helps anyone but the criminals who make huge amounts of money off the illegal aliens by any means possible.
  8. My computer/browser or something about my connection doesn't like the new format very well. Slow, awkward, and hard to navigate is what I see so far.
  9. I have to agree this proves nothing about illegals except that two of them are killers, There are American citizens who are also killers and I am sure there are illegals who are saints as well but I still think that illegals are just that... illegal and as such have no business being here illegally any more than I would have any business being in thier country illegally.
  10. That was really great, thanks for the link, the soliton shadow is exactly what I saw!
  11. It would be illegal to put them in the Cape Fear, paddlefish are not native to the Atlantic Coast of North America, they only occur in the Mississippi River and it's tributaries. Shit would hit the fan for sure if one was caught in the Cape Fear River! They'd trace it right to me since I am the only person with these fish in a private aquarium. You can't get by with anything these days... Paddlefish are supposed to be good eating but they are farmed for their eggs for Caviar. One fish can yield several pounds of eggs and at the going rate for caviar that is a lot of cash, lol.... The common name for these fish in some parts of the USA is spoonbill catfish, of course they are not catfish but they do have the slick scaleless skin of a catfish...
  12. No one is trying to bash America rigney, the truth is the truth, I see no reason to try and slant the truth to make America look better than it is either. I love my country but I have open eyes to it's flaws as well as it's solid good points. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Now that's not the way it works and you should know that...
  13. You need to pony up some evidence of this, so far you fail on everything.
  14. 65%? Do you have any back up on that? 65% seems to be a very high figure.
  15. Who says the movement is regular?
  16. I have no problem with the death penalty as long as it's for the crime of murder and it isn't used in circumstantial cases. I have areal problem with circumstantial evidence, just because I had motive and opportunity doesn't make me guilty No wait not me, the guy on trial, yeah he did it, that's the ticket!
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantle_(geology) The truth is out there, just google it...
  18. I never have primitive sex, I only do advanced techniques
  19. Then you must be one of those poor souls being mislead by the devil
  20. Compared to 200 years ago modern medicine is miraculous beyond belief, what are they conspiring to do? Keep us all healthy?
  21. I've been told by a group of Christians that all real Christians are creationists, the rest are being deluded by the devil and his sciences....
  22. Seriously rigney, I've heard this argument all my life, we give till it hurts, we can't afford it any more, no one else will do it but we do, no one sacrafices like we do. it's not a new concept and it's just as easily answered now as it always has been, Can we afford not to? Can we afford to ignore the rest of the world? Can we afford to allow the rest of the world to fall into chaos? Only if we want to fight the whole world and even we cannot afford to do that...
  23. He doesn't care anything about the facts IA, no man is as blind as he who will not see....
  24. I'm not sure what you are getting at here, I've known many women who had no interest in children but still had a normal sex drive. I've also known men who were crazy about the idea of having children (myself included). There are so many facets to this question I'm not sure it can be answered as simply as your question seems to indicate. Biological drives are present in humans, the need for sex is a big part of why people have children, the lions share of children are born more due to the drive to have sex than an actual drive to have children. Children are a by product of the sex drive Humans can and do choose to have sex but not have children all the time. It is also true that a womans sex drive is higher when they are most fertile during their monthly ovulation cycle. Of course they have a word for a woman who uses her monthly cycle to keep from having a child... pregnant
  25. An air impact wrench is a torque wrench that uses compressed air to power the wrench, your engine vaguely resembles the working parts of the wrench. i wish i could see your engine in action but i can't watch videos with my computer... How large would you envision your engine to be? Is it noisy? If it works as advertised and is very small it screams potential for sure, could be very useful. i can see the engine hooked to a small water pump or compressor or generator, a small bottle of propane like you use to power a lantern as fuel, lots of potential uses for sure....
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