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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I once read about a system that used a cylinder of nuetronium spin at almost the speed of light. It produced a worm hole type effect, i can't remember exactly where or when.... Is this what you are referring too?
  2. Beefmaster is good, how about Steakem?
  3. Penrose would disagree... http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/papers/penrose.htm What's the difference between virtual reality and reality?
  4. Thou art god...
  5. Evidently i am just not intelligent enough to wrap my head around the idea of relativity. In my mind's eye I can't get around the idea that nearing the speed of light anything with mass would wrap it's self in a black hole and disappear from our universe...
  6. Ok, that is what i wanted to hear or read, I know it's the null theory but null doesn't make it right just more likely to be right but I agree that anti-matter is unlikely to have negative mass. I was just curious if the GEM would be compatible with matter/anti-matter being gravitationally repulsive and negative/positive mass.
  7. Wrong or simply hasn't been experimentally confirmed but seems to be the only way it could work if curvature of space-time is how gravity is propagated? I know it is assumed that matter and anti-matter attract but there are other schools of thought and so far no one has presented real world evidence that confirms or denies it. What i want to know is if the gravitomagnetic theory is correct does it lend more credibility to the theory that matter and anti-matter repel each other? The idea that anti-matter could negatively curve space is difficult to deal with but the idea that anti-matter repels matter through particle interaction is a bit easier to swallow.
  8. Please forgive me for being completely ignorant in this but i want to ask if the idea that antimatter is repulsive to matter gravitationally is connected with gravitomagnetism?
  9. Moontanman

    I am outraged!

    It's sad but sometimes you have to at lest project the image that you are willing to dive to the same level as your attackers, I've found this is usually enough, if not then you have to be willing to Run, fight or simply stay away from the area where this type of thing happens, i feel for you, not feeling safe in your own home town sucks for sure. There are places where I live I would not go willingly but fortunately those areas are few and far between. The good thing is that most of these people are all bluff and no action but it's difficult to know which is which.
  10. I think quantum does indeed apply, we might be able to program a computer to emulate consciousness but it would a simulation like any other computer simulation... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mind
  11. Oxidizing potential?
  12. A rogue planet would be cool!
  13. Ninus, think for a second, no math is required to see this is false, your hypothetical space craft would at best wobble back and forth and go no where. No matter the sped of the slug drawing it back to it's starting position would negate the original acceleration. It's as obvious to me as falling off a building results in hitting the ground...
  14. Of course bees and wasps worship their queen with chemicals and by being celebate.... Just kidding.... I agree that the mechanisms are absent for this to happen.
  15. I'd like to see some back up on the statue thing, i wasn't aware the Mayans were seafarers at all. The Mayans calender simply restarts, it's not the end of the world any more than 1999 was the end of our world. What's with the double posts dude? "party like it's 1999"!
  16. Well then i guess you'd have no problem with me giving you my opinion of your opinion? I won't because opinions mean nothing in this forum and claims must be backed up with evidence other than my opinion. No i simply do not simply disagree with your "opinions" I back up my claims with real evidence, of course you'd have to read the thread to know that, on the other hand I have real world experience with the idea of homosexuality and the problems the false idea of it being a mental disorder or unnatural or wrong and how society deals with an defames people who do not share their majority feelings of sexuality. I personally do not give a rats ass what your opinions are about homosexuals in general or personally are, all I care about is making sure people who have sexual feelings that are different than the majority are not denied their basic rights as human beings due to people who share your barbaric opinions. The reason people feel the need to be uncomfortable with homosexuals since the Greeks is due to opinions like yours being supported by pious religious people who feel the need to demonize someone who is different for any reason to make themselves feel better.
  17. In women as well as men testosterone is the chemical of pleasure seeking, women who have low or no testosterone levels have little or no sex drive and are very passive. Aggression in both sexes is linked to testosterone. I think you need to be more specific as what "pleasure" seeking behavior you are talking about.
  18. Moontanman

    Pet DNA

    Well the woolly mammoth comes to mind http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/11/081119140712.htm Tasmanian tiger http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090112201131.htm The field seems to be opening wide...
  19. Genecks, homosexuality has been hashed to death on this forum and in this thread, I honestly see no reason to rehash it unless someone comes up with a new slant on it. Simply making the same old claims does not make them true or add to the discussion.
  20. Genecks, this issue has been hashed out over and over in this thread, read the entire thing and then come back and tell me i am dismissing anything. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Exactly what I mean!
  21. Maybe you should read this entire thread before you start making grandiose claims about what homosexuality is or is not.
  22. Fear of homosexuals is closer to being a mental illness, for some reason that fear is almost always limited to straight males being afraid of homosexual males.... lesbians are of course hot
  23. So now you are 35? Youve been posting here for 23 years? It adds up fast diva, i am only 14 or sooooo....
  24. Shouldn't this be in religion?
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