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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think it should also be pointed out that the "Big Bang" is not with out it's detractors. It is not the final word, if at some point the evidence points in another direction does the new theory become blasphemy and any who believes it gets shortened? Mixing religion and science does neither one justice.
  2. Ok, what aspect of the potato are we talking about ?
  3. A Leyden jar cannot capture a lightning bolt, it can capture a static charge but no Leyden jar could stand up to a bolt of lightning.
  4. Who's gonna place specimens on the slides? I'm not convinced an electron microscope could be used like that.
  5. I bred fishes, color is often associated with sex. One of the easiest fish to bred is gambusia, the males will turn up black or mostly black in one out of a variable number but in most environments it's 20 or 30 to one (I think) stressed environments produce more but when you breed for the trait it almost never turns up in females and what few black females it does turn up in often die of tumors. I would think your trait "B" is sexually transmitted and your "B" males are either sexual mix ups or not really genetic males. What species are you working with?
  6. I'm not sure but I would think that ball bearings are not exactly made of the best metals for making magnets. I know you can indeed buy spherical magnets, not to mention about every other shape. If I was going to do it I'd make a very strong DC electromagnet and heat the ball bearing to red heat and let it cool inside the magnetic field. In the Earth currents of molten metal create the electrical fields, it's not like a permanent magnet.
  7. Why is this signal important?
  8. No, most drug deals are just a few dollars, it makes far more sense to legalize drugs and actually control them than it does to try and lock everyone up and destroy our monetary system to stop what is ultimately a crime that only hurts the people who break the law. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged So you think people who do drugs should be killed? Or is it just the people who sell them? making criminals out of other wise solid citizens is not the way to control drugs, many of the drugs we fight came into being only because recreational drugs are illegal. Things like meth or crack were created to get around drug laws (meth is easy to make) and make it easier to smuggle due to crack being concentrated. Draconian Drug laws drive black market forces that just exacerbate the situation.
  9. The point is that these clerics evidently disagree with you. No one has said anything about drinking breast milk being adulterous, did you read the original link at all? I've drank it, it tastes like vanilla ice cream, i prefer it direct from the spout This has nothing what so ever to do wih the OP.
  10. My take on this that it's religion, religious laws don't have to make sense, you just have to follow them to keep from being punished. I wonder what the punishment would be for the people who commit both incest and adultery? In a real way I think this the religious leaders trying to do something good within the confines of their religious writings and failing miserably. The idea that seeing a woman unveiled is wrong stems from the sexually suppressive dogma involved, men can't control themselves around women so the women must be protected and in the process women are subjugated even more by the idea of their own sexuality cannot be allowed to influence men who have no self control... To me the idea that men go nuts at the site of a woman is crazy to start with, I am a nudist, I've spent lots of time naked in mixed company, I've been asked many times by non nudists how i can stand to be around nude women and not just jump up and try to have sex with all of them, the non nudist often says he could not be around nudity with out loosing control, it's total BS of course, after the first few minutes of being nude you realize very quickly that nudity does not equal sex. IMHO it's a huge crock of denial
  11. No no no, no poking sticks into electrical sources!
  12. So you would stop all private transactions of cash to stop people from using drugs? How about alcohol and tobacco? Far more people die from alcohol and tobacco than illegal drugs, almost 30 to one. http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 There are easy ways around this as the Captain pointed out. You could also legalize drugs and stop them being from being sold by anyone other than special stores like ABC stores here in NC. You'll not see many bottles of jack Daniels being sold in schools or moonshine either because it's easier and legal to get it at the liquor store. Anyone who gives drugs or alcohol to minors would still be in violation of the law. Even with no cash I think the barter system would still allow people to steal and profit by it. You are assuming everyone is honest and no one wants stolen property. The demand for recreational drugs is immense, i have no doubt some one would find away around this big time.
  13. You are of course correct inow, sadly most people will not read far enough past the headlines to get the real story, life on titan would be really cool but i wonder how difficult it might be to confirm, how do you actually look for life at the temps of titan, do we have the ability to do much more than say it might be? Unless we are talking complex life (even then it might be difficult to get real evidence) detecting life on Titan would be a nightmare i am sure. How do you send a microscope to another planet to see microscopic life forms that will be close to impossible to find even if we were there in person. I have a feeling that until we are there in person this will remain speculation.
  14. Can we at least poke em with a stick?
  15. This has nothing to do with marriage or incest in the USA, it has to do with Islamic law and how breast feeding makes you technically a relative in that law.
  16. Yes, basically that is what they are saying, silicon life might use these hydrocarbons as a solvent as well. Silicon (not silicone) is more stable at the low temps and will dissolve in hydrocarbons like methane.
  17. Isn't the point of sharing the breast milk that it makes anyone you share it with technically a relative?
  18. Thats exactly what i was talking about dude, i am full of Star Trek trivia (among other things) but no instantaneous trancendental teleportation any where in Star Trek!
  19. So technically since I have partaken of my wifes breast milk when I have sex with her now it's incest.
  20. I'm really sorry to hear this, there is no excuse for this kind of shit. I have no sympathy for someone who violates another persons home or person.
  21. "instantaneous trancendental teleportation" The term has never been uttered in a star trek episode it's often been called "quantum teleportation" on star trek and mostly as "beaming" but no "instantaneous trancendental teleportation" ever. Of course the "Heisenberg Compensator" works very well....
  22. If movement occurrs during the collison of branes doesn't this mean time passes in the bulk space?
  23. Now that's not completely true... http://sexuality.about.com/od/anatomyresponse/a/orgasm_breastfe.htm Then again you get these women who have orgasms during child birth, my wife says there is something basicially wrong with them. http://www.unassistedchildbirth.com/sensual/orgasmic.html
  24. Doesn't the ekpyrotic universe idea show that time passes outside our 3 brane?
  25. Are we assuming the Jewish, Christian, Islamic god or are we still in the realm of god or gods in general? A God is what ever you believe she is.
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