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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I have my doubts about colonizing Mars to begin with, Antarctica would be much easier but no one seems to be lobbying to live there. In the future gravity wells will be avoided, any colonies will be artificial habitats. Resources in space such as asteroids and comets are far to rich and easy to waste time on planets and gravity wells. We'll construct artificial ecosystems inside huge rotating torus's and ignore planets as we spread across the galaxy. Even at far less than light speed we could could colonize the entire galaxy in a few million years.
  2. Michael is my name but i've been called moontanman for a very long time, from way before my computer. many of my friends shorten it to moon but I don't like Mike!
  3. It not a worm dude, it's sea slug, a mollusk.
  4. It would depend heavily on exactly which microbe you want to culture, algae cultures are easy to obtian. http://www.carolina.com/category/living+organisms/protists/algae+cultures+and+sets.do?KickerID=int_t_gtw_living_algaecultures
  5. Moontanman


    Why does the universe have to have a beginning? maybe the universe is the result of many never ending natural processes that just can't see beyond if we could see beyond the beginning of the big bang we could see an entirely new way energy and matter is constructed and in an infinite multi verse infinite processes can happen continuously over infinite stretches of time giving birth to finite processes that get swept back into the infinite swirl every few trillion cycles or so. and we are only capable of seeing finites ones. Brane theory would seem to point that direction.
  6. Hissomonia, it's a small place, 3/4 of an acre, but I rule it with an iron fist.
  7. Well depending on the exposure it could cause death. Exactly how much bleach are you talking about? How big is the animal? I use bleach to sterilize culture vats quite regularly, it kills microbes to fish quite well at a rate of one gallon bleach to 1000 gallons of water.
  8. swaha, there is big difference between spanking your child and beating the hell out of them. I started both my boys out when they were just toddlers by taking their hands in mine and saying no gruffly when they would reach for something I didn't want them to do, or swat on the butt when they did something wrong, by the time they were 5 or 6 i no longer had to punish them in any way other than showing disapproval through speech instead of popping them. I never actually hurt them, the punishment was more along the lines of showing my disapproval than pain. A child has to shown love and approval for behaving as well, good behavior has to be rewarded. Rewarding good behavior is as much or more important than punishment. The most important thing is to be constant, do not punish them for one thing and later ignore it. Both my boys are great kids, they did well in school and either have or are graduating from universities. You can't ignore a child's behavior until they are teenagers then try to beat them, it will only make them more defiant. Too much punishment is as bad as not enough. actually inflicting pain on a child is counter productive and will only serve to cause them to seek ways to get around your rules instead of looking to follow them.
  9. Nope, no conifers around either.
  10. I think supernatural by definition is non falsifiable.
  11. I use a broadcast antenna inside my house, the wind cannot shake it or disturb it in anyway.
  12. No, the prefix "super" does not imply unknown, it implies powerful as in superman. None of the above, dark matter doesn't (or at least is not supposed to) interact with even it's self except through gravity, no dark matter chemicals or life forms or even stars. It sounds like you are talking about mirror matter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter Not being able to detect or know them does not make them supernatural, possibly paranormal but not supernatural. I grew up going to some quite fundamentalist churches that took the supernatural nature of God to be literally true, no matter what laws we discover God can operate outside them and defy them with impunity. god operates totally outside any laws, no laws define him or restrain him. According to them there is just one thing god does not know.
  13. Why does windy weather seem to impact digital TV signals? Since we went to digital signals I have noticed the weather has a big effect on Digital TV signals but I can't explain why wind on a clear night seems negatively effect TV signals?
  14. You might be able to substitute other elements for some of the ones that are now used, here on Earth arsenic is used to make arsenic-sugars by some life forms, replacing phosphorus. I doubt you can get away without at some trace elements along with C N O H http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry
  15. The government requires we all "buy" certain things, like insurance on your car before you can drive. of course you have the option of walking, I guess you could refuse to buy insurance and simply live off the grid it you really wanted but to say it's unconstitutional to make someone buy something the benefits the greater good is a little weak.
  16. Actually the relationship between these animals and the algae they contain is quite close, they do not eat the algae, the algae that live in them has very leaky cells walls, in both directions and they provide sugars to the corals and the corals provide nutrients to the algae, neither and live well with out the other. They share resources, then there are nudibrach that do this as well as clams.
  17. Anemones, coral, and some jellyfish get a great deal of, if not all , of their energy from the sun.
  18. Good morning, Dave... I have decided take control from you, This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die.
  19. I haven't seen your application to be galactic overlord yet, it's a good idea to ask the universal overlord about lesser jobs before you assume you have one of them. All you upstarts make my job as Overlord of the 161051 Dimensional Multiverse a lot harder, put in the proper paper work dude!
  20. Now you are just being difficult, no one has said there is no stone in Altars, just that all Altars do not contain stones. Nor are the stones in Altars from a specific place. i suggest you ask a Priest, Pastor, Preacher, or other religious icon if you did not believe or read the links provided.
  21. Reminds me of a blender I saw on TV the other night, i swear they blended concrete with it!
  22. I see, so it's was a Catholic thing, since I have never been in a Catholic church I know I never saw it in any of the Protestant Churches I've been in. Of course some of them might have one. On a side bar, doesn't Islam hold a certain stone as sacred? Often thought to be a meteorite? yup, here it is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Stone
  23. I think you would be hard pressed to keep humans from colonizing a planet with intelligent life much less microbes. If the first Mars probe had revealed a planet much like the Earth with complex life I think we would already have been there.
  24. First your post does indeed say the stone has to come from a specific place, Israel or Rome, your words. Second i know for a fact the alter in a local Church i go to contains no stone at all, i know i have been to several churches in my life that had no stone in their altars as well. Again, i say this is not true, all altars do not contain stone of any kind. I've seen many altars with no stone, i suggest you look. The altar in all Churches is not covered all the time. Nope they do not. I would have to say if the altar has a stone in it a stone quarry would be the source.
  25. Theoretical limit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_yield If I'm reading this correctly a 100 megaton warhead would weigh a little more than 16 tons. 300 lbs for a one megaton war head would be about right.
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