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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. First, a laser is not light from a cannon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser Do you have any idea how to spiral light? And how would this keep it from spreading out in transmission?
  2. I take them serious in a negative way.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_thruster
  4. I'd have to say no, even a laser spreads out tremendously over long distances.
  5. To me supernatural means being able to operate outside of or in spite of the natural laws of the universe no matter what they may be. A supernatural being can do anything, no conservation of energy laws, no speed limits no problem changing the past or the future, all knowing and all seeing, no limits what so ever!.
  6. I think the human body puts out about 100 watts in heat energy YodaP.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind http://www.astronomynow.com/news/n1003/15mars/
  8. Seriously, it needs a regulator, it is not designed to use full pressure from the cylinder, any gas grill regulator should work. Find an old gas grill and take the regulator from it, i see them in the trash all the time.
  9. Moontanman


    Yeah, don't press the ATR button
  10. I would have liked for him to answer his views on the age of the Earth and if he believes it is only a few thousand years old. While him answering a few questions was nice, if he really wanted to be fair he should come here for open debate, he wouldn't because he knows both his assertions and his methods of asserting them would fail the test of reality. He can easily assert his reality in a simple answering so many questions exercise as he has done here but his disingenuous nature was clear and his reasons for not being willing to openly debate his assertions is clear from his own answers to these questions.
  11. I think snakes are miracles, I mean really, how do they move? It looks like a miracle to me!
  12. Sadly religion is often used for that but if you think back so has economic systems, race, and even where you are from. So while religion is used for that it does not have a strangle hold on mans inhumanity to man for sure.
  13. Hey, John Brown was a relative of mine! Hero in some circles, yes I think we can celebrate those soldiers, the fought for what they believed in it's easy to stand back so far in the future and say how wrong they were but they had no way of really understanding what the future held.
  14. Any damn has an impact, I have a friend who lives in the mountains, he put a dam across a small creek that only flow a few months out of the year. He wanted a small pond but above the dam quickly filled up with sediment but it prevented small fishes called chubs from coming up stream to spawn, the ecology above the dam has changed drastically. with out the annul up stream spawning the population of various organisms changed. Worms and crustaceans now dominate water that used to be filled with small fishes but most importantly the water is now filled with the larvae of biting insects and crayfish that crawl out on land at night and eat the new shoots of plants, even in his garden. The new large population of crayfish has attracted raccoons and possums that also eat his chickens and destroy his property in other ways. He is going to have to to hire a dozer to come in and dig out his small dam to bring things back into balance. This is an extreme example that amazed even me but all changes have consequences, some are more obvious than others. But even small streams can be important for large organisms to spawn and if they are denied this they die out in that particular watershed. many runs of salmon have been destroyed by small dams even fish like sturgeon can be effected by a small dam. Dams cause methane release by allowing vegetation to rot in anoxic conditions. The links i provided explain this in detail. BTW, yes, the three gorges dam has pretty much clinched the extinction of the Chinese paddlefish by preventing them from have access to the entire river, stopping them from spawning in the head waters or traveling to the feeding grounds of the lower river. The Chinese paddle fish is an extremely good food fish and was historically presented to the emperor as tribute. But thanks to the three gorges dam it is gone forever, the largest freshwater fish on the planet, 23 feet of piscavore, gone, forever. Several other fish an alligator and a dolphin are also endangered by this one damn. This sort of thing has or is happening all over the world, here in North America we have destroyed many runs of fish and endangered many others by even small dams, out own sturgeon and paddle fish are also endangered by these dams. The environs around dams is also negatively impacted by dams, the links I provided explain it much better than I can.
  15. As would be a hollow core for any object large enough to be a sphere under it's own gravity. The atmosphere would not suddenly fly off into space, Gasses move at certain speeds at certain temps. If gravity is low enough the speeds can exceed the escape velocity but not all at once. Also solar winds slowly strip away atmospheric gasses, the lower the gravity the faster they strip away. If you could instantly give the moon an Earth like atmosphere it would take a long time to escape. Given enough time even the atmosphere of the Earth strips away, much slower than Mars because the Earth has a protective magnetic field but strip away it will many billions of years from now. Yes it is possible, I'm not sure how long it will take to fill a dome up with oxygen from plants but there are chemical processes that can be used as well in a small space like a dome.
  16. First, wrong movie, you are thinking of Total Recall. Second i don't think they asserted the entire planet was hollow but I would question just how big the hollow would be, probably no where big enough to cause the instability of the entire planet but since as far as I know there is no such reaction or substance as portrayed in the movie it is just science fiction after all. But to be precise , no a Mars sized planet with an ice core is unlikely if not impossible but a Mars sized and massed planet with a rocky crust and an ice core is impossible. No a hollow planet of Mars size and mass would not be stable. Lots of depends upons here but I'll say no, the planet would not be stable and any atmosphere created would be made up of what ever the ice was made of.
  17. Well ercdndrs you would be mistaken, dam methane emissions is the largest source of human generated methane gas and a huge amount of CO2. Dams disrupt the ecosystem and negatively impact a great many fish species, some of them commercially valuable but all valuable in their contribution to the diversity of the ecosystem. http://www.internationalrivers.org/en/node/383 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impacts_of_dams Many very large fish are impacted to the point of extinction, the Chinese paddlefish are now gone, the largest freshwater fish the world, many sturgeon species are going extinct due largely to dams, herring, shad, trout, salmon, the list of negatively impacted species is very long. http://www.internationalrivers.org/en/node/1545 http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~lpohara/Pol%20116/enviro.html Earthquakes can be triggered by dams. http://www.internationalrivers.org/en/node/3845 :doh:
  18. I agree, still a person and still the same person and i would do it.
  19. Ok yodaP do something GOD like, rearrange all the planets so we have more than one habital planet in the solar system, cool down Venus and make it Earth like, do something dude!
  20. Hydroelectric has lots of environmental problems, from release of greenhouse gasses to environmental disruption. Most environmentalists are looking to decrease our use of hydroelectric from damns.
  21. As long as your uranium doesn't have to come from the ground as ore there is plenty left. Future civilizations will mine our old nuclear waste depositories for new fuel. I think we should make this as easy as possible and store the stuff in places where it can be removed easily.
  22. So in Dave's universe gods are quite common? So is being able to create something God like behavior? Who created the computer technology in the first place? Who created Dave's universe?
  23. I think the idea of a benevolent God or at least mono theistic type god is quite modern. At one time God was plural, Gods, and many of them were quite evil or mischievous and even destroyers instead of creators. First for Dave to be a God he would have to be supernatural but to us mere computer programs he would indeed be supernatural so yes Dave is a God. he has total control over everything can resurrect the dead (old programs) change reality to suit his whims and would appear to be both capable of time travel changing both the future and past and super luminal Then again, what are the people who make his computer? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Do something supernatural and you have my vote.
  24. Yeah, toasty, you are correct one bomb will kill us all, no way to shield any one or anything, huge sheets of lead and concrete (or maybe 36 inches of soil) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout_shelter Or maybe we are already dead, we detonated many nukes in the atmosphere before the nuclear test ban treaty. Toasty, yes nukes are bad, no they should not be used but there is a difference between knowing the danger and running around stepping and fetching like your ass is on fire and your head is catching. Nukes are defined as weapons of mass destruction, they are all dangerous and under the correct conditions and numbers they could all pretty much end civilization as we know it. If you want to learn about the effects of nuclear weapons i suggest you do some research instead of listening to all the anti nuke crazies out there. Would a nuclear strike be bad for everyone? Yes, no doubt but even a limited war between small powers would not kill us all, it would be bad, no doubt the effects would hurt us all. But it would not be world ending, I spent all of my growing up years in horrible dread of nuclear war, it took me many years to find out the old wives tales of nukes and radiation have real world connections but that most of them are gross exaggerations of what would really happen. I think it's great the the US has decided not use nukes to automatically attack if we are attacked by WMD's. But your constant fear mongering of how world ending the use of any nuclear weapons would be is simply not true. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedToasty, i owe you an apology, this thread has gone so far off topic I'm not sure what it was we were supposed to be discussing. This thread is a huge pile of ifs, maybes, coulda, woulda and shoulda's. I find myself defending the indefensible, excusing the inexcusable. Which is more powerful among the WMD's is like deciding if being eaten alive by a shark or a killer whale is worse. personally i don't want to die either way. After exorcising my own demons i have to say that using a nuke, even in defense should not be an option. Nukes are terror weapons, the idea of nuclear power drives demons in people we never even know we have. But Nukes are not supernatural, the do have limits but the limits are quite large. Given the technology IMHO nerve gas is probably the biggest threat to the human race, Nukes would have to be second but for low tech scenarios bio-weapons have to be the stuff of nightmares than can come true. If I was in power and knew of a hardened bio-weapon facility that was being used offensively a ground penetrating type of bunker buster bomb might be justifiable if time was a factor but in all but the most extreme scenarios conventional weapons would be the only way to go. Nukes can be useful as MAD weapons but to actually use one is almost completely unthinkable. They are threats, as was already said in this thread like hand-grenades in an enclosed space. But bio-weapons are equally ridiculous as weapons as are chemical weapons, only the insane would use such weapons or the desperate and often the two are difficult to see a difference in. lets hope that the trends of the last couple of decades continue and that our children or their children do not have to have this discussion due to the idea of unreasonable people with ideologies than can turn the other side into a threat that has to be eliminated no matter what the risk. Lets hope that the numbers of all weapons of mass destruction continue to go down and eventually get to zero. IMHO the real weapon of mass destruction is unreasoning ideologies that that dehumanize anyone who disagrees and allows the slaughter of other humans simply because God or they are of a different social system or economic system says they can be killed. The true weapons of mass destruction are these dehumanizing ideologies and the people who follow them.
  25. we don't need large slabs of lead, not do we need to stay inside for years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fallout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout_shelter Fallout can be defended against, it does not kill everyone and it does not mean the end of everyone. a nuclear strike against one target or even several would not mean the end of the world. Fallout is limited, it decays, it does not cover everything everywhere with deadly level of radiation. You assertion about one 2 megaton explosion being equal to 100 20 megaton explosions is very misleading and is nothing but fear mongering!
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