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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Do you, like many people, put vinegar on your spinach? Could the effect of acid.
  2. Moontanman

    Star Trek

    The movie is full of inconsistencies, it not only doesn't follow Star Trek canon it's pseudoscience is totally inconsistent with the "real" star Trek universe, or even common sense, Red matter? Forms a black hole "after" you remove a tiny amount? The inside of the engineering area of the Enterprise looks like an abandoned 1960's chemical manufacturing plant. They show the Enterprise under construction on the ground! And the Enterprise has a window for a view screen. A FREAKIN' WINDOW! I wonder if it has windshield wipers. The writers should have taken some time to at least watch a few episodes of TNG or even TOS. A window? Really? A FREAKIN WINDOW? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged BS pangloss, the death star is so slow and awkward the enterprise would run rings around it and photon torpedo it to itsy bitsy pieces The empire doesn't even have subspace fields, how silly is that u-tube video, really? Just transport a photon torpedo into the death star and boom! no more death star, just like shooting klingons back home!
  3. Courtney, Issac Asimov postulated in one of his many real science books it was possible for a multicellular creature to metabolize hydrogen, in other words breath it and obtain energy from hydrogen in a way similar to the way we do oxygen. The creature would exhale methane for the same reason we exhale CO2. On the Earth there are microbes that directly metabolize hydrogen and give off methane. So if indeed life has evolved in the world wide ocean of water thought to exist on Uranus, it is theoretically possible they could have evolved into hydrogen breathers. In Asimov's view these creatures would also use molecules similar to what we see as saturated fats in the same way we use proteans and in a sun powered saturation unsaturation cycle.
  4. I keep trying to tell you guys that I will save the world! Absolutely guaranteed! If just .01% of the worlds population will just send me $10 (some of you might have to send more to make up for those who cannot) I, Moontanman, will not allow the world to come to an end in 2012, trust me
  5. From what I've seen the P&S section often has the threads that are the most fun! I have no problem having a thread in the P&S section but then again my ego seldom allows me to contradict reality.
  6. Uh, i have a question, if gravity is indeed the bending of space time are gravitons even needed ?
  7. The magnetic field does this, negative charges are pushed/pulled in one direction and positive in the other.
  8. I think it would more accurate to say you have been brought back from near death, death is final.
  9. I'd like to know what you mean by this, I've never heard of a corpse being brought back to life. I would think such a thing would have been in the news at least once.
  10. Is your mucus green or yellow tinged? This is sure sign of bacterial infection. Nasal drip can indeed cause a cough and a sinus infection can cause serious problems up to and including death if left untreated in extreme cases. If you are having problems seeing a doc may I suggest what I do when I have a sinus problem. I use a salt water vinegar solution to irrigate my sinuses. Take a pint of warm water add a teaspoon of vinegar and two teaspoons of salt, use something to squirt it up your nose, i use a baby aspirator, it will burn like hell but it will help clear up your sinuses after several days of doing it twice a day. use lots of it each time, fill your sinuses up with it, it does work.
  11. Post *3 by stereo is the key here, I live on the coast, I've seen the battle against shore line erosion most of my life. The shore is not stable, the beach moves as do the inlets and other structures. Trying to stop it in one place only makes it worse in others and eventually the place you stop it becomes separated from the whole and is washed away in a catastrophic storm. You can pump in more sand and that helps but things like groynes, jetties, and rock and concrete barriers only move the erosion and around and do not really help in the long term.
  12. Motorcycles do it for me, hill climbing, drag racing and just seeing how fast I can take a curve on a superbike is a thrill for me!
  13. Yes, the Earth's magnetic field exists, I think we can observe this in several ways. A compass come to mind. The precise reason? This confuses me, do you mean what makes the magnetic field? If so then it's electrical currents caused by the rotating inner and outer cores of the Earth. That seems to describe it pretty well but there are still questions. Why is there a magnetic field? The above reason of rotating inner and outer cores is how it's produced but there is no reason why beyond that I can think of.
  14. The diamond actually wears, it has less to do with how hard the Diamond is vs the Vinyl as it does about how much vinyl rubs the needle. After many miles of groves even a diamond will erode. There is no doubt the needle eroded many times it's weight in vinyl but ultimate the vinyl won. It's like water eroding rocks, lots and lots of water and a little bit of rock is eroded, over time the water wins. And yes the vinyl will eventually be worn out as well.
  15. ACM, why do you think that allowing teens to have access to birth control means putting your self on the street and having sex with every person you meet? Do you think people who have access to birth control loose their minds when they use birth control? BTW I checked into the whole giving out BC pills and it just doesn't happen, not even in college. birth control pills are by prescription only, you have to see a doctor and at least have a physical, they are not given out at random by a school nurse or anyone else.
  16. I would also have to acknowledge a AI as alive but not in the biological sense. Possibly intelligence is what many people think of as life but if an artificial intelligence is considered alive would not even the simplest robot have to be considered alive as well? As a bacterium is alive to us a simple computer controlled machine would appear alive to an AI? possibly the galaxy is being occupied by machine intelligence that knows not it's origin in biological life and ponders the connection. Possibly they know of us and are studying us to find out how they came into being? maybe that is why they do not contact us for fear of spoiling the data and ruining their chance to know their origins, then again maybe frogs wouldn't bust their ass when they jump if they had wings
  17. Truth be told if I had to bet I would bet that all life in the universe is based on water and carbon. there may be some extremely rare exceptions but all things being equal carbon and water have a big advantage. Having said that it's important to note that we only have one data point, for all we know the galaxy crawls with boron or silicon or silicone life, or nitrogen or phosphorus or something we have no idea of yet. Very small statistical fluctuations could, in some limited locality, bring about a solar system with huge amounts of boron or some other chemicals that are even more conductive to life than carbon and or water. That life might get along great without the things we think life has to have and maybe these other chemicals react in ways we are unaware of that makes life much easier with that chemical. Until we put some more data points on our curve we simply will not know. All we can do is speculate and use the life we know as a template.
  18. Antoher good FTL theory http://www.metaresearch.org/cosmology/gravity/LR.asp
  19. Higher pressure broadens the range that NH3 is liquid http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/A/ammonialife.html Boron based life might be more conducive to Ammonia as a solvent. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/B/boron-based_life.html
  20. Do you have any evidence to support that contention?
  21. Could these "deviant" behaviors be connected with the desire to "feel" something out of control and dangerous with out any real danger? Something like being scared by watching horror flick or being scared by riding a roller coaster or some other seemingly risky thrill ride where you get the thrill without the danger?
  22. Take your pick, I'm sure there's plenty for everyone! http://newswise.com/articles/view/543391/ http://www.slipstring.com/ http://www.mufon-ces.org/text/english/heimphysics.htm
  23. What? So I guess a tongue stud means nothing? Damn what a disappointment! Thanks INow.......
  24. Yeah, things were pretty bad back in the stone age, I'm 54 and I can still remember dinosaurs...... While medicine has progressed much in the last 50 years many of the things mentioned happened well before the 1950's. BTAIM medicine has progressed much in just the last 50 years but if you want to find a really bad time go back about 1000 years.
  25. Darkness must be pretty fast, it always gets there before the light!
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