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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I see no reason young people should be restricted from sex, it's unnatural not to have sex. The more you suppress the urge the more you want it, especially when you are young. While I doubt that Birth control pills are exactly being given out like M&Ms condoms should be given out and we need to cut the guilt trip associated with sex. Sex is fun sex is natural, and as long as you take precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy it's a good thing. It's our own religious and societal guilt trips we need to get past. Humans should stop trying to control others for reasons of simply arbitrary control. If nothing else young people should be taught to masturbate when sexual urges become very strong. Every one should be in control of their own sexual pleasure and desire from the beginning. Get past the goofy guilt trips and give people control of their sexuality! The worst thing about sex is how others guilt you when you get caught! At one time sex outside marriage(for women) was "the fate worse than death" How long will it take us to get the the point that we see no problem with anyone having sex when and with, when ever and with who ever they can talk into consenting to having sex with them. Humans should grow up in control of their own selves not worrying about what others think.
  2. On our planet it is obvious that water came first but to say that all life has to use water is simply conjecture and nothing more. Of course the idea that life could use another solvent is also conjecture, we simply do not know. We do know that other chemicals are better in some ways than water but not in others. I still contend the reason water seems so perfect for life is because on our planet life evolved in water, so life on earth is perfectly adjusted to H2O. Life on say Titan for instance might use a liquid hydrocarbon as a solvent. That life would look at that hydrocarbon as perfect for life and wonder how life could exist using anything else. Water may indeed be the only solvent of life but we have no reason to think so at this juncture.
  3. Yes but since we only know water how can we be sure which of those properties is essential for life and which one are properties life has adapted to?
  4. Since water is all we know and all life we know uses it I would expect life to adapt to all the qualities of water, some extremely well. If for example we lived on a planet where life developed in concentrated sulfuric acid we would no doubt think CSA was the most amazing fluid in the universe and expound on it's magical qualities!
  5. There is nothing we know of that doesn't need water to live. Life on Earth is dissolved in water and only works in water, the apparent perfection of water can be seen a essential for life or that life just happened to use water on the Earth because it was the most available solvent and adapted to it. There are other possibilities but so far they are just speculations.
  6. Moontanman

    A New Theory

    Well let's hear it, no time like the present!
  7. Works for me, have at it!
  8. I think thats the idea behind the "disrupter" on Star Trek, a beam of anti protons disrupts matter into it's constituent parts. Looks to me like a beam of positrons would do just as good.
  9. So should we tell him about mirror matter? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter
  10. I think that wild horses are much more genetically diverse than humans as well. Wild horses (not the kind in cowboy movies) that haven't been inbred to get the different characteristics we see in domesticated horses do not show the white and black spots and other variations we see in domestic horses.
  11. you guys are cold
  12. No the Earths atmosphere keeps us alive, the magnetisphere helps keep tghe atmosphere from being sputtered away into space over the long term but not much more than that. You are the one who said it was extreme. You should proviode links or some sort of evidence to support it I did. No the capsule and their suits were far to thin to help them avoid radiation in space, as a matter of fact a solar storm almost caught one of the crews, if it had they would have died, slowly, of radiation sickness. See these links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Atmospheric_electromagnetic_opacity.svg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind the main and real danger is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronal_mass_ejection The atmosphere provides real protection from both solar and cosmic ray particles, the magnetic feild proveds more and is important but the solar with is not capable of burning the surface of the earth as long as we have an atmosphere. It would cause us problems but it wouldn't kill us immediatly in any less than millions of years and most of that would be due to loss of atmosphere.
  13. I'm pretty sure their is no gamma ray laser but possibly the flash could be used to pump a gamma ray laser, I'm not sure what material would be used to replace the ruby or other crystal that was used in the first light lasers, Possibly beryllium?
  14. Oh yes it does indeed do that. The Earth magnetic field is not all that strong, it's quite weak and easy for the solar wind to disrupt but the energy contained in the solar wind is not "extreme" as i said the Apollo astronauts spent several days out side the earths magnetic field and were not harmed. You have an exaggerated idea of the energy levels involved. I suggest a few google searches will help clear up this misunderstanding.
  15. birds do navigate by the earths magnetic field, a one second disruption would be meaningless. No it wouldn't, the suns plasma ejection isn't that strong, as i said you could be exposed to it directly for one second with no mag field or atmosphere and not even notice and have no ill effects. The sun's plasma output is continuous but it does get much worse during a mass plasma ejection but even that wouldn't kill you in one second. Under normal circumstances it wouldn't bother you at all, Apollo Astronauts were exposed to the suns radiation for the length of their journey but they weren't killed or harmed. Do you have any evidence the Earth would absorb a fantastic amount of energy? The mass of our atmosphere protects us from particle radiation the same way several inches of lead would, its the mass of the atoms in the air. Our atmosphere only allows a narrow window of the suns radiation to penetrate. The worst that could happen if the field was down long term would atmosphere erosion, eventually after many millions of year it would get critical, but no there would be no instant or extreme effects. It's a certainty that you don't
  16. They do attract and when they come together they annihilate each other in a flash of gamma rays and other particles. I kilo of anti-matter and one kilo of matter if brought together would cause nearly a 50 megaton explosion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedTo be completely honest there is a school of thought that says neutral anti atoms would repel atoms through gravitational repulsion but this isn't exactly what most think but it has never actually been shown one way or the other.
  17. Seeing the two together like that gives me an idea, if you directed two beams, one electrons and one positrons and made them intersect you would get a beam or at least a flash of gamma rays, right? weapon?
  18. Actually I doubt even that would happen if was for one second, you could be exposed to the vacuum of space out side the earths magnetic field during a extreme plasma ejection for one second with no bad effects, the vacuum would the worst of it. It's not like the suns plasma wind is a blow torch and we are protected by a thick atmosphere that is the equivalent of several inches of lead at least. The worst that could happen if the field was down long term would atmosphere erosion, eventually after many millions of year it would get critical, but no there would be no instant or extreme effects.
  19. Then the answer is as post #8 said, nothing would happen other than compasses and birds losing their way!
  20. North, see post #8 dude there would not be an effect, even if it shut down for a long period of time it would be like living at the poles at worst.
  21. My mistake, I misread the meaning of the word, anti proton is what I meant. Kind of a sloppy word, should have neater name, No one says anti electron, they say positron. should be a name for anti proton too.....
  22. No I mean negatrons, a negatron is an anti-matter protron>
  23. Now if they could just make negatrons at this rate we might have something going!
  24. Did your honey bees die? My yard is full of them and an in-law of mine has many hives and sells lots of honey and says his bees are fine.
  25. Mooeypoo, seriously, who has said it is harmless? which post?
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