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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Imagine the lake is full of dissolved silanes and silanes with hydrocarbons bonded to the silicon chains, at out temperatures such molecules would break up immediately but at the temps of titan they would be just stable enough to exist and build up over time, could life be in this lake?
  2. I'll do it for $10 but ten thousand people need to send me the $10 each. If there's not any more interest than that then let it come, global warming should really be going good by then and a nuclear type winter might do us some good......
  3. If you think about it enough you can come up with a theoretical way to do almost anything, it's actual practice that is difficult. If you wanted to "ignite" Jupiter and could do anything but needed to keep it close to the same mass then drop in a large ball of neutronium, maybe a ball of neutronium a few meters in diameter should be enough to start fusion at the surface of the sphere once it's at the core of Jupiter (maybe not, it might take a lot more but the principle should work) of course this would make Jupiter more massive. In the book/movie 2001 a Space Odyssey part of the mass of Jupiter was turned into neutronium or something similar to ignite fusion at it's core. It probably wouldn't support fusion for more than a few million years but it would shine for a while.
  4. Well since the pot is being stirred very hard already I will have to add something to the mix, Mirror Matter could be a small part of what we thing of as the missing mass. It would in all probability be about equal to the mass of regular matter in the universe. currently the percentages are around these figures 73% Dark Energy 23% Dark Matter 3.6% Intergalactic gas 0.4% Stars, Planets, ect..... Mirror matter could change this to 7.2% Intergalactic gas 0.8% Stars, planets, ect.... 19% Dark Matter 73% Dark Energy Not much of a change but it would preserve mirror symmetry in matter.
  5. Damn, I think my brain just boiled, and I thought aneutronic fusion was pie in the sky
  6. Did you not read my post or are you just being obtuse? I didn't say our ancestors were cave men 10,000 years ago, i said people ten to think our ancestors were stupid and living under rock over hangs. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you want cave men go back a few more tens of thousands of years..... Now that's the smartest thing I've heard so far
  7. Hold a magnet near a AC transformer, you can feel the magnet vibrate.
  8. People tend to think of our ancestors as dumb naked people living on the edge of rock over hangs eating raw meat and picking their noses for fun. Ancient people were very bit as smart as we are and in some ways maybe even smarter. They might not have had the great technology we do but they had their brains and they used them, probably much more than we do. When you have huge population of people willing to do almost anything for the people in power almost anything is achievable. Roll blocks of stone up dirt ramps that are later removed, build a pyramid, similar techniques can be used to build large objects, even huge stones apparently suspended in impossible places. Given time and labor I wouldn't fault them for anything.
  9. Yes there are organisms that use hydrogen to combine with carbon to make hydrocarbons and I still don't see your point. Just because we don't have an example of life with out water doesn't make water special or even necessary to any life but our own and that is easily explained by life evolving in water. Of course water has had an effect on life, if the solvent was HF it too would have an effect on the evolution of life. I'm not trying to be obtuse i just don't see the point of pointing out the painfully obvious.
  10. True, dark matter doesn't clump but if there is Mirror matter in the universe it should be an amount equal to the amount of matter. this would mean that most of the matter in the Universe would still be something we still do not know. I can't remember off hand what the actual percentage is but if matter comprises 5% of the universe then mirror matter should also make up 5% of the universe. Which would of course be 10% leaving the rest to dark matter and dark energy.
  11. Exactly! That is where we get the idea of Dark Matter, there is plenty of evidence of mass we cannot see, hence the question could at least some of it be Mirror Matter?
  12. One of the more interesting things about Mirror matter (if it's real) is there would be not only mirror matter but also mirror anti-matter. Depending on how strong the interaction between matter and mirror matter is, a container of mirror matter could contain antimatter or conversely a container of matter could contain mirror matter and another could contain mirror anti-matter. These two matter containers full of mirror matter and mirror anti-matter could be used to power a space craft, depending of course on how strong the interaction between matter and mirror matter proves to be. More than likely any interaction between the two will be too weak to use in this manner but interaction between the two types of matter could be used in various ways depending of course on how strong this interaction really is. If mirror matter exists it would at least be as abundant as matter in the universe. Which could mean mirror matter planets, stars and even galaxies.
  13. I found this link it should explain mirror matter better then I can but it's mirror reflection symmetry that is violated with out mirror matter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter
  14. Mirror matter is matter that would be needed to restore parity symmetry as a fundamental symmetry of nature.
  15. Could mirror matter comprise a significant quantity of the missing mass in the universe and how would we go about detecting it?
  16. Actually it's the core of the Earth is more or less the same temp as the surface of the sun. I saw that show too. opps sorry for the cross post janus
  17. No shit sherlock, where did you park your squad car? That is exactly what I have been saying, water appears to be so perfect to us because we evolved to fit water, if some other solvent had been used we would be sitting around thinking how perfect it was. If in some distant reach of the universe there is a planet with molten silicate as it's oceans and metal vapor as it's atmosphere and it has life they will think molten silicate is the perfect solvent.
  18. I didn't quote blue book to make anything look credible, It was said the sighting was made up by Ufologists. I pointed this particular sighting was not made up in this manner. Blue book is widely know for simply wanting to debunk and cover up. No effort was given to really investigating anything. the scientist hired by blue book to investigate eventually became critical of Blue Book due to Blue Books actions. Don't put words in my mouth, I am not a "true believer" but I do call a spade a spade, Blue Book was a farce, used to only try to down play all reports, even the ones that were inexplicable. This pattern became worse as the project went on. The sighting I mentioned was explained away in a manner that was insulting to everyone involved, it may very well have nothing but a shared hallucination of military ground personnel, air traffic controllers, military pilots and civilian pilots. I have no idea what it was but it could not have been what the "official " explanation was. This pattern of obfuscation was wide spread in Operation Blue Book and only served to put an air of suspicion on all explanations even the ones that were obvious. http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc296.htm An earlier investigation came to an unusual conclusion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sign
  19. Yes I have read the report and it was reported as a gigantic object but the people at blue book assumed the B-52 pilots and the commercial airline pilots were mistaken, also Venus was not visible at the time of the sighting. Blue book is famous for making stupid claims like the object was a comet, that made less sense than the sighing it's self.
  20. While there is much in the way of theoretical reasons to expect antimatter to be attracted by gravity and to matter I was wrong, no actual experiment has been done with neutral antimatter as yet to show it's reaction to matter. I apologize and with drawl my post. Having said that, if antimatter could somehow warp space in a way that would repel matter it would violate several laws we now hold dear but this shouldn't reason to assume anything. again I apologize for making an assumption based on assumptions.
  21. It has been demonstrated that antimatter reacts with gravity the same way matter does. No antimatter gravity and anti matter doesn't repel matter
  22. The report i told about is not a report made up by a ufologist, it was part of project blue book. Everyone needs to understand that yes most UFOs are indeed misidentified normal objects and made up BS but some, a very small core group, are not only quite detailed but not made up or in some way suspected of being a hoax, they are truly inexplicable with an embarrassment of information. If only one is true, even if the one has has promoted and or has been covered up by hoaxes and misidentifieds, this one is of profound significance. Focusing on the ones we know are false and rehashing them over and over again to prove the rest are false as well is not good science.
  23. Ok, I'm going to be the devils advocate here. First I would like to say that it totally disingenuous to say that all UFO reports are from wild eyed crazies or that all UFOs are just lights in the sky. One of my favorite sightings was seem close to the ground, in the air, seen on radar, ground and airborne, the air radar was from a nuclear armed B-52 that was diverted from it's flight plan by ground radar operators to investigating the sighting. Radar returns were not only seen from the B-52 but a gigantic structured craft was also seen from both the B-52 and a commercial craft. the UFO was first seen over a nuclear missile complex by ground observers. This was very complex sighting by many well qualified people some of which were qualified to carry nuclear weapons. the UFO was observed for many minutes and never explained except that blue book concluded it was the planet Venus. At one point early in the sighting it was seen hovering close to the ground and then took off at a high rate of speed not to mention seen on radar and by the eyes of pilots as a structured craft, Venus seems to be a little less than credible. Ok, this is just one of many such sightings. I am very skeptical but that doesn't mean I take the track of most skeptics and only discuss easily dismissed sightings. One of my favorite explanations often given by skeptics is the comet explanation. The observer sees a bright light in the sky that moves slowly over head and then disappears. it's in sight for several minutes and is close enough to be seen as a ball and not a point source of light. the explanation is a comet or meteor. Does anyone else see the problem with this knee jerk reaction? Bob Lazar who may or may not be a total BS artist, said that not only did he see saucer shaped alien craft at area 51 he also read a description of the aliens that said they had bred us back the beginning of our humanity from more primitive but human shaped hominids to be workers for the aliens who later set us free to take over the planet. BS probably but it's another bizarre story that might give us some perspective on the possibilities or at least the BS. I would like to add that i agree, photos are a catch 22, good photos are automatically fake and bad ones are just not evidence. In this day and age of photo shop all photos and films are suspect. there was a film going around on the Internet a year or so ago that looked so real you would expect to see alien troops landing at any time but of course it was a total fake.
  24. Pioneer, what is your point? Can you really claim any of these things you list as unique properties of water are things absolutely required by life? I don't think so, I think you simply want to win this argument and water is your God. I see absolutely no reason to lay claim to water as the unique basis for all life or even most life. Lots of fluids could work even better, hydrocarbons, ammonia, HF, the list is large and the universe is larger.
  25. Pioneer, how do you know that only water can do the amazing things you say? You are still only working from one data point. For all we know hydrocarbons might be the fluid of choice in 99.999999999999% of all life in the universe and we are just an anomaly. Our life has managed to use water in amazing ways for sure but we have no data to support water as being either an absolute necessity for life or even the preferred fluid for life.
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