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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I see where you are coming from, evidently my ideas about gold were misplaced but the lack of Purple Au/Al seems to be a but odd, we do have rose gold, white gold, red gold, blue gold, green gold, and a few intermediate and none of them including purple gold use any more gold than the others in fact purple gold is 18k... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colored_gold
  2. Any chance nobody makes motor windings from gold has to do with gold being too expensive to use in most such applications including the Au/Al alloy?
  3. Check that 6 string Bass! My aquarium
  4. https://geology.com/minerals/gold/uses-of-gold.shtml
  5. Your problem with me is irrelevant, your problem is that you keep making assertions you cannot provide evidence for while ignoring things about this that disagree with your conclusion. The idea that biological beings couldn't survive the supposed maneuvers is meaningless, ever hear of drones?
  6. I saw your picture, I also saw the videos, what you portrayed could be anything and there is more than one video. Don't pain me as the bad guy here, everything surrounding this is either stone cold superior technology or complete BS. I tend towards technology and I think it's ours but to push one possible ide as though it has to be true does nothing but make us look like debunkers instead of investigators. Doesn't get caught up in the us and them part of this. It's not either UFO nuts or government shills. There is a phenomena, often inexplicable, it might be totally explainable or it might be totally aliens, I doubt either solution is likely... BTW, stop saying you have given evidence, all you have given is your opinion, nothing more... Maybe messing with us is their version of the world series...
  7. As I have said before this was not a case of one single object...
  8. At no point in this thread have i said this "tic tack" was an alien space craft, the Navy's own explanation supersedes yours, I have no idea if an alien spacecraft has legs or tentacles and neither do you. You are pushing what is called in UFO circles "pelicanism" It means when an explanation is pushed beyond all bounds no matter how silly it is. "pelicans fly much like some UFOs and have been suggested as an an explanation even though they were traveling at 1200 mph +" I don't see legs in the video, I honestly figured it was some sort of drone injected into the exercise by the Navy. Now the Navy says no to that. The video is not the only part of that sighting and is in fact footage from later that day after two other jets had tried to intercept them. Them is the proper pronoun as several were seen on the ships radar. Now I don't know what they were but one thing is for sure I see no reason to try and push a ridiculous explanation for anything, even UFOs... You seem to be saying that one sighting that is explained, by you at least, negates all others. No one here would rather find out there are aliens space craft operating in our atmosphere and apart from a handful of really extraordinary events the evidence is almost completely null. You might want to watch this for a larger perspective... https://youtu.be/K-FsylX3NgE
  9. considering all the testimony and the fact the "tic tacs" were picked up on multiple rader, seen by multiple pilots and the radar of an aegis class ship and seen over the course of several days and assumed at first to be radar clutter and the radars were adjusted several times but the "Tic tacs" only became clearer and seen more often your explanation is "ridiculous" Doesn't make it an alien spacecraft but even the navy has admitted it was something real in the airspace that day and unexplained and several others have been seen now btw... BTW it was officially a UAP, not a UFO...
  10. He is the Antichrist, he cannot be defeated... Hmmm, nothing happened, no fire from the sky to destroy the one person who knows... maybe he isn't...
  11. The idea has been bandied about a bit. The monolith has it's supporters.
  12. Yes, that is one of their advantages, you can build a base there and study Mars up close with out contaminating it. The gravity is so low you could easily use mag-lev to launch probes and they could return material for study. Besides everyone knows at least one of them is a alien spacecraft... not really but they do have material that could be used for various purposes without actually landing on Mars...
  13. If we do go to Mars should we actually land on Mars or land on it's moons first? Does landing on the Martian moons first have any advantages?
  14. Gold wires in electronics come to mind, gold wires in electric motors, gold is a very good conductor of electricity and doesn't corrode...
  15. Gold or to be precise, it's value is inflated by it's use as currency. The addition of many times the gold we currently have would drop the price of gold but the boon to manufacturing where gold would be used if it weren't so expensive would create whole new markets for the metal. The idea of simply holding onto bullion is so Medieval in it's concept sweeping that away and using gold for a manufacturing resource would make sense as does using petroleum as feed stock instead of fuel. The price would drop but the things we could hake from it would make out lives better in the long term...
  16. One thing to remember, if someone suggests that humans didn't evolve on Earth but go one to suggest we interbred with a species, ie Neanderthals, that did evolve here then you can be sure who ever is suggesting this has no idea what they are talking about!
  17. He's come undun He didn't know what he was headed for And when He found what he was headed for It was too late! He's come undun He found a mountain that was far too high And when he found out he couldn't fly It was too late It's too late He's gone too far He's lost the sun He's come undun We wanted truth but all we got was lies Came the time to realize And it was too late He's come undun He didn't know what he was headed for And when we found what he was headed for PUTUS, it was too late It's too late He's gone too far He's lost the sun He's come undun Too many mountains, and not enough stairs to climb Too many churches and not enough truth was found Too many people with enough eyes to see Too many lives to end and not enough time dig It's too late He's gone…
  18. Sorry about the moose berries, that was an oopsie!
  19. Another one in Sacramento!
  20. I was wondering if the cube square law would screw up a full sized version but even as a small drone it is still impressive. Have you seen those coordinated drone shows they put on it china recently? They were beautiful but when you thought of them in a military way they were ominous...
  21. I honestly didn't mean for this to be compared to a UFO, since this is identified, and I know the title said Flying Saucer but this is about as close to a actual flying "Saucer" I have ever seen. The flying ability was what really caught my eye, I've seen lots of round flying machines but they never performed anything close to this! The US Air Force tried to develop a saucer shaped craft and failed miserably. A bit more development and this would a fiercely dangerous flying machine eve if it was a drone. Hard to shoot down something that can move like that. The wind tunnel tests were impressive to me but I didn't really know any better... Now having said that I have noticed it does seem to tend to move like flying saucers have been said to move in a falling leaf like motion when descending. Just a coincidence I am sure but still wild. If a real full size version of this was developed I think it would give modern fighter jets a run for their money... Ohyeah, did you notice the internal rotating part that serves as a gyroscope to stabilize it? I have been told a hundred times that not matter what spin seems to do for a frisbee it wouldn't have that effect on a flaying disc... I'm surprised it didn't have counter rotating parts...
  22. I've read some of his stuff, he is a hack, but the flying frisbee seems to represent a scary possibility... Or even a couple of them...
  23. The engineering that goes into this aircraft is amazing! I've never seen anything fly like this other than a frisbee!
  24. I have had several papers sent to me as evidence of the supernatural and I find myself outclassed by the concepts to a great degree and would like to ask if anyone else can understand what is being claimed and if these are exampled of peer reviewed papers? http://www.esalq.usp.br/lepse/imgs/conteudo_thumb/Consciousness-and-the-double-slit-interference-pattern-Six-experiments.pdf? https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01891/full?fbclid=IwAR37jC_1Y0NwdtYu2HcLwtHFebdZbbGEWcnWdaC0c7KiW74lje7_vZIACv4 https://journals.aps.org/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.85.471?fbclid=IwAR3xEL1sQc97SBNqFPaHYphZayZ7oMEiNisu53alhgYE2DBpGqGR_PXlfQA https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40509-019-00209-2?fbclid=IwAR0td3PLVpo_cOkBUvaXstwnxy3cghhTitTFTiUaI8OhNBUeUHiOpXaBzw8 I'm not sure if I'm being dazzled by brilliance or baffled by bullshit...
  25. Agreed... but changing the environment to suit us and introducing exotic species is kind like what we (humans) do and have been doing for tens of thousands of years. My suggestion was bit tongue in cheek and maybe I should have made that clearer. But it is what we, as a species do... I have given this idea of why the oceans is not more widely covered by seaweed, this conundrum does have a logical solution. Mangroves are an example that can be compared. Mangroves surround the coast in vast areas of the tropics but they do not cover every coast, the reason is similar to why sargassum doesn't cover the entire or most oceans. Mangroves are temperature dependant, they cannot live where it freezes or the temps go below a certain tolerance, I'm not sure what that is, also mangroves grow best where they can catch and hold onto mud or sediment as it flows off the land, nutrients, also wind and waves also limit mangroves, on shores with high wave action is a regular thing mangroves tend not to grow. I can imagine in the future mangroves evolving to float out on the ocean and form huge islands of interlocking roots with the leaves and trunks above the water in warm ocean gyres but this is just fantasy... Sargassum is, as far as I know, kind of unique, it occurs only in one small area of one ocean. While currents do confine it to this area it does escape and is found all long the east coast washed up on shore after storms. I've seen it a couple feet deep in some areas on the beach, it has been used and mulch and fertilizer in past times. It does escape the "sargasso sea" but it either is immediately washed up on share by wave action or taken into cool or cold water where it cannot grow. A very similar if not identical "seaweed" I use that term because seaweeds are not vascular plants and are in fact members of the protist group if I am not mistaken. Be that as it may, a very similar but sessel version of this seaweed grows on rocky shores in the are as well and it is quite possible that the sargasso sea is the result of pieces being torn off that float away and are corralled by ocean currents in the area. I think the question of why it does cover more ocean, and it does get quite thick and widespread in some large areas on the sea surface, is significant. I think it's a unique to the area it's found in and if introduced to other gyres in other warm oceans it might take hold and one has to wonder why something similar hasn't evolved in other oceans and the answer might be that sargasso has evolved relatively recently from a brown seaweed that is normally attached to rocks in the immediate area and is often torn off by storms and some populations of this "plant" has managed to survive in the open ocean when contained in warm water by oceanic currents. The suspect does indeed grow in the surrounding area attached to rocks and has already evolved gas sacks to make it buoyant where it grows on rocks. I'm not sure if the oceanic version is genetically different from the form that grows on rocks but I suspect from personal observations that it is not...
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