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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I am pretty sure I didn't suggest that. These sightings have man made written all over them, the more you look into it the less unidentified they look... Good point, maybe even a blind pig finds the occasional acorn...
  2. BTW, UFOs have always been real, Unidentified doesn't mean not real, it means unidentified. I think the visual sightings made by two other pilots hours before the ones in 2004 along with radar contact are a lot more interesting than the radar plots with no visuals..
  3. Michio Kaku posted a video recently that made a pretty good case the things the Navy is reporting are highly maneuverable hypersonic drones being developed by the US and Russia...
  4. At what point does flying become swimming in air as the density increases? A drone flying through air that was as dense as water not still be flight? You are simply being pedantic, what is a bird that flies in air doing when it uses the same wings and motions to move underwater? Both air and water are fluids, if air was dense enough a shark shaped being could swim through it... Both birds and manta rays use the same principles to move through their perspective fluids... If a manta ray was light enough it could move from water to air with the same motions in each.
  5. The other sea birds I mentioned do both and with the same wing movements...
  6. You are so very wrong, some sea birds do indeed fly underwater, penguins for one and even sea birds that fly in air use their wings the very same way under water. I've actually seen this personally while scuba diving but it's shown on many nature shaws as well.
  7. I guess birds do not fly either, they swim through the air with wings?
  8. Both air and water can be thought of as fluids, manta rays wing allow them to fly through water but air is not supportive enough to allow sharks to swim through it. Manta rays and other free swimming rays evolved from flat blotten dwelling rays and evolution seldom results in new structures but it does act on old ones... A Manta ray can fly through the water very fast as can other free swimming rays. The shape of a Manta ray is quite aerodynamic, see delta wing jets...
  9. Technological machines like trucks do not reproduce with variation. They do not descend from anything... You face it, the idea that life forms are machines is just an analogy and like all analogies it breaks down if you take it too far... The first life forms are gone, we have no examples of them, protists are not comparable to the first life forms. Protists are vastly more complex than bacteria and bacteria are extremely complex as well. I'm going to risk a neg vote here and post this for you. Watch it and get back to me when you have a minimal clue about how evolution and abiogenesis works.. #3 is the one about abiogenesis: I would like for you to show evolution is a mathematical impossibility, in fact recent calculations indicate that life is an inevitable result of the laws of physics. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-new-physics-theory-of-life/
  10. Neither but both do at some point have a common ancestor, probably back in the triassic or jurassic
  11. Dynomite! I'm sure a way would be found if we could get there! Hydrocarbons like methane would be very valuable in making habitats of large size. Use them to make graphene... But the 5 mile long and 1 mile thick ones could be made of metals for sure...
  12. I have to agree, no one has an ego that large that isn't in politics...
  13. Does anyone on here know anything about riding lawn mowers? I have a craftsman Lt1000. last time I mowed the blades wouldn't disengage and the lever went loose. Now it will not even turn over as though the blades were still engaged and I can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas out there?

    1. zapatos


      I once had a pack rat chew through the wires that monitored whether or not someone was sitting on the seat. Since there was no signal that I was indeed on the seat, the lawnmower would not start as part of that standard safety feature. Fixed the wire and all was good with the world.

    2. Moontanman


      I will put that on my list, shade tree mechanicing lawn mowers is not fun.


  14. No her reasoning was that suffering was a beautiful gift to god... No reason for science to make religion go away but it should stop intelligent people from thinking that belief in god helps them in anyway in the real world..
  15. Michio Kaku made a video recently that was very interesting on this issue. He made a pretty good case that this is hypersonic technology being tested by the military. Doesn't explain all of it but he made a pretty good case...
  16. For me "Faith" is the key word, once you accept faith as meaningful you can believe anything on faith. You can have faith that magic invisible pixies run the universe, no one can prove you wrong once magic is invoked. Faith is the worst possible reason to believe something. I am an apistevist, I base my beliefs around reasonable expectations based on past experience and factual evidence. There might be a god or gods or goddesses but so far no actual evidence for them exists...
  17. I'd be up for colonizing the solar system for the next few thousand years. Space habitats, once we have fusion, could be made from the oort cloud to orbit around the clouds of Venus. Millions of Earth's in square miles of habitat easily obtainable. Just the trojan asteroids of Jupiter could be made into millions of rotating habitats. Assuming we master things like graphene the habitats could be made quite large. Like rolling up a valley on Earth by the millions...
  18. Hell we should throw an international party and travel around from place to place partying! Fusion torch rocket engines! WOW! You could literally colonise the entire galaxy and ignore planets completely...
  19. Controlled fusion would be a game changer for sure..
  20. Doesn't work like that, the pH rises or falls as a whole or very nearly so, it's not separated out into drops and as the pH falls the ability of sea life to "bicarbonate" drops. Actually it's worse than that sea life is quite capable to using bicarbonates faster than they are available in closed areas resulting in extreme pH swings. The bicarbonates are a very tiny part of the ocean but immensely important. Calcium, and to a lesser extent magnesium, are what carbonates are made of and the process of forming carbonates can run either direction. Sequestering CO2 in carbonates is not permanent and depends on the pH staying high. Lower the pH and CO2 can be released back into the water and or atmosphere... And stop calling me shirley...
  21. Before you do anything for my benefit please make sure you buy a few clues... Not if the oceans become acidic, that is the point of much of this. The lower the pH the more difficult it is for life to use bicarbonates in organic processes. Only in your mind...
  22. You do realise that those fishes are a major source of food on this planet for humans.. right? You do realise that if the ocean does drop significantly in it's pH it will not be able to absorb CO2 and will eventually become a source of CO2... right? You do realise that dropping the pH of the oceans would result in the proliferation of dangerous and highly poisonous microbes that release, among other things nerve toxins into the water and into the air... right? So you want to play god with the earth's ecosystem by killing the oceans?
  23. Se we destroy the oceans ability to host complex life?
  24. Exactly where does that say anything about NaCl? The buffering ability of the oceans is limited and the fact that atmospheric levels of CO2 are already lowering the seas ability to buffer is troubling to say the least. Why would you want to make that worse?
  25. Releasing CO2 into the sea is probably the worst thing you could do with it, CO2 levels are on the rise in the oceans already, the sea naturally removes CO2 from the air, and acidification is a problem already. At some point the pH will fall below 7 and the sea will suddenly become a huge source of CO2, that really needs to be avoided at all costs. ( I can't believe I allowed myself to dragged into this idiocy)
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