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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Where have I presented my opinion as truth? Please point it out and I will either prove you wrong or delete it..
  2. Said the man who has done little but obfuscate the issue at every turn...
  3. In the religious section of the site.. but since you seem to be having trouble understanding that here is this. Faith is something that only religion and bad used car salesmen need you to have...
  4. I call em like I see em, so far you have ignored every possible attempt to guide you back on subject, your attack on my personal life is out of bounds and you know it...
  5. What point? That your argument indicates you are an asshole? yes it proves that point quite well...
  6. Not as long as Dim can make up his own definitions... Yes I gave a down vote for making assumptions about me you have no right or clue to say... Faith is not a path to knowledge and it is no better than thinking lady luck is gonna make you win the lotto... Again your context is meaningless, this thread is about religious faith, please stop trying to derail the thread...
  7. My atheism led me to be an apistevist... I never suggested they are exclusive...
  8. I have no faith in the future that is not simply extrapolating from past experiences. Again why does this matter in this thread? This thread is about religious faith and I lack faith, I am a skeptic but mostly I am an apistevist, I lack faith, I require evidence before I trust or believe.
  9. Well mainly because this thread is about faith in the religious sense..
  10. TOE might be undiscovered for many reasons but what does any of this have to do with religious faith?
  11. I think you need to justify that, a baseless assertion is meaningless...
  12. Again redefine words to fit your own needs,
  13. I doubt the deep and absolute part...
  14. Please stop redefining words to fit your own needs. You might have reasonable expectations of the future based on past events but that is not faith...
  15. You are conflating trust and faith, as usual you continue to obfuscate the issue... There is no firm and trusted belief that has no evidence by definition. If you have firm and trusted evidence you do not need belief... No, trust is based on past successes.
  16. Being gullible... Then faith doesn't figure into it, faith is not allowed in science... no not even faith in the scientific method, the method is tested regularly, faith by definition cannot be tested and is not a path to knowledge...
  17. Much like you are a victim of your lack of knowledge? Of possibly your need to convince others of knowledge you do not have?
  18. I see where you are trying to twist my words to your own benefit. I know I'll catch some criticism for this but you are a troll, when you can't convince someone with a honest argument you turn to deception, obfuscation, and ignorance. I see no reason to engage with you any further on this forum much less this thread.
  19. I have suggested nothing else. The law! Yep...
  20. How is that relevant? Do I have to wait until the killer is slicing me up before I show any concern? I suggest arresting people who commit crimes, nothing more... None of this has anything to do with faith, you are doing nothing but trolling, either stop being so dishonest or I will block you...
  21. Yeah, stop worrying about mass killings by broken people... that's the ticket... A victim can be passively victimized or a victim can make sure there are more victims via victimizing others. If you are broken and kill people because of it then you cannot be allowed to circulate in the general population. It's not fair to the people you might harm. Much like flying an airplane with a heart condition is illegale...
  22. The analogy has broken down unless you think that everyone should carry protection against those stray shards. But ultimately yes you can clean up every shard, bring in a backhoe and you can get every piece but the problem is how do you fix broken people? Some are not fixable so they have to be separated from the general population.
  23. Yes they are broken but much like a bottle broken in the path people walk on the danger has to be removed. Simply acknowledging the bottle is broken is not enough...
  24. Some seem to break easier than others but my sympathy is generally limited to the victims of broken people. The people who are broken are often very good at garnering sympathy while they plan their next move... I was abused severely as a child, it made me come close to being pathologically empathic.
  25. I'm going to be honest, I have no idea how people are radicalized, why anyone would kill helpless people, the entire mindset is simply not in my list of understandable things. I would have to at least suggest something was broken inside his brain or the brain of anyone who would kill helpless people...
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