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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Just messing with you, they are one of my fav aquarium fish, you can use a detector to "hear" their communications and geolocation. I've also observed altruistic behavior as well... They are also interested in magnets but hate knifefish which do the same things but with much more fish like brains... I think tool use is a bit more useful in estimating intelligence as we know it..
  2. The only thing good about fox news is pretty women wearing short dresses crossing and uncrossing their legs. Fortunately youtube is riffled with pervs who record it in slow motion and freeze frame and show "it" over and over... Of course I wouldn't watch such stuff, do you have Netflix? Binge watch Star Trek or one of the Netflix original series or shows from the UK or Canadian tv I would suggest Lost Girl but I wouldn't want to be accused of being Canadian.... Best of all no COMMERCIALS!
  3. New short short story on my blog... 

  4. Let's assume a planet bigger than earth but somewhat less dense, more SiO2 that earth for sure but big enough to drive plate tectonics for several billion years... The ocean are deep but not deep enough to allow for the formation of pressure ice at the bottom of the ocean...
  5. I think that deep down they know what they are asserting as true is really just whistling in the dark. They try to engage in debate thinking the deceptions they use on themselves should work on everyone else...
  6. Why do you think the bible is true? What evidence can you give for these assertions? The bible is not evidence, the bible is composed of claims that require evidence, it cannot be evidence of it's own truth...
  7. Please give some evidence to back this up, with out evidence all you are doing is making baseless assertions...
  8. How so? Please elaborate, what do atheists have faith in exactly? Please elaborate what what do atheists have faith in exactly? A side question if I may, why do you think this passage has any real world meaning?
  9. possibly you are thinking of mirror matter which does postulate mirror photons and regular photons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter
  10. On Earth it is thought in some circles that plate tectonics occurs on Earth due to the interaction of water making subduction easier if not the key to making it happen. This results in various minerals like granite which make up large portions of the Earth's continents and cannot occur without the interaction of magma and water. What role does being exposed to an atmosphere have in this? Would a world with no dry land have plate tectonics and or rocks like granite?
  11. Evidently we get few Islamic or polytheistic apologists, trust me when I say islamic apologists are several IQ points below Christian apologists and I thought their dishonest portrayal of science was without shame. Youtube is full of islamic apologists making complete liars and idiots out of themselves, it's entertainment of a sort but I seldom engage with them due to it being more fun to just sit back and watch the trainwreck...
  12. Oh wow, and i thought taking little girls as sex slaves would be a deal breaker but free will is your poison? OK, if God knows what you are going to do no matter what then he knows a child rapist is going to rape a child, knows the rape is taking place, allows the rape to happen, does nothing to stop it, and then and only then decides the rapist will be punished (unless of course he repents) but the victims free will is not important? Only the rapist gets to have freewill?
  13. So killing all the males and females who weren't virgins but keeping the little girls as sex slaves is ok? http://biblehub.com/numbers/31-18.htm
  14. Please define what you mean by "transpeciation/macroevolution" would a population of lizards evolving into two different species of lizard do? Or do you have some different definition?
  15. Damn now I feel gullible...
  16. Even an induction stove must have an input of energy, unplug an induction stove and it stops heating the pan. Where is the energy coming from and how long will the bulb stay lit on that source. If this is accepted at face value then it would be a great way to provide lighting to a flash light, no moving parts no input of energy. Faked? It would be nice to see under that table for sure.
  17. I know this cannot really be free energy but where does the energy to light the bulb come from and how long can the bulb stay lit?
  18. Damn, now why didn't I think of this!
  19. Recently i was kidding around about Oumuamua and how it was so odd it might be an alien probe. Of course it's almost certainly nothing but a rock from interstellar space but recently it was shown to be changing course slightly. when it first appeared someone from NASA or some place official had said it was moving along at predicted rates according to gravity and if it began to change speed or course it might be more suspicious. Now it's changing speed and NASA of course says it's evidently a comet and gas jets must be changing it's speed. I said Gas jets? Hell man what were you expecting warp drive?
  20. back in the day I can see that maybe the air force was either just overwhelmed and was embarrassed they couldn't explain it or it was a cover up of some sort of secrete technology but by now you would think they would just some out and say what really was going on. I have toyed with the idea of some sort of plasma discharge or even plasma life but that is worse than aliens really...
  21. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vg9fTwYFMlh8PKm5pSssPCrjTTN3x0OIzj74eXf3ZYp3hJ8Ew-Us8IlN9wu9L0kOlYQwNg=s152 I can't seem to make this show up as a picture for some reason...
  22. As i have said before so many times I can't count them eyewitness accounts are not what i am talking about but does anyone really think that possession of an actual alien artifact is realistic? A civilization capable of star travel will be in the habit of dropping stuff all over the place for us to find? I have suggested at least one possible way to detect such space craft and there are others, others that have detected anomalies like radar contact with unknown objects. Sources actually say these objects have been detected both entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere. military hearsay really but who really cares enough to investigate? Sometimes i really wonder if some of the old researchers were right and the military knows and is in cahoots with the aliens... not really but it is weird how it fits into the narrative so easily...
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