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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. The only possible Utopia is private to each individual, computer simulation gives an interesting possibility but if we are currently in a simulation it's not mine i assure you...
  2. Why not? Who could possibly predict alien motivations We can't even predict human behavior and about the only thing we can say is that obviously their motivations are somewhat obtuse when compared to human motivations. I think by now it should be apparent that they intend to be as cryptic as possible or maybe.. hell I can't even make up motivations that could accurately describe what we see other than to simply describe what we see. Alien body parts? We cannot accurately say the "things" we see in the sky have bodies or parts, I happen to have my own prejudices in this. The wilder the sighting becomes the less creedence i give it. As soon as anthropomorphic aliens come into the picture my bullshit meter pegs off the scale. Anal probes on some deserted back roads or simply "beaming" into your bedroom at night and whisking you away for some genetic mixing of what should be a completely different biosphere. We should be far more closely matched to pine trees than aliens. If they can do these things right under our noses then they come very close to qualifying as gods and any efforts we make to figure this out should be shunted to the televangelists. I tend to stick with the more "mundane" if an alien spacecraft sighting can be called such. Anything beyond physical craft that have to follow the same laws of physics as we do are virtually impossible to do anything about but speculate. I would tend to stick to the hardest evidence, a simple unknown light in the sky is meaningless so is some redneck getting an anal probe while making out with bettylou on a side road... I like to compare it to bigfoot, we have maybe one film/picture of bigfoot that is clear enough to really beggar the imagination. The Patterson film i think it's called, I remember the first time I saw it, my jaw hit the floor! WOW! Had to be real who in their right mind would travel that far into the wilderness carrying a costume and film it from horseback is such an amature way? Every frame of that film has been dissected by amateurs and professionals alike. Scientists have literally traveled the world to figure this out, motivated by one film made by two guys of somewhat questionable repute. That film is fake, a hoax, a man in a costume, the man who wore it has been identified and he admitted to it. The costume, so realistic at the time has been busted, even to the point of people coming forward to admit to making such a costume for the guys who made the film. The entire idea of bigfoot is based on on old legends, quick glimpses of something walking upright in the woods. Interestingly the most convincing sightings overlap black bear territory quite accurately. Then you have the problem of a population large enough to propagate without genetic bottlenecking and if there is a population where are the road kills? In the US everything eventually ends up as road kill. Even animals unknown to science (subspecies really) have been found in road kill. Humans show up regularly in road kills, from bears to moose to humans road kill can be used to chart what animals live where. The "evidence" for bigfoot is much thinner, several orders of magnitude thinner than evidence for nuts and bolts UFOs. Yet both amateurs and professionals continue to beat this dead horse seemingly desperate for every scrap of anything. While there is some derision on taking bigfoot seriously many professionals continue to study this in their spare time based on almost nothing! I know shit from shinola, bigfoot is not shinola... The main problem with UFOs, IMHO, is the paranormal aspects of it, from the contactees of the 50s, to the anal probes of, the 60s and on, to the world wide hoaxing of UFO sightings on youtube today, a huge amount of bullshit surrounds and covers any possible truth. The signal to noise ratio is ridiculous but it doesn't completely cover up the signal. Most of the UFO phenomena is bullshit, I grew up on a farm in the mountains of WV, I know bullshit when I see it, in fact I know horse shit, cow shit, chicken shit, dog shit, deer shit, racoon shit, muskrat shit, mink shit... I know my shit, and under the layers of shit in the UFO phenomena lies something else. I'm not sure what but I want to dig it out, clean it up and run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it... Far too many people try to polish a turd when it comes to UFO sightings, i am not afriad to point out that a polished turd is still a turd and most of the current body of UFO sightings are definitely not shinola. But there remains a small body of data that will not go away, cannot be explained despite an embarrassment of data and evidently drives the US Air Force to lie and decieve not to mention suppress any real scientific study of the phenomena by ridicule and spreading the idea of incredulity... Literally the first real study of UFOs was dismissed due to the incredulity of the commanding officer who had no idea what a real scientific study was or should be... Being dismissed out of hand is getting old, tackle the data honestly, it's the least we can do...
  3. Again i would have to ask realistically what would such evidence be? To be honest I'm not sure myself, once you get into the idea of "extraordinary evidence" you come very close to saying no evidence would do short of a landing on the white house lawn. I have been told that radar returns of a solid unknown object would be evidence until I show that such evidence is quite common. Then it's one radar could give false returns but more than one independent radar would be evidence until i provide it. Then it's well military pilots or other trained observer would at least be suggestive until I provide that, hell astronauts have claimed to have seen them. From my perspective the goal posts always change until they are so far away or so high nothing could possibly be "real evidence"... I am almost willing to bet a live alien walking into the white house would be dismissed by moving the goal posts yet again. So I ask, what would "extraordinary evidence" look like? One reason i keep harping on the 1952 washington dc sightings is that it contains everything I've been asked to show as evidence yet it is dismissed out of hand. the air force's explanation was so obviously yanked out of their combined rectums with little thought to anything more than smoothing it over so people would stop asking hard questions it made the air force look comical in the light of today's standards. No experts agreed with the air force except the air force's experts and even many of them broke ranks. People who later said they thought it was all hokum became believers those nights and thought the air force was insulting people's intelligence. On top of all that completely independent and unaffiliated multiple civilians reported seeing the very same things on those nights. At the very least a very poor job of investigation made the whole thing seem to be much more than what was claimed by the military...
  4. It's amazing these discussions always seem to end on evidence or supposed lack there of. I ask for a definition of what the evidence would have to be, I provide it and the goal posts mysteriously shift... I will ask again what would you consider to be evidence worth pursuing? (not you specifically beecee) I provide what is considered to be a accurate and detailed account of a complex sighting and i get people cherry picking the low hanging fruit while ignoring the meat of the issue. Yes I'm a bit cranky today but the fact remains that i have not intentionally ignored any of the possibilities and I always accurately report the info as it is written in official reports. Some sightings do indeed suffer from an embarrassment of data yet they remain inexplicable due to the level of investigation allowed by the powers that be. Yes, i am saying that investigations have been suppressed, this cannot be denied. Whether or not the suppression was nefarious or just incidental to the incredulity of the people investigating is the real question. The original investigative report was the only one not tainted by suppression and it decided that interplanetary spacecraft was the most likely explanation. Whether or not that was a reasonable assumption was never debated but ended by a man who had no scientific credentials and he did it just because of his own personal incredulity. Is personal incredulity a reason to stop any investigation much less what should have been a scientific investigation?
  5. Wouldn't evil really be defined by the people in charge? Don't the winners define who who the bad guys were in the past? Define evil in a way that doesn't include your personal preferences or is objective instead of subjective...
  6. WOW! I am back from an involuntary vacation from reality! When you bundle everything into one account you lose everything when you get cut off!  It's amazing how much power your ISP really has! 

    So tell me did the world come to an end? Aliens land? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. koti


      But at least you didn’t wreck the car again :) 

    3. Moontanman


      Yeah let us hope I have that out of my system now, only the second time in my life I have messed up a car... 

    4. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      I had new carpet installed yesterday and had to dismantle my IT setup. Hard to deal without the internet, even for a day. I worked in Word mostly, which showed me how often I use the dictionary and thesaurus, because I actually had to go find my copies....

  7. I've done all the plugging in and out and tried to log back in. It just stopped streaming in the middle of a show...
  8. I need some advice, how do you tell if your roku box is bad? My computer help desk says my computer is broadcasting but my roku box says it's not. I don't have any other streaming devices so I am left with a puzzle. Anyone have any ideas?
  9. Statement was off topic
  10. New page has been added to the new story.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Moontanman


      I posted this publicly, if Strange read he didn't comment, in fact you are the only one who did. Not sure what that means, one person i asked to read it doesn't speak to me anymore... 

    3. nevim


      I’m sorry about that for you. I don’t know what it means either..


    4. Moontanman
  11. This is an interesting video on colonising the oort cloud, doesn't agree with me completely but it is a very comprehensive coverage of the idea.
  12. New story on my blog, finally I am posting an entire story. I will serialise this over the next several days. NSFW! Should only be read by adults! 


  13. Considering that the vast majority of problem caused by religion comes from monotheistic religions I would have have some doubt about less gods equal more reason...
  14. Yeah but tell him that...
  15. I think Conan said it best!
  16. Well if it was native to the Earth it wouldn't be alien... but still an exciting discovery. Very little effort has been put into checking for a deep super hot biosphere of silicon or carbon. Closer to the surface the idea of checking the Earth for shadow biospheres is a possibility that should be addressed as well.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_biosphere
  17. Isaac Asimov wrote about the possibility of Silicone chains with Carbon linked to the Silicon and the Silicon attached to each other via Oxygen atoms. The chains would be very stable at our temps, too stable, but at high temps they might just be the ticket. Sulfuric acid would be stable at some of those temps and pressures but Azimov seemed to think that liquid silicones might be a better solvent for silicone life... Thomas Gold proposed silicon life on earth deep underground at the very high temps and pressures that exist there. In fact he proposed that Gold deposits connected to carbon deposits (called carbon leaders by prospectors) might be left by life that uses gold as chemical energy source. Deposits of Quartz and Gold, according to Gold, could be the result of silicone life that used gold as a source of energy as well...
  18. H2SO4 at high temps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry Lot of possibilities but I take them all with a grain of salt. Water is superior in nearly every way at temps we are familiar but chemistry would seem to allow other possibilities at other temps but the question is do these other temps have chemistry to support them... The best replacement for carbon might be boron or boron nitrogen pairs but boron suffers from a lack of abundance in the universe...
  19. How about sulfuric acid as a solvent?
  20. Original song by Motion device... A piece of rock and roll!
  21. Crank it up to 11! Turn on your subwoofers, wake the neighbors! Awesome song and video!
  22. This something we are born with to some extent, and it's quite easy to see why fear of this would be a positive survival trait. In some people it's a problem beyond any advantage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trypophobia Yes boogie boy, now the truth can be revealed... we're all Devo!
  23. Citation please...
  24. Prepare for the end of the world as you know it... reminds me of a movie and a song!!! Sit down and raise your trays to an upright position and buckle up buttercup... Jupiter's Galilean moons cause... wait for it...total solar eclipses on Jupiter! Come on endy... wait another movie! Please stop with all the silly nonsensical crap and give us your best shot. I for one am tired of asking...
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