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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. That has nothing to do with what we are discussing. Again not relevant to this conversation. The only thing we need to do this with our current technology is controlled fusion. Every habitat would have these capabilities from the very start. Manufacturing capability would be a big part of why and how they spread. Either would work but I am proposing occupied artificial colonies. Besides the ethical problems involved in terraforming a planet the time involved would be at best tens of thousands of years and you would have to contend with the possibility that life from that planet would be dangerous or that a planet have life, be very similar to earth but contain trace elements that would interfere with colonising that planet. Artificial habitats have no such problems and the equivalent of millions of earth surfaces could be made in relatively short order. It's an analogy, one is highly improbable while the other is almost certainly true. While I agree with you on this its not part of this discussion... My answer is that putting all your eggs in one basket is not a good survival tactic.
  2. Improbable you say? An invisible dragon in my basement is improbable the existence of aliens is almost certain. What is your point here? Are you saying that colonising the galaxy would not be a good way for humans to avoid extinction?
  3. There is circumstantial evidence that some sort of non terrestrial technology has been visiting us how much if any of the UFO phenomena is non terrestrial can be debated but the idea of them traveling vast distances just to visit us is highly improbable. Sending drones to us from the oort cloud is not just doable it makes a lot of sense. I am not saying aliens are here, I am saying that we do have the means to detect them if they are.
  4. This would be the ultimate way to ensure we do not become extinct. One habitat capable of building copies of itself could expand into billions vie the method am suggesting while the home world is destroyed. This is not a new idea, I have been playing this little dog and pony show for many years on this very forum.
  5. My plan is to detect artificial habitats operating in the Oort cloud via their waste heat. A torus shaped colony of 100 miles major axis and 20 miles minor axis and using fusion as a power source would struggle to get rid of waste heat. My evidence, such that is it, would be UFO reports some of which of course are inexplicable and drowning in data. If my idea has any traction aliens would have to be operating in the Oort cloud or kuiper belt, assuming the laws of physics are inviolate we should be able to detect them. UFOs cannot just be anything and not saying hello would be prudent if you wanted to study the inhabitants of a world in the planetary system you find yourself colonising. A magpie with a mirror is so improbable as be less likely than aliens. So very many sighting cannot be something mundane unless you cherry pick the data much like the Washington, DC merry go round in 1957. Not only do I think it's quite probable that aliens would employ drones into planetary systems if they find out there is life there. While they may or may not send living beings in spacecraft to study us drones would almost certainly be deployed. Obviously we do but you are making an assumption here that aliens would be as gods to us. My proposal is rooted in the idea that aliens have to follow the same physical laws we do and they do not colonise planets at all or very seldom due to planets having so many disadvantages from an already established biosphere to gravity wells. Why risk it when you do not have to? This I cannot compute, did you mistype this? This doesn't seem to be relevant to his not being falsifiable and mine being falsifiable.
  6. It has been estimated that a civilization with technology similar to when we currently have could colonise the entire galaxy in 2.5 million years. You seem to be thinking that aliens would pick a destination go there and come back before going to another. What I am suggesting is that a civilization could send out artificial habitats that "lived off the land" and would make more habitats which would then make more. No going back the the home world and no colonizing planets just a steady advance as each habitat builds others and so on.
  7. So you didn't notice where i showed you that you were wrong?
  8. so you are saying this stuff is original, something you created? If so then by the forum rules you need to show your work...
  9. Link me to where you got this nonsense...
  10. If it's not made up nonsense then you should be able to connect us with a link that explains why it is not nonsense...
  11. This is true but what does it have to do with your assertion that we are freaks? You could be right but if they have to follow the same laws of physics we do then it's doubtful they would be dangerous. The message could be directed in any of a great many ways. From aiming it directly at a star that has planets in it's habitable zone to a general omni directional broadcast. I don't understand your meaning here, if we are one in a billion freak chance then there are untold billions of civilizations in the universe and at least 100 in our galaxy. This is only a problem if you assume aliens are visiting us directly. If they are colonising the galaxy via artificial habitats then they might stumble across us quite by accident. This is only a problem if you are assuming they are traveling from one star to another directly. This is true but you are assuming they would be traveling specifically to a destination instead of simply expanding as they use resources. We have no clue as to the motivations of aliens and you are making the same assumptions when you assume they would be traveling directly from one star to another to explore that star system.
  12. It matters for the same reason neither of us take all the UFO videos on you tube seriously, it's far too easy to fake and none of it is taken seriously by anyone outside the conspiracy theory community of believers... What kind of odds do you think we are talking about This is very important! It is estimated there are 100,000,000,000 planets in the Milky Way, let's say only 1 in a billion evolve a civilization that means 100 civilizations in the milky way. Many cosmologists think this is a very low estimate as it suggests less than one planet per star. BTW, to everyone who is discussing this, if aliens are so far advanced from us they are god like and can violate the known laws of physics at a whim then we are indeed no better than ants at a construction site. If this is the case then they are not part of our perceived reality and cannot communicate complex ideas to us any better than we can communicate to ants they should leave a construction site. How ever if you are saying we cannot communicate at all it should be noted that we can by using the same pheromones ants use. We already do this but while we can manipulate the ants into doing things via pheromones we cannot communicate complex issues with them. Ok, i have seen this, I didn't recognise the label but I am familiar with the "sighting" this is not evidence of anything anymore than unidentified lights in the sky are evidence of anything specific. That bothers me as long as me simply disagreeing with you isn't the cause of your loss. Perhaps you can elaborate on why I am losing your respect? If only this wasn't reported by Faux Noise! http://www.foxnews.com/science/2018/05/31/supersonic-tic-tac-ufo-stalked-us-aircraft-carrier-for-days-pentagon-report-reveals.html
  13. so what exactly? You are off at least 3 orders of magnitude, you and your holy book's 78,000 years compared to complex life being on the earth for around 700,000,000 years! We can see almost 13,000,000,000 years into the past, where are you getting these numbers? So what? Life will be wiped off the Earth due to the suns expansion in around 1 billion years. I think you need to go back and recalculate... Citation please. Not true, nothing in the universe is know to propagate faster than light. If you do know of something that does I would suggest... no demand... a link to that information... Cry baby? Maybe but you are lying through your teeth...
  14. 116 Earth days and 18 Earth hours...
  15. Do you have a link? I never heard of it...
  16. So you are basing your faith on things you must have faith to believe? To each his own i guess..
  17. Please elaborate, if you are going to assert things that confirm your faith you need to tell us what they are..
  18. Please elaborate on that, how is his idea falsifiable? Unless they come here we have no way of knowing if his idea is anything but baseless assertions. My idea can be falsified with out the aliens cooperation or seeing them attack us.
  19. Except my idea is potentially falsifiable, his is not..
  20. My idea about the galaxy being colonised by artificial habitat aliens who avoid planets has just as much traction as his idea.
  21. You continue to equate reasonable expectations based on past confirmation with faith. Do you have faith the sun will appear to rise tomorrow? Or do you trust that it will due to seeing it appear to rise every morning of your life?
  22. I am suggesting that we do have evidence and there are ways to gather even more poignant evidence, do you really dismiss all UFO reports as nonsense? They may not be alien spacecraft but it is clear that UAP is and has been detected.
  23. I am assuming that any alien technology would have to follow the laws of physics as we know them. Waste heat would be a dead give away even at distances comparable to the oort cloud or Kuiper belt. No, in fact I am not talking about UFOs in this context. I am talking about artificial habitats large enough to contain entire societies for very long periods of time. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate? I think we would have to assume any alien technology has to follow the rules of physics as we know them. I hope that is not what is being suggested. As soon as we start talking about supernatural mumbo jumbo...
  24. I am in a similar position, 35 years ago I was in a boat wreck lots of damage and I can come close to predicting the weather with my pains. I have been looking for relief ever since then and so far no medical solution has been found. When a hurricane passes over the pain is really bad but a low front of any kind will give me problems. I'm not really sure why it works like this but the pain does level off eventually, now, 33 years later, the pain isn't as bad most of the time except for hurricanes. Make sure you see your doctor, they do have medicine that can help some people they just never seemed to help me...
  25. The idea of them being hidden is a bit difficult to explain, we certainly would not be likely to hide or want to. My dog and pony show is basically that civilizations form a galactic presence much like an ecosystem on the earth with the niches filled with civilizations instead of various animal populations. Interstellar space is a lot less empty than was originally thought. There is more than enough material in the form of gas, dust, and small bodies like asteroids, both frozen and rocky with various degrees of both to support quadrillions of habitats. The materials would be both removed and added to space by various natural processes like nova or star formation. If controlled fusion is possible there is no real barrier to artificial habitats moving slowly around the galaxy finding a small object and mining it for carbon and ice, fuel and construction materials, freely available. Habitats could simply travel around in space stopping every few centuries to top up volatiles and trace elements, fusion fuel, and build other habitats. In this way they would be comparable to living organisms that gather resources, metabolise, and reproduce.
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