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  • Quark

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  1. I think it would be alright as long as it is a chimp egg which there are messign with. If they are using human eggs than what's the point. Unevolvation. Going backwards
  2. I would just multiply 3.14 by the Radius squared 3.14®®
  3. no clue
  4. thanks, it sounds like I will deffidently have to change to FF
  5. It looks like a great game!
  6. I think that we do not spend enough money on Space exploration. I think that we should spend more time, and preperations before we actually launch the objects. It might also help if space exploration was privitized. There is a really good Dan Brown book about this. The problem is that if NASA screws up they won't go bancrupt. They are very careless with our money.
  7. pfrimmdog


    that is a really wierd illusion. It sure is funny how our minds work.
  8. most of them will, at the end of the regristration, say that in order to qualify you have to subscribe to or buy some ridecilous stuff. Let's say the prize is ten dollars. Then you have to subscribe to a 200 dollar a year magazine. Something like that
  9. I would defindently restore it. Those planes are awesome. you could make the money up by charging people to fly in it.
  10. Use the second hyperlink it works Wow those photos are awesome. Supernova's rock
  11. Yeah, I'm 14 as well, and I defidently don't know a lot about most of the stuff on this forum. But just reading other people's responses really makes you think, it also makes you want to learn more.
  12. Does anyone know how, or out of what, I should create this robotic swinging pendelum.
  13. Hey, I am an 8th grade student who loves science. Go Steelers I'm in 8th grade which means I'm 14.
  14. I'm 14, I've never met fitzgerald. I agree you would make a great moderator.
  15. how do I give a link
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