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  1. try the electrolysis of water take a 500 or 250 ml wate bottle and half fill it with aquous sol of NaCl and make two holes on either sides of the bottle to insert the pencils the hole should be above the water. Take two pencils and sharp their both ends now attach wire to one side of both pencils and attach the other end of wires with the 9volts battery and dip the other end of the pencils in the water from the hole and seal the remaining portion of the hole so that that the gases dont get out. At cathoad hydrogen will begin to form and at anode Chlorine will form now take a pipe or tube and attach it with the mouth of the bottle and connect the other end with the mouth of another bottle. Seal observe the bottle so that there is no place remained open. now leave the apparatus for at least 12 hours. after that take the second bottle and place it in sunlight to form hcl.
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