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young thinker

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About young thinker

  • Birthday 07/13/1999

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  • Location
    Mississipi, United States
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physical Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. young thinker


    So, as I understand it, the current theory on the beginning of the universe is that an extremely small particle that was unimaginably dense suddenly exploded and our universe began expanding correct? If so, where did this particle come from? It had to come from somewhere right? I know, if a God created the universe who created God and who created the being that created God I understand this concept. But, in my speculating(hence the speculations part of the forum), since God created the universe, no one had to create God. I know non-monotheists have a difficult time believing this, but think about it. If a deity created time and space and us, then no one had to create the deity because the way our minds perceive things, we believe everything has to have a creator, or cause at least. What I am trying to say is that we were programmed to know that we have a creator, in the beginning. So we assumed that our creator had to have a creator. This would not apply to our creator though because he created the concept of creators and creating. I also know that many people are not a fan of omnipresence, but it seems to me that all of the scientists that believe everything must have a cause reject the one conclusion that is out there. I honestly do not know how people could be so closed minded that they would not accept this conclusion. The day we find proof that our universe was not started by a god is the day that I will stop believing. I know, I know, God is unfalsifiable. Think about that. If something is unfalsifiable, by definition, it would have to be true. If it can't be false, it must be true. It is simple. So simple.
  2. I quite agree with evansste.
  3. Yes, I have grown up being ingrained with religion. And I have wondered about the creation story and how it contradicts scientific finding most noticeably that the Earth was created in seven days, because it doesn't mention six thousand years in the Bible. And like you said this is contradicting but I have faith that the Bible is not completely literal, as Jesus spoke parables. I see your point and its given me something more to think about. Thanks. @hypervalent_iodine
  4. Thank you both for your input. And StringJunky, I see now that mathematics does descibe the universe like you mentioned, but then what governs the universe in your opinion?
  5. First of all, let me say that I am a Christian. And I am conflicted. I cannot dismiss either my religion or my belief in science. In fact, I want to be a professor in a science. It is my belief that the physical rules that our universe abides by was created by God or a god, however you may see it. And I do not understand why the majority of scientists are atheists. Would not such a mathematically governed universe such as ours need a creator? Don't computers need programmers? Why did such influential men such as Issac Newton believe in a god whil today's scientists do not. Any input is welcome. I'm just a thirteen year old trying to understand the universe and why life matters.
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