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Posts posted by Dr.Bubafunk

  1. Can someone help me put together what particles there are in the universe...I know this sounds outrages because there are so many but what umbrella terms should I know in order to categorize them all. For example what is a meson, boson, fermion, and lepton...are these all related under one term etc. could you please advise me on helpful resources as well thank you.

  2. I love to think and I have sooooo many ideas around the universe. I am wondering what an anti-photon is called and if it is separate from dark matter at all or if dark matter is an umbrella term that anti-photons fall under. What would be useful is some sort of visual guide that explains particle relationships using the Standard model that includes dark matter. I believe the theory is Super Symmetry but my knowledge is so little I could be very wrong...I tend to bounce from idea to to idea and hopefully I am making sense. Also Why can't we tell what what existed during the Planck era?

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