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photon propeller

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Everything posted by photon propeller

  1. Swansont is 100 percent correct. The universe and its mathematical constants existed from the beginning of time, long before the arrival of man and the language or numbers by which man labels it, and will exist long after we are gone. I wonder how many alien civilizations have come and gone, labeling it, yet not understanding it fully, and destroying themselves in the process.
  2. Have we not been discussing the topic? We "discussed" whether or not we were of one complex energy and when presented with the evidence you completely disregarded it. In another post you said there weren't 7 electron shells when in fact as a chemist, which you profess to be, you certainly know there are. You demonstrate a pattern of bias in the disregard of any statement of evidence I have made because you are biased towards me. You are more worried about egos, politics, and the fear of criticism than of having a real discussion and presenting any original thoughts of your own. You missed the part of the definition where they gathered to "DISCUSS" topics. You "inferred" an incorrect interpretation of the definition.
  3. Soapbox From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about a raised platform. For other uses, see Soapbox (disambiguation). For the Wikipedia policy, see Wikipedia:NOTSOAPBOX. A man soapboxing in Speakers' Corner, London A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject. The term originates from the days when speakers would elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate originally used for shipment of soap or other dry goods from a manufacturer to a retail store. The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in often flamboyant impromptu or unofficial public speaking, as in the phrases "He's on his soapbox", or "Get off your soapbox." Hyde Park, London is known for its Sunday soapbox orators, who have assembled at Speakers' Corner since 1872 to discuss religion, politics and other topics. A modern form of the soapbox is a blog: a website on which a user publishes his/her thoughts to whomever they are read by. John, you infer soapboxing is a bad thing. In fact, it is an intrinsic concept of this site. Stop hating and start appreciating.
  4. Here's the definition of citation: a reference to a published or unpublished source, to attribute prior or unoriginal work and ideas to the correct sources. Hence it has nothing to do with facts only the credit for ideas. In other words moontanman's comment was a low blow attempt to discredit me for my original eloquent idea. My response was true and justified so if you want to mark a comment down do it to moontanmans and do not perpetuate ignorance.
  5. Most of my statements on the big picture are known "mainstream" principals of physics. Some are speculation.There association to one another is stated in the image. The evidence of their existence is in every rainbow and every spiraling galaxy. Hence real life scientific observation available to any laymen who looks. Nature itself is the inspirational motivator, just as it has been for other thinkers in the past. I gave a sound answer to swansonts question of incompatibility firmly grounded on a rational basis and you completely disregarded it and closed the thread. What we see is an interference pattern, our vantage point is critical, we do not see the scale. I submit my hypothesis is incomplete and not exactly refined. I also assert that exact refinement is difficult to achieve without discussion. Swansont has more or less accused me of forging my own work with his statement, "I doubt its yours." My other thread was unjustly closed and I predict this one will be also. The good ole boys school has prevailed again and stymied their own progress. My statements are meaningless to you imfataal because your knowledge is based on your faith in your comrades and not on your own education. So I shall hoard the rest of my knowledge as the powers that be do, capitalizing on it and looking down from the mountaintop. The big picture is incomplete without the little one but you will never see it because your eyes and ears are closed, and i shall not present it for any more of your unjustified ridicule.
  6. 7colors=7 shells=seven specific points of transition(frequencies)= seven ranges of energy. Countless shades between transitions=countless excited states. Does that clarify it for you? Chemistry and physics adhere to the same principal constants as all of reality does.
  7. Hate to burst you bubble Moontanman, but like the op these are my thoughts, my philosophy. Beautiful, isn't it.
  8. I did state the frequency range, it begins in infrared at 140thz and ends at 980thz, green is 560thz and is its median. It scales up or down maintaining a 1 to 7 proportion, simple math. Like the relationship of shell number to principle quantum number, you failed to hear me. I have a thought experiment for all you naysayers which is firmly grounded in reality which will address Swansont's question. On a rainy day the clouds part and a ray of sunlight shines through the falling water. Lo, nature has dispersed its own light. I see the rim of the light cone, an arc. Hold your ruler to the sky, do you see the 7 colors? Are they not equally spaced? They are. Look closer, I see another rainbow behind it, the sun's light is periodic. Divide a pie into equal parts, turn it on its side. Do the slices now look unequally spaced? They do. So it is with the difference in vantage points of the straight line spectrum's interference pattern and illusion of distance to the reality of distance in the interference pattern of the arc of the rainbow. When viewed from above the arc looks like a straight line, move orthogonally to either side and lo, it is an arc. A prism changes the orientation of light therefore the vantage point of the observer, as if looking from above. A rainbow is a natural spectrum observed head on. The light cone is properly perceived by the eye because the retinal cones interpret the signal like the continual stacking of ice cream cones. Knowledge begins with the simple observation of natural phenomenon, clues, to the secrets of nature. Absolute nonsense? Think again. Closing this thread would be as foolish as burning the witch at the stake. Everytime I give a scientific answer it is disregarded and another attack is initiated because the terminology is not understood. The idea that this topic is not even worth speculation is an insult to the scientific community. Behold the conversations that have arisen already. We mock what we do not understand. So let me get this straight Swansont, the one very tangible aspect of my presentation, the interference pattern of the fundamental wave, you believe is some forgery or highjack? It is no more a forgery or highjack than any of my images. These are my thoughts on real scientific observation of natural phenomenon. If you can not disprove it, then as one once put it, you must submit it is right. The interference pattern and phase points are correct. My line of thinking is justified. My opinion of your responses is diminishing.
  9. Lets take care of all 3 and all you have to do is respond to my last post on the unified spectrum.
  10. You missed the interference challenge John, the actual chance to know what your talking about. I said 7 pure color tones, countless shades. There are seven electron shells, also called principle energy levels, wonder why? They are labeled k l m n o p q, and are associated with the principal quantum number, but I dont think quantum electrodynamics is your field. The aether is speculative but founded on the idea of one all pervasive energy, Quantum vacuum energy is the lcd of it. Therefore there is nothing arbitrary other than your useless response.
  11. Yes it is poetic, but it describes a real scientific observation anyone can make when the suns out. And so the scientific method begins.
  12. Well lets test the assertion it has no scientific value. Who of you can disprove the interference pattern of the wave ive drawn? Any waveset of this proportion will contructively and destructively interfere with itself at the exact phase points ive shown. You can test it with a ruler and a compass. The idea is to visualize what interference actually looks like. As for fig) b the relationship to atomic structure is strictly speculative but founded on the idea of real life observation of spectrum, 7 colors, 7 electron shells, 7 energy levels. coincidence? I dont think so. Fig c on photon propagation shows a speculative oscillation model allowing for the influence of gravity and the hydrodynamic drag of the theoretical aether. I assert that this post has substantial scientific value on the basis of thought provocation alone.
  13. Yes, there is John, and we are all connected by it. It discludes no one, nothing. Beyond civilization, there is no good or evil, only balance and imbalance. The gift of life is the power of choice, to do our bidding with that bit of energy which comprises and connects us. Granted to us by its source, but only for a while. Heaven and hell are fodder for the living. They exist simultaneously now. Which will we choose to call home?
  14. Next time look deeper into that reflection of sunlight, do not focus on its center for you will be blinded. Look to either side and see the pattern of light bent in a cone opening towards you. Look at the repetative pattern of colors. Is it not real? Of course it is, and all of its architecture is relevant. Creation has painted its masterpiece. It is up to every individual to decipher its wonders.
  15. The tokamak reactors are already online. Ever here of ITER? Understanding intrinsic field geometry is key to creating stable magnetic fields. They are shaped like a torus and similar to spinning mass of any scale. My "doodles" are an application of this geometry to the macroscopic world to help visualize the simultaneous interaction of fields. Was not every aspect of science mere theory until it was proven? Could it even be considered if no one ever posed the question? I do better than that, I pose an image of my thoughts. What tangible thoughts do you offer?
  16. Is this image not scientific? Of course it is. So is the text. Do you find it interesting? Intrinsic field geometry is crucial for cutting edge technology like magnetic confinement fusion. My goal, if I can properly refine this idea, is to produce a three dimensional periodic chart of elements using the mass hyperboloid as a platform. Placing each element in its rightful vector and establishing an underlying "sacred" geometry which correlates all the properties of matter.
  17. The aether is the one dynamic energy unmultiplied. It is the least common denominator of energy. It multiplies itself as it concentrates and divides itself as it dissipates . Gravity is the initiator and light is the liberation of multiplied(bound) energy from mass.
  18. The God I refer to is the source of the one energy which we are all constituents of.
  19. The terms are expressed by the image, do you see its motion? Do you see the simultaneous field orientation? I believe these are the basic field dynamics of any sphere of any scale. When an artist paints a picture he envisions the idea he wants to convey. It is up to the observer to decipher his work.
  20. the scribble isnt illegible, but I will type it out for you. As for meaningless, the image is extremely meaningful, try to absorb it. The Universe is a scalar energy field. It is a particle wave medium of complex transforming energy. It is comprised of simultaneously interacting gravitational, electromagnetic and quantum vacuum subfields of various properties and magnitude. Interactions result in variable energy density while total energy density remains constant. Gravity gyroscopically concentrates energy and light is liberated as subfields mediate potential differences. Aether structure is spectral, harmonic, gyroscopic, and hydrodynamic in nature. It resonates frequencies which amplify and interfere. Its matter is distinguished by its angle of incidence to the intertial point of equilibrium and its magnitude.
  21. A book of analytical geometric terms can be described in one image. The nature of the universe can be perceived when all its properties are represented and set into motion as an image. Let the image speak for itself. I invite your criticism or approval. see attachment jd page 4.pdf
  22. there are only seven possible shells, they all fall within a fundamental range of the nucleus, that range is proportional to the energy level, each level has a single shell range. transition points are median points between pure tones where shades become predominately the next consecutive color. see fig on atomic structure.
  23. an infinite number of shades can be achieved, the fundamental wave is the primary wave of pure color tone, exact semicircles, a state of equilibrium, the resonant frequency of the inert gases, all the other shades are distortions of it. Pure tones fall directly on medians between electron shell transition lines, points of inertial equilibrium, shades arise at ranges in between median points. The seven pure tones coincide exactly with the seven electron shells. It is the measuring device. any state of matter may have multiple frequencies but the interference pattern of those frequencies is distinct. when we have the primary pattern to compare them two we can decipher those combinations accurately.
  24. yes, this is how we identify elements through light spectroscopy, their absorbtion and emission lines. their resonant fingerprint. the specific energy field, the unique combination of the electric, magnetic and gravitational fields. The architecture of that combination produces a unique frequency.
  25. All matter has a specific energy vibration rate, its natural frequency. Plot the wave amplitude vs. excitation frequency and it will peak at the resonant frequency. The peak is the spectral line.
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