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Everything posted by VesTony

  1. Hello, I'm doing a bit of research for my company and figured I'd try going straight to the end-user on this one. We're getting into the glassware business as an extention of plastic bottles/containers and we're attempting to provide glass bottles and jars that are able to be used in a wide variety of applications. While I know that's a bit vague, essentially we want a container that most people will be able to use for most applications. We've narrowed things down to thermoset caps with a PTFE liner. I do have a few questions that I was hoping some of you could provide information on: 1.) Are there any industry standards in regards to the caps concerning their color? We've found white, black and a green color to be most common. If we provide the color in say blue would this imply different use/material? 2.) While most of our research has pointed us toward bakelite/melamine caps, are there any blatant disadvantages that any of you have encountered with this material type? 3.) We've gone in this direction to find a closure that allows for high temperature while providing a wide range of chemical compatibility. Am I incorrect or mislead in moving in this direction? I appreciate the advice, I figured that people who use these containers in the most extreme manners may be able to provide priceless insight. Also, if you are aware of any other places I may be inclined to dig for information please feel free to email me at agullotti AT gmail.com or send me a message. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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