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Everything posted by herme3

  1. herme3


    The problem is that it costs money to send and receive text messages. I wouldn't mind paying to send it, but I doubt she would be very happy if she needed to pay 10 cents to get a text message from me. I wouldn't plan on saying "I have your number." I'm sure she would figure it out if I called her. Well, we are already friends. Even if we never have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, I will always want us to be friends. She's a great friend, and I would never want her to stop being my friend just because she won't be my girlfriend. I'm not so sure about that, and that's my biggest concern at the moment. Now that high school is over, what if I never see her again? What if she never replies to my letter or anything else I send her? I've known her for 4 years and she's a great friend. I think she really trusts me, and sometimes she seems to think of me more as a girl than a guy. When she broke up with a guy, we started talking about how mean a lot of guys are. Then she told me that all guys are stupid and deserve to die. Then I reminded her that I was a guy, and she said, "Oh, yeah... Sorry." I mailed her a letter last week that said all of that. Well... She hasn't replied to my letter yet, so maybe she did. I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I see her for graduation practice.
  2. I don't think there will be a lot of e-mailing. It's just a local pest control company, and they want about 40 e-mail addresses, one for each employee. I think they just want customers to be able to e-mail any questions or comments to the technician that did their service. I believe that using GoDaddy's e-mail system would be enough, and I'm also familiar with how GoDaddy works. However, another IT company wants them to buy an e-mail server and Microsoft Exchange. They say that they will need it for good security, but I feel that the IT company just wants money to install the server.
  3. Thank you for your reply. Can you please explain how the e-mail accounts would be setup? The company wants to have all the e-mail addresses ending with their web site's domain name. The domain for the web site is registered through GoDaddy. My recommendation to the company was to use GoDaddy's e-mail system, which is something they are considering. If they wanted to use Microsoft Exchange or a POP3 service instead, how would they get the e-mail addresses to work with the domain?
  4. Can you tell me any information about Microsoft Exchange? A company that I do some computer work for is considering purchasing it for their e-mail. Are there any major security flaws, or is it a good program?
  5. herme3


    If you think the letter was a bad idea, what would you have done? Well, I'm not sure if my life is any better. One good thing is that I don't have to take any exams. At my school, you only need to take the final exams if you get bad grades throughout the year. Anyway, you say that you don't have anything going for you, but I really don't either. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is releasing a novel I've been writing. Other than that, I don't have any friends or anything. I'm not sure if my life is that much different from yours. What makes you say I did that? Why would it be awkward? I actually do plan on seeing her later this week at graduation. I guess we might discuss the letter, but I don't understand why it will seem awkward. I didn't write anything weird in the letter. I just thanked her for being a good friend, and said I hope we can hang out somewhere this summer. I don't understand why everyone thinks she will be creeped out. I would think that calling her or something like that would be much more creepy.
  6. herme3


    Well... I'm sitting in the front seat on this roller coaster. If you're not having fun, what makes you think I am? Although I've never thought of it this way before, I guess me saying what is on my mind can be compared to vomiting. It doesn't seem pleasant, but it makes you feel better later... What makes you think the letter is creepy? I was really nice in the letter, and I didn't say anything weird or crazy. Besides, what other option did I have? I was originally planning to give her the letter, but she wasn't there on my last day of school. I guess I couldn't have e-mailed it to her, but I wasn't sure which e-mail address to use. She changes them a lot, and there are some e-mail addresses that she only wants certain people to use. What do you think I have that you don't? How can you think that it is creepy to send her a letter, but not see anything wrong if I just showed up at her house? That would be really creepy, and I would expect her to come out with a gun and shoot me. I would deserve it if I did anything that creepy.
  7. Yes, I read the link and I disagree with it. Outlook Express and similar components only use Trident to render the HTML, not the actual iexplore.exe file. If you want proof, just check the processes running in the Task Manager. This file is never loaded into the RAM unless you actually use Internet Explorer. You can delete iexplore.exe and still use all the components including the Help and Support Center, Control Panel, and other applications. The only application that appears to not work is Windows Update. 91 KB
  8. Just for fun. Just knowing that you did something that everyone said was impossible.
  9. Well, what is "Internet Explorer"? If you say that removing Internet Explorer just requires you to delete the program itself, then it is quite easy. If you want to delete every .dll file that Internet Explorer uses, then you will have major problems. How many of the Windows files would you consider to be Internet Explorer? I don't consider any shared files to be part of it, even though they might contain some code used to browse the Internet.
  10. herme3


    What am I supposed to do after the classes end? I'll probably have a job when I start college so I will need to go to work. She will go to her job earlier in the day, and her classes will start hours after I leave. They have a wide range of class times, from early in the morning to late in the evenings. Thanks for the compliment...
  11. No. I've studied the Windows files very carefully. That is not IE. When you click on the Internet Explorer icon, the browser that opens is iexplore.exe which is Internet Explorer. Even if you type "My Computer" or another folder address in this browser, you will still be browsing in Internet Explorer. Now, if you click directly on the My Computer icon or a folder, the browser that opens is explorer.exe. This is a separate application. If you type in a web address, it will load the web site in Explorer, not Internet Explorer. They are two separate programs, however they have access to the same .dll files and registry entries. You must be careful when using explorer.exe to browse the Internet. I've noticed that this will make your computer more likely to freeze if a web site crashes the browser. Although these two applications might look similar because they use the same interface files, they are different. Internet Explorer has the ability to open pop-up windows from other browsers and programs. Explorer does not. Also, explorer.exe contains the coding for the start menu and desktop. Internet Explorer does not. This is why if you create a toolbar for Internet Explorer, you must remember to program it to open with Internet Explorer and Explorer. If you just program it to open with Internet Explorer, it will not work when a web site is loaded with explorer.exe. Microsoft said that Windows Media Player can't be uninstalled either. That is something that I have figured out how to do completely. That is why I'm still testing and experimenting. I haven't tried to remove all the .dll files yet and I haven't even tried the registry entries. I doubt removing the registry entries would be necessary. If I remove all other parts of Internet Explorer, leaving the registry entries there won't make a difference. From what I've seen, the web browser interface files for both Internet Explorer and Explorer are completely separate from the folder browsing files. Therefore, I'm not really sure how it will mess up the system.
  12. herme3


    Actually, I'm sending it through regular mail, not e-mail. I thought that would seem more thoughtful. Do you think it's a good idea?
  13. herme3


    Yesterday was my last day at school. I got a few people to sign my yearbook, but nobody asked me to sign theirs. I've decided to write a letter to my best friend, and send it through the mail. I asked her if she just wanted to hang out as friends over the summer, and I told her that I didn't want to lose her as my friend. I'm not sure if she will reply or not. Thanks. Hey RedAlert. I always try to be the best person that I can be.
  14. Not true. You are confusing Iexplore.exe with Explorer.exe. Each one seems to be a separate program with separate .dll files. Iexplore is Internet Explorer and Explorer opens folders, opens the Control Panel, and also runs the start menu and desktop. I'm still testing it, so I'm not ready to share the whole process yet. However, you need to delete multiple files at the exact same time. That's why you need to create a program to do it, you can't do it manually. Here's some proof: This is what happens when you open IE from the start menu: This is what happens when you open IE from the desktop: I will admit that I haven't deleted all of the associated .dll files yet. I'm still experimenting with those, and I'm not sure when I will finish. I have other priorities, such as some novels that I am writing. This IE project is just something that I'm doing for fun.
  15. I've discovered the secret to safely remove Internet Explorer from your computer permanently. It's a little difficult, and impossible to do manually. However, I created a program that will uninstall it. Do you think people would buy it, and do you think Microsoft would be able to sue me if I did sell it?
  16. Yes, that is another reason why I think the program will require Linux. However, it only requires the rendering engine, not the iexplore.exe file. In fact, my program will delete iexplore.exe while my program is running. When you close my program, it will copy iexplore.exe back to your computer. I discovered that deleting iexplore.exe will block pop-ups better than any pop-up blocker, and it also solves some other security issues.
  17. Yes, I think it is written in .NET because I created it with VisualStudio. What is Mono?
  18. No, it just creates more problems. I already have another version of Linux that I sometimes use, but I need Windows XP for this computer. I created a program that I need for my online advertising, and it won't install on Linux. Try downloading my program at http://www.surftabs.com and tell me how I can make it work with Linux.
  19. No, they are humans. I don't usually spend time socializing with infants, but I understand they are human and will become adults one day.
  20. I never reformatted my other computer when it was infected with Haxdoor, and I haven't had any problems with it. Yes, but even Haxdoor was visible when I enabled all the hidden files and looked in the System32 folder. How can I find this new virus if it does exist?
  21. I received an e-mail a long time ago saying there was a delay, but they were still going to send it. I haven't heard anything since. Has anyone read the small print? It will only be 16MB.
  22. Ok, I've looked at my computer more and it doesn't appear to be Haxdoor. Unlike what I thought, it doesn't appear that my firewall has been hijacked again. I don't seem to have a virus or trojan that I can find. I found out that many of my system services were disabled. This included many of the Windows services required to connect to the Internet, and also my firewall. I started all of the services that were supposed to be running, and my computer started working normally again. I ran several Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware programs, and none of them could find anything. I also looked through my running processes and the system folders on my hard drive. Unlike when my computer was infected with other viruses, I couldn't find anything that looked unusual. None of the Windows files had been modified recently. Now, my computer will start normally but I will get an error message that says "Generic Host Process" crashed. My start menu and the top title bars on each window will look different. It almost looks like I'm using the Windows classic theme, when I actually have the Windows XP theme enabled. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  23. Why do some people think eating meat is so bad? Animals kill other animals in slow and painful ways in nature. Meat processing companies just electrocute them. It might sound violent, but it's much less painful than how most animals kill their prey. The only animals that I would feel bad eating are cats, dolphins, and apes. Dolphins and apes are intelligent creatures, and they appear to be more than wild beasts. I'm not sure why I like cats because I don't have a cat. There's just something "cute" about them.
  24. Within the past year, my computers have been attacked by multiple viruses and trojans that appear to hijack my ZoneAlarm Pro firewall and us it as a weapon against my computer. They all seem to break into my computer and download themselves, they don't appear to come from any web sites or e-mails I access. The firewall's main control panel application will not work, but the core application will be running and active. The core will start protecting the virus, and performing other functions for the virus. When you think about it, it makes sense why the creators of viruses might do this. ZoneAlarm Pro's core application is very difficult to terminate. If you try to terminate it using the Windows task manager or similar programs, you will get an "Access Denied" error message. The firewall also has the capability of blocking Internet access to any program except for the virus. Therefore, it will be impossible to access the Internet and download a patch, but the virus will still be trying to send itself to other computers. The firewall's core also seems to have a lot of other power, such as locking access to certain files on your computer. The question is, why are the firewalls so easy to hijack? ZoneLabs is always releasing security updates for their products, but wouldn't the ability to hijack the program be one hole somewhere? I don't know anything about ZoneAlarm Pro's programming, but wouldn't it be fairly simple to find this hole and patch it so only the firewall's control panel will have access to the core application? I've e-mailed ZoneLabs about this, and they informed me that it was my AntiVirus program's responsibility to prevent this, not theirs. They said the firewall is designed to protect against hackers, not viruses and trojans. I have Symantec AntiVirus, and I have its automatic updates feature enabled. I'm not really sure what else I can do.
  25. herme3


    Yes, but we are going at different times. I'll already be home by the time she gets to college. Well... Something good has come out of a thread that started with me ranting and feeling lonely really early in the morning. I'm glad to help! Of course, I'm sure the people giving the advice are the ones that really helped you. I probably just depressed you. Even though she has been sitting next to me while I made many of the posts in this thread, I don't think she's actually read anything I typed. She's sitting next to me right now, but she's playing a computer game and we are talking about English class. So, hopefully she doesn't know how stupid I can be. Yeah... I don't want someone who is crazy like me. I want someone who is intelligent, beautiful, and friendly. I want to be with the perfect girl, and I already found her.
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