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Everything posted by herme3

  1. herme3


    Before 1983, the meter was a different size than the current meter. I read that the current meter is based on the distance time can travel in 1/299,792,458th of a second. Where did anybody come up with that number? Now we have to say that light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second. Wouldn't it make it easier on scientists if 1/300,000,000th of a second was used? That's just my opinion. Does anyone know why 299,792,458 was used?
  2. herme3


    The best pictures are on my web site at http://gettysburg.homestead.com. Yes, I believe that the insect theory seems possible. I'll have to experiment with the camera again to see if that is true. However, many of the pictures I took didn't have any orbs in them. Why would the orbs show up in some of the pictures, but not in others? The first picture just looks too much like a person. The first picture is really dark, so if you have your monitor's brightness set too low you won't see anything. Just look carefully inside the yellow rectangle. It really looks like the outline of a person. I took that picture in the basement of Jennie Wade's house. It is now a museum. The museum had pictures that other people have taken with both regular and digital cameras. They showed strange things in that same spot my picture has that ghost-like figure. That was the exact spot where Jennie Wade's dead body was left. On a "non-fiction" TV show about Gettysburg, they were talking about that basement. A lot of people that go there get a very strange feeling while they are down there. People said that they have heard strange noises, and even saw the ghost-like figure with their own eyes. Why would so many people lie about that?
  3. herme3


    I am an American. I found the word in a dictionary, so my guess would be that it is the correct spelling. I guess it could be different in another English country. About the pictures on my web site, I've never really said they were ghosts. They just look like other photos from Gettysburg that people say are ghosts. By the way, if anybody does not know, Gettysburg is the place where a battle of the US Civil War took place. Thousands of people were killed there in just a few days. Anyway, on my web site, I tried to be careful not to call the pictures "ghost pictures". Instead I try to call them "ghost-like figures" or I say "they appear to be ghosts". I actually have no idea what they are. I've never taken any photos like these before I went to Gettysburg. That is why I am asking about them on a couple forums. Many people on a Christian forum say that they are demons. The people on the science forum say that it is most likely something else. I am trying to get several opinions about this, and maybe I can figure out what they really are. I have been carefully reading and thinking about each reply on this forum. I want to thank everyone very much who took the time to reply. However, nobody agrees on one explanation. I haven't read an explanation that I am completely satisfied with. The demon concept seems to make more sense than a camera error. Why would I get ghost-like pictures in Gettysburg, but not in other places? Also, why do other people get similar ghost-like photos at Gettysburg?
  4. herme3


    Anthropomorphizing is the correct way to spell the word, and it means giving human characteristics to something non-human. If you don't believe that there is anything human-like in these pictures, what are the ghost-like objects? Why do so many people get them on camera at Gettysburg?
  5. herme3


    If the house was completely dark, and the light had to have come from inside the house, doesn't that prove that some type of "supernatural force" was in that house? Like many other houses in Gettysburg, that house was said to be haunted. My next question is why does the camera see that light, but we never saw it with our own eyes? Could this light be in another dimension or something?
  6. herme3


    I don't really think that a ghost turned on a light. I was just wondering what that light is. It could be the camera's flash, but normally a flash would look like a star or something. This light looks a little strange. If you zoom in, it almost looks like a person, or some type of creature. It may be difficult to see on the web site, because the photo is compressed. It would use too much bandwidth if the photo was a higher quality.
  7. herme3


    No, the house in the bottom picture was completely dark except for that light at the very top and the two lights on each side of the house.
  8. herme3


    I just added two new pictures to the web site at http://gettysburg.homestead.com. The fourth picture shows more orbs. The fifth picture looks really interesting. It looks like something is standing in the window of a house. I'm not sure if it is just the camera's flash. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
  9. herme3


    The pictures were taken in the month of August. They were taken between 9:00pm and 10:00pm.
  10. herme3


    Many scientists say that ghosts are fictional and there is no scientific evidence to support them. However, when my family and I were on vacation at Gettysburg, PA we took some pictures with our digital camera that have ghost-like figures in them. I put some of the pictures on my web site at http://gettysburg.homestead.com. Please visit my web site and tell me what are in those pictures. Thank you.
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