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Everything posted by herme3

  1. I was reading the part of the article that says: I thought that part of the article was very funny... Do kangaroos even lay eggs?
  2. FM is low quality? Perhaps it depends on the radio station you listen to, but the station I listen to has very good quality. The only bad part is how they try to automatically balance the volume of the music. I mean, the volume is automatically reduced during the louder parts of the song. If the singer starts singing in a softer voice, the volume will automatically increase. Do all radio stations do this? The station I listen to is very popular with stores and businesses, which might explain why they try to balance the volume. I doubt people would want to hear a sudden loud part of a song while they are working.
  3. herme3


    I have owned the domain http://www.bluealan.com for many years. I've used it for many things, including a video game web site and a web site developing company. Now, the web site just sits on a park server because I can't think of any good ways to use it. A search for "BlueAlan" on Google shows that the name seems to be quite popular in Japanese, Chinese, or some other language. There are over 2,000 web pages that contain the word "BlueAlan" and none of them existed when I first bought the domain. I can't read the language, but does anyone know why the name seems to be so popular? Do you think the name's sudden popularity will make my domain valuable?
  4. herme3

    Peak Oil

    I completely agree with you. However, I'm not really sure how we will be able to survive without cheap oil. At first, I thought ethanol was ready to replace oil once it was depleted. However, I did some more research and realized that it just isn't going to work. Go to http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/08/21/8383659/index.htm and read about how it would affect the food supplies. Although coal and nuclear could keep the electricity going for a while, I'm not sure how they could help with transportation. I don't think you could put a nuclear reactor into a car. Also, electric cars would cause all sorts of problems. When it is very hot outside and everyone has the air conditioners running, electric companies warn that the power plants are being pushed to the limit. In many places, especially California, there are frequent blackouts because there is not enough electricity being generated. Can you imagine what would happen if everyone went home and plugged in their cars each day? I don't see how our civilization would survive without transportation. Even if you live in a city, most of the products you depend on are transported from other places. Also, fossil fuels are required for farm machinery and fertilizer production. Without these fossil fuels, I think a lot of people would starve to death. Check out http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/100303_eating_oil.html and you will see how important oil is for our food supplies.
  5. herme3

    Peak Oil

    When do you believe the production of oil will peak and then start to decline? Since oil is a limited resource, I think it will definitely happen someday. I recommend that you visit http://www.dyingcivilization.org for some basic information about this problem. I think the most interesting part is how ethanol and the other alternative energy sources are not currently able to replace fossil fuels, which is the opposite of what many people think. After you understand the issue, you can visit http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net for a more detailed explanation of the problem. The web site has a lot of text to read, but I think it is all very interesting. I found another web page at http://www.prisonplanet.com/archives/peak_oil/index.htm that claims the whole idea of peak oil is a scam. The page claims that oil is actually a renewable resource instead of a fossil fuel, but the government is lying so they can "invade our lives and order us to sacrifice our hard-earned living standards." Anyway, what is your opinion about the peak of oil?
  6. Don't worry Snail, there's no reason to panic yet. That article you were reading is completely exaggerated. I talked to a group of people who are very concerned about global warming, and they revealed the truth. The experiment performed by the Woods Hole Research Centre was real, but the results posted in the article are fictional. For the real results, check out the web site of the organization that actually did the experiment: http://www.whrc.org/southamerica/drought_sim/results.htm Yes, global warming is a serious issue and the Amazon rainforest is in some trouble. However, we shouldn't worry about it turning into a desert next year like the article claims.
  7. herme3

    The Future

    The web site talks about renewable resources in some of its other articles. This is what it said about ethanol: It also says somewhere that if nuclear energy was used to completely replace fossil fuels, it would be gone in about 10 years. Do you think this is true? The web site also talks about tons of other problems. An interesting page is http://www.dieoff.com/page146.htm which basically says the economy and population need to completely stop growing for there to be any chance of human civilization surviving. Wow... Reading the different pages on this web site is extremely addicting. Some of the pages seem very scary, but I just keep wondering what is true and what isn't. Almost every page appears to have been written by a different scientist, and almost all of the facts are well referenced. We could probably find other sources that claim this web site's facts are all false, but how would we know those other sources aren't wrong?
  8. herme3

    The Future

    How do you think human civilization will be in the future? Some people imagine a civilization that is very scientifically advanced. However, the web site http://www.dieoff.org has a different prediction of the future. Most of the pages on that site basically say that human civilization is at its peak, and all humans are either going to die or just go back to a very simple lifestyle. One of the most interesting pages on that site is http://dieoff.org/page137.htm. Here are some of the things said on that page: On that web site, there are hundreds of other articles written by different scientists that basically say the same thing. Many articles say that human civilization is not sustainable no matter how much you conserve or recycle. At http://dieoff.org/synopsis.htm they show the following graph: Does this mean that most of us will see the end of human civilization in our lifetimes, or do you just think this site is exaggerating the problems?
  9. herme3


    That's strange... All of the Firefox web sites have just started working correctly again on my computers! I wonder what the problem was?
  10. herme3


    I live in Virginia, and my ISP is Adelphia. I can access the Firefox sites perfectly with the proxy. Thanks for the link. However, I'm still wondering why can't I just access the web site from my browser? I haven't noticed any problems with any other web sites that I use. It's strange because I tried pinging http://www.getfirefox.com from the Command Prompt, and it worked. I just can't load the site in a browser on any of my computers.
  11. herme3


    Yes' date=' I do have that kind of router. However, I don't think the router is causing the problem. I've had the router block web sites in the past, but I've always been able to access them by disconnecting the router and connecting the computer directly to the cable modem. I tried connecting the computer directly to the cable modem, but I still can't access any of the Firefox or Mozilla web sites. No. I've tried accessing them through IE and Firefox. I've even tried accessing them on both Windows Vista and Windows XP.
  12. herme3


    That link won't work either. I even tried accessing the web site using Firefox from my other computer, and all I get is this: Also, the Firefox start page has not worked for several days on my computer with Firefox. I know my firewall isn't blocking the site because I use two different firewalls. One computer is using the Windows firewall, and the other is using ZoneAlarm. The Firefox web sites will not load on either computer. Is anybody else having trouble accessing these web sites?
  13. How do I download Firefox? I've tried going to http://www.getfirefox.com but I keep getting an error message. I've been trying for a few days, but I still can't access the site.
  14. The doctor I've been talking about is a psychiatrist. Maybe there are some good ones out there, but I still don't think I would trust one if I was having problems.
  15. Seeing some crazy doctor is not the best solution for problems affecting your mind, unless the person is completely insane. It sounds like pHoToN_gUrL just needs someone to talk to, someone who really cares about her. She doesn't need some idiot giving her a bunch of harmful medications. Perhaps, but I still feel that a ton of different types of medication does more harm than good. There has to be a better solution, such as eating nutritional food or something like that.
  16. herme3

    The Secret

    Ok, thanks for your advice. I guess I won't spend $5 to see it.
  17. herme3

    The Secret

    If you go around different forums, there are tons of different people starting new threads saying how much it changed their lives. Also, there are lots of people giving reviews on Amazon that say how shocking the "secret" is and how it changed their lives. However, if you read all of the posts you will see some similar phrases being used and a similar style of writing. I think these might be the people who created the movie. However, there are also some replies from the regular members of the forums who replied to the threads after watching the movie. The most detailed reply I've found says this: Does this mean anything to you?
  18. herme3

    The Secret

    Some people on another forum have been talking about the web site: http://www.whatisthesecret.tv According to them, it is a movie that reveals a shocking truth about science. You can watch the trailer for free, and it looks very interesting. However, why isn't this in regular movie theaters if it's so good? I don't want to waste my money if it is a bad movie. I tried searching for it on Google, but I can't find any good information. If anybody else has watched this, can you tell me if it's any good or not? Thanks.
  19. Is this person a close friend of yours? How do you know about her feelings so well? Anyway, I'm not sure if I can give the best advice about this, but I will do my best. I've never been at a point where I was mentally unstable or anything like that, but I've had a pretty lonely life. When I sometimes felt depressed, the last thing I wanted to do is talk to some stranger. Although I've never considered committing suicide, I did write a lot of poems about death a few years ago. Also, other people at school told me that I looked so depressed all the time. The guidance counselor at my school called me into her office because other people were worried about me, especially the ones who had read my poetry. I told her not to worry because that type of poetry I wrote was just my style and the poems had nothing to do with my feelings or thoughts. That was a lie, because even though I never thought about death, my poems were a reflection of my loneliness. I just didn't want to talk to her about it, even though she was a professional. All I really wanted was a true friend, not professional help. Anyway, I'm saying that maybe this girl just needs a true friend. Maybe she needs to know that there is some happiness in this life, and that life is worth living. If I was in her situation, I'm not sure if I would want to talk to some professional about my problems. I would want someone who really knows me and cares about me. I've noticed that you and this girl you are talking about are both 18 years old. Maybe you could try being her friend, and helping her with her problems. You don't have to be a professional to talk to someone and try to make them feel better. Just find out what is really bothering her inside, and let her know you care. I'm sure it would mean much more to her than some crazy doctor putting her on drugs. I'm not sure if I'm giving the best advice, but I hope it helps you and your friend. If there is anything else that you would like to tell me, you can PM me anytime.
  20. Westerns just aren't my type of movie. I like Sci-Fi movies. Anyway, I just don't see how Westerns could be used to describe America. Westerns symbolized a simple life over 100 years ago. They did not have technology or very much science. I think that is the complete opposite of modern America. Americans have led the development of computers, the Internet, and other modern advancements.
  21. You make me feel embarrassed to be an American... I can't believe anyone can use a few dumb rednecks as a symbol of America. Some of the world leaders in technology live in America, and you're going to summarize it using the western lifestyle of the 1800's?
  22. Windows Vista seems to keep an error log at C:\Windows\INF\setupapi.app.log. Whenever I run a virus scan using the CA eTrust AntiVirus that was created for Windows Vista, it creates a large amount of data in the error log. It starts out like this: It keeps going and lists almost every file in my computer. Is this normal? What do the errors mean? The AntiVirus program once corrupted my hard drive, and I had to run Windows Scandisk to fix it. Do these errors explain why that happened?
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