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From what I've heard today, the company wants to separate the data into two separate databases. A new database will be managed through the program I need to create. This database will contain all the customer information for people who automatically renew their account. The other database will contain the rest of the customers. The old database will be managed using the program they already have. The reason for them splitting up the data is because the old program doesn't let them sort certain information related to renewing accounts. I'm still not really sure of everything the program will need to do. The company just gave me a little information about what they need, and they want to know if I can create the program, or if they will need to hire a programmer to complete the task. I'm still not sure of everything the program will need to do. However, I think it will have to do much more than one task.
I've talked to someone else at the company, and we are thinking that it might be possible to just do everything in Access. Could we could move some of the information in the database into an Access database, and then accomplish our objective by creating queries in Access?
I just checked, and the database is a Microsoft SQL server.
The program will only be used on some of the computers in the office. Nobody will have access to the program who doesn't already have access to the customer data. I think that will be my best option. All I need the program to do is read certain data from the database, and then organize it. One thing the program will need to do is read the dates of when each customer last made a payment. Then, the program will need to display a list of customers who are past the due date for their payment. They are in a hurry, and would like the program to be finished as soon as possible.
The company I work for has all of their customer accounts in a SQL database on a server. They need me to create a program that can display certain information from the database, and then organize it so the employees can find customers who haven't paid their bills and other things like that. I'm not really sure what the best way is to create the program. Can I use PHP or does SQL require a separate programming language?
I don't like Norton. It will sometimes find a virus, and then show an "Access Denied" error when it tries to delete the file. The file is locked because it is being read by the operating system or another program. So, Norton will just ignore the virus instead of trying to delete it later! I once had a virus scanner that would delete any locked virus files the next time the computer started up. I can't remember the name of the virus scanner, but the company that created it doesn't exist anymore.
There are better ways to make money. Nobody should lose their dignity for a little money.
Sorry. Perhaps the woman herself wasn't so ugly. If I had seen her in public wearing normal clothing, I would never think anything bad about her. It was just the fact that she would get into that type of clothing, and show herself on the Internet that made her appear so ugly. I just don't like the type of women who think less clothing makes them look better. I think good looks come from a happy smile and things like that. Of course, if I was going to date a girl, I would ultimately judge her by her personality. Nope. I've never watched a porn movie and I don't want to. I'm just not that type of guy. I treat girls with respect, and I think that girls should also respect themselves.
Check out http://www.doono.com every once in a while. One of those ugly ads will occasionally show up on that site. Those ads have also shown up on other web sites that are created for a general audience, including web sites with games. I just don't want to look at those ads anymore because they are so ugly! They must look for the ugliest women they can find, and then put them into very small bikinis. Who the heck wants to see that? Why don't they show pretty girls wearing normal clothing? I might go out on a date with a pretty girl in normal clothing, but I'm not going out with some hideous monster wearing almost no clothing. I know this might sound mean, but you need to see some of those women in the ads. Then, you will understand what I'm talking about!
Let me go back to the very first post I made in this thread when I was feeling lonely and started ranting about online dating services. Now, I hate those ads even more because of the content. Most of the ones I see aren't even about dating anymore. At least the ads used to be about finding a happy relationship. Now they are all about "one night only" relationships. I used to see ads with a guy and a girl standing on the beach, holding hands. The ads made me feel a little lonely, but at least they were happy pictures. Also, the girls in the pictures were actually pretty. Now, they show some hideous butt-ugly thing wearing almost no clothing. Holy crap, she is one ugly woman! What happened to the pretty little girls they used to have on the ads? Those girls were wearing normal clothing, and they were still pretty. Now the company seems to think you can stuff crap into a very small bikini, and guys will find it attractive. These ads make me sick!
Windows Vista BETA is actually very stable. It was difficult to install, and it is also to difficult to find all the drivers I need, but the operating system itself works great. The only problem I'm really having is that the screen resolution doesn't fit right on my widescreen monitor. I'm sure this will be easy to fix once Vista is for sale and more drivers are available. The only time I had any serious errors with Vista was when I ran a virus scan. It seems obvious that the problem was caused by the virus scanner, not Vista.
Well, it depends on the circumstances. Sometimes, they might choose to have a 37 year old boyfriend. However, in most cases it would be rape. But, it would be impossible for an older woman to rape a young boy. Due to biological reasons, the boy would always have a choice. The law doesn't need to worry about stuff like that. Teenagers are capable of making that choice, so they are capable of facing the consequences. If some girl gets pregnant, that's her own fault unless she was raped. Teenagers are not like infants that don't know anything. They are perfectly aware of what they are doing, so they should be free to make their own choice if they are willing to accept the consequences. I would never choose to have sex with anyone at such a young age, but I'm certainly not going to tell others what they should and shouldn't do.
Wow! That is just creepy... Now, that doesn't make any sense to me! The legal system never deals with these types of issues appropriately. That kid knew exactly what he was doing, and he needs to share the blame. He was a teenager! If it had been a 37 year old man, and a 15 year old girl, that would have been completely different and the man should be thrown in prison for rape charges. I don't think I need to go into a biological explanation, but the 15 year old boy had a choice. He made his own choice, and the legal system should not treat him like a victim!
Has anyone ever thought about how much anger and hate there is in the world? Although it may appear peaceful where you live, watching the news will probably show you how much hate there is in the world. Just think about it. There are some poor counties that are jealous of wealthy nations. Some people in these poor countries become so jealous and angry that they feel the need to attack the innocent civilians in the wealthy nations. Of course, the solution of the wealthy nations is to bomb and attack the people of the poor nations. It seems like the only way countries respond to violence is with more violence. If people are killed, the only solution our leaders can find is to kill more people. There is even violence within developed nations. People always find reasons to hate and fight each other. If two people are different from each other, they often believe one is right and the other is wrong. Why can’t we all just accept that we all are humans? We are capable of communicating and reasoning with each other. We should realize our differences, and learn how to accept them. In other cases, people feel the need to steal and harm innocent people. In return, the victims feel the need to get revenge. If somebody gets killed, the solution is usually to kill someone else. Did you know that it actually costs more money to legally execute someone than to keep them in prison for the rest of their lives? So, if a murderer is confined within prison and unable to harm another person, what is the purpose of spending more money to kill him or her? The only reason is revenge and hate. Now, I admit that I’m not a perfect person. I can often be just as angry and hateful as any other person. If I happened to have a girlfriend, I could not imagine how I would feel if somebody murdered her. I would probably want the murderer to be captured and killed even if I had to pay for it myself. Yes, it would be an act of revenge. However, the revenge would just be part of human instinct. If somebody so close to your heart is suddenly taken away, I don’t think anybody would be able to control their hate and desire for revenge. Some people may not desire a death penalty, but the deep hatred will still be there. However, from a logical point of view, anger and hate do not make sense. Why must humans hate each other and desire revenge? Why can’t we just look at each other with feelings of peace? We call ourselves an intelligent species, yet our deepest instinct is to hate each other. I believe that our world leaders have more anger and hate than most people. After the horrible terrorist attacks in the United States, the first reaction seemed to be to get out the weapons and go kill some people. Instead of focusing on defense, the US focused on offense. Of course, I cannot criticize the President or any other leader for this action. If I had been President, I might have done the same thing. Unfortunately, it all just seems to be human instinct.
I'm actually happy to see that this thread is no longer about my pathetic problems anymore. I don't see anything wrong with that. I knew a 16 year old girl who dated a man who was around 22. Now, that was a little creepy. However, two years isn't very much of a difference. I'm sure most married couples are at least two years apart. Make sure that she would want to go to the library first. Some girls might like the idea of going to a library, but a lot of them might think it's boring. A library isn't a normal place for a first date, but it might be something she would enjoy. Just talk to her, and make sure that she's a dork too! I don't think you need to worry about a mental institution unless you think you might be a threat to yourself or others. If you just feel a little unhappy, maybe you should just talk to a counselor. A counselor will probably have a friendly conversation that will help you, but you won't have to worry about being locked up. Maybe when you start dating this girl, you will feel better. I think there have been times when I've gone a little insane. Read some of my poems from http://www.destinypoems.com and you will see what I mean. I never came close to suicide or anything, but I've spent hours wondering if there was anything good about life. All of these problems were just caused by loneliness. My life probably would have been so much better if I had a girlfriend. Maybe your life will improve when you start dating this girl.
I downloaded the eTrust EZ Antivirus from http://www.my-etrust.com/Microsoft/vista/default.aspx. It is supposed to be compatible with Windows Vista BETA, but it just corrupted my hard drive today. I downloaded it about a week ago, and the real-time scan seems to work fine. However, I ran a full scan today and a blue screen with an error message appeared right after the scan was complete. A few seconds later, my computer automatically restarted. About a minute after the desktop finished loading, the computer went back to the blue screen and restarted again. This just kept repeating itself. I tried using system restore, but it did not fix the problem. Next, I tried using Windows to check the hard drive for errors. It found a large list of errors, and automatically fixed all of them. Now, my computer seems to be working fine. Has anybody else had this problem? The Antivirus program was made by Computer Associates, which is a large security company. I can't believe they would release an Antivirus program without testing it first. I don't think my computer could have already had a virus when I ran the scan. I had completely reformatted my hard drive when installing Vista last week, and I haven't downloaded very many programs since then. Does anyone know what might have caused the problem?
What type of hacks do you mean? All of my web sites display exactly the same in IE6, Firefox, and IE7.
Actually, I like the fact that the tabs are always there. When I first started using Firefox, it took me a while to figure out how to open a new tab. Also, you can easily disable the "new tab" page. When that page loads, just click on "Don't show this page again" and then click "Close". Vista's interface was a little confusing for me at first. I couldn't find all the buttons because they were in different locations from Windows XP. However, the more I use it, the more I think it's easier. Instead of clicking "File" and then "Print" all you have to do is click on the print button. I also really like the design of the interface. It looks more professional, and it should satisfy all the people who said Windows XP looked childish. Some of the gadgets are a little useless. I'm not really sure why they needed the giant clock when you have the smaller one in the lower right corner. However the calculator on the sidebar is a good idea. I'm sure people will find better uses for the Windows Sidebar in the future. I would like to see the weather and news headlines.
The company that I'm working for is still thinking about upgrading to Windows XP Pro. My recommendation for them is to wait for Windows Vista because the main reason they are upgrading is to improve their security. They want to prevent employees from playing games on the computers when they should be working. The company is under the impression that installing Windows XP Pro and then using Active Directory on their server will make it impossible for employees to install games. Is this true? I'm testing Windows Vista BETA, and it seems to have a lot of security features. Don't you all agree that it will be best to wait until Windows Vista before upgrading their computers? I can't imagine spending money on an operating system that will soon be obsolete.
Well, it's been a few weeks since school ended and I still haven't heard from my best friend. I suppose my mind is on other things now, such as sitting in my room and spending almost all day on the computer. I try to go outside about once a week now, just to get some fresh air and to see other people. Although they are all complete strangers, it is still nice to see that other people still exist out there. I'll sometimes have a conversation with these other people, but the conversations are never deep. I miss the friendly and meaningful conversations I once had with my best friend, but I suppose I can live without them. I see no reason why all my socializing can't take place here, and on a few other forums. It might get a little boring, but I am still preoccupied with writing my book and also a little software programming. I made some updates to my computer, so I haven't been here for several days. I agree strongly with Sabbath's and Alice's latest posts. Even though I might say someone is perfect, I do know that everyone has imperfections. Imperfections can sometimes be very difficult to find, but I still know they are there. I've been busy installing Windows Vista BETA on my computer. Installing it was difficult. When I first installed it and powered on my computer, all I got was a blank screen. Fortunately, I knew how to boot Vista into SafeMode and fix some drivers. Now, it seems to be working great so I'll probably be able to check this thread regularly again.
Has anyone tried the new Internet Explorer 7 BETA: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx It seems to work well, but I'm not sure how to test it to see if the security has improved or if it complies better with the standards. I do see that in the version that comes with Windows Vista BETA 2, you can disable ActiveX and other plug-ins. What do you all think about the new version?
I believe that the messages are really deleted by Hotmail without a trace. Yesterday, I sent an e-mail from my Go Daddy e-mail address to my Hotmail e-mail address. It never arrived in my Hotmail inbox, and I never received an error in my Go Daddy inbox. I believe this e-mail was accepted by Hotmail's server because Go Daddy always sends me a mailer-daemon error if I try sending anything to an invalid e-mail address. I also checked my sent mail folder at Go Daddy to make sure I typed my Hotmail e-mail address correctly. So, where did this message go? I checked, and it's not in my Hotmail junk folder either. Since Go Daddy never sent me an error, I believe the message was accepted by Hotmail but deleted by their server instead of being delivered to my inbox.
Does anybody here use Hotmail? You wouldn't believe how many messages are randomly deleted from Hotmail before arriving in my inbox. People who e-mail me on a regular basis will sometimes ask me if I received the e-mail they sent a few days ago, but I never received it. There are other times when e-mail will come into my inbox very slowly, sometimes over a day after it was originally sent. I have a form submission program on my web site that sends a message to my e-mail address whenever anyone fills out a form. I now have it send it to both my Hotmail e-mail address, and an e-mail address I setup with my web host. Usually, around 1 out of 10 messages do not arrive in my Hotmail account, but they always arrive at my other account. I've tried adding a lot of e-mail addresses to the Hotmail safe-list, but it still doesn't make a difference. About 1 out of 10 messages will still be randomly deleted before they come into my inbox. They will not be in my junk mail folder either. Where are all of these messages going? There doesn't seem to be any reason for Hotmail to block them. 1 out of 10 messages may not seem like a huge number, but it is very annoying if one of those deleted messages were from someone important.
I did some research, and I read that the data is contained in the hidden file: C:\$Mft I don't see this file, even when I enable all hidden and system files. No matter how I try to open it, it says that the file can't be found. However, you can prove that the file exists. If you create a blank text file, and name it "$Mft" without the .txt extension, try to copy it to the C:\ root directory. It will bring up an error message that says the file already exists. If the file exists, isn't there some way that it can be opened? The system restored directory, "C:\System Volume Information" is also hidden and locked, but people have found a way to open that.
That's interesting. I always thought the file system was just a format for storing data. I didn't know that it actually contained data. How can I see the data that is contained within the file system? Is it in the Windows directory, the hard drive root directory, or another location?