It seems this getting philosophical means science needs to be redefined. But talking of the mind and time you must take consideration of Descartes thinking. Thinking coheres with mind, wanting certainty of existence is natural and you are satisfied with "I think therefore I am", because this thinking IS something. Let's imagine the physicality this proposition brings, having a concept close to the best we can get of time means the physicality of time. Therefore, if you like, what is needed is definition for this.
If thirty miles an hour was light speed, and a driver of a bus has one passenger sitting on board travelling thirty miles an hour, the passenger would not feel time. Then, if a live observer outside watching it gets to see the passenger, he sees them inside the bus completely stationary. The passenger looks out to see the world stationary in state. The bus can move in all possible directions of space and a physical beam would be seen if thirty miles per hour was lightspeed. If the bus was moving right at lightspeed, you would see a beam. If it was moving backwards, then you would see a beam. If it was moving upwards, then you would also see a beam. The interesting question is what would the bus look like moving in all directions at once? Surely it would appear to us to be completely motionless. The bus would appear stationary and observers would watch the passenger without times experience. Similarly, the passenger seeing the observer would notice he was stationary. That is where the entropic state of existence gets brought forward. The bus is seen in slow motion but neither party experiences time. Lightspeed being constant means we can envisage what is called duality and because of this duality each party becomes dynamic, that is, it experiences motion. Over seeing lightspeed lacking constancy, everything would freeze and motion would not exist.