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ABOUT DARK MATTER It is thought that within galaxies Kepler’s and Newton’s laws are not valid. On this basis the notion of ,,dark matter” has been introduced. Because matter (mass) generates electromagnetic energy, dark energy has also been thought of. Some scientists think that the Universe is more than 75-80% dark matter and dark electromagnetic energy. Others think that the laws of Kepler and Newton must be rewritten. In this paper I will demonstrate that dark matter and dark energy do not exist. In our Universe the laws of Kepler and Newton are valid in the cosmic vacuum as an ideal medium. But in this paper I will also demonstrate that the laws of Kepler and Newton are valid in all states of matter: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. The gravitational law of Newton is deduced directly from the third law of Kepler. By equating the universal gravitational force, which is a centripetal force, with the centrifugal force resulted from the M · G = v2 · r formula, where M is the mass of the object, G is the gravitational attraction constant, v is the linear orbital velocity of the satellite object of a mass m and r is the distance between M and m. By equating the second law of mechanics which contains the inert mass mi , with the law of gravitational attraction which contains the gravitational mass mg , we get the above formula with mi = mg . From the integral energy with M >> m, we immediately get to the above formula. Therefore, in a cosmic system the mass of the central object M multiplied with the gravitational attraction constant G ,equals with the linear orbital speed squared v2 of the satellite object of mass m multiplied with the distance r between M and m. The above formula is known in Astronomy, but a confusion is made that we take the mass M into account up to the radius r. In reality, M is the mass of the central object. For example, for the cosmic system Sun – Earth, M = mass of the Sun, v = the median orbital linear speed of the Earth, r = the big semiaxis of the Earth. Therefor M is the mass of the Sun, M is not the mass up to Earth’s orbit. Applied to our galaxy and our neighbor Andromeda (M31), from this confusion the notions of dark matter and dark energy have cropped up. In Section 1 I have showed that there is no dark matter in the solar system. I have done my demonstration using planets, comets, cosmic objects from Kuiper’s Belt and beyond. Here I have introduced a recurrent empirical law of linear orbital velocities for the cosmic objects starting with the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, up to the Kuiper’s Belt ending. In section 1.1. there are planets with satellites. In section 1.2. there is the rotation motion around the axis. The demonstration is made on the Sun, planets and satellites. Any cosmic object rotates around the axis because it has a solid nucleus.Therefore we have discovered why the objects rotate naturally around the axis. The equatorial rotation velocity around the North-South axis of any cosmic object,is directly proportional with the mass of the solid internal nucleus. In these sections there are 11 tables and the result that there is no dark matter inside cosmic objects. Through the rotation movement around the axis, I demonstrate that the Earth has 4.52 billion years, count that is accepted in the present moment. In section 1.3. is the magnetic field of the Sun and the planets. The equivalence relation between the mass of an object m and the electrical charge q is m = (4·π·ε0·G)-1/2 · q or q = (4·π·ε0·G)1/2 · m, with ε0 = the permisivity of vacuum. Knowing the magnetic induction B at the surface of the cosmic object, by using the Biot-Savart-Laplace law we calculate the mass of the nucleus of the cosmic object. The theoretical results are close to the ones deduced through observations, as noted in the table. The nucleus of the cosmic objects is a dynamo which generates the magnetic and electric field. The rotor of the dynamo is none else than the internal nucleus and the fixed coil is the external nucleus. The reminder of the celestial body, the radiative zone and the convective zone to the stars, the mantle and the crust of the planets, is nothing else than the carcass of the dynamo. In the nucleus of cosmic objects there is no dark matter. In section 1.4. is the electric field of the Sun and the planets. The theoretically obtained values are encouraging of discussion. For the stars the nucleus (the dynamo) is made of plasma, the rest ( the carcass of the dynamo) is made of plasma and atoms. For planets the rotor of the dynamo ( the internal nucleus) is made of plasma, the fixed coil of the dynamo (the external nucleus) is made of atoms and the rest of the planet made of atoms is the carcass of the dynamo. The thermonuclear reactions of the nucleus (the dynamo) give of the heat of the stars. The thermonuclear reactions inside the internal nucleus (the rotor of the dynamo) give off the heat of the planets. This is how we explain why some planets (Jupiter etc.) have a big internal heat. I present theoretical suggestions for the construction of a thermonuclear electrical plant. There is no dark matter in the nucleus of cosmic objects, therefore the laws of Kepler and Newton are valid in all states of matter. In section 1.5. is the quark. I demonstrate that all cosmic objects have in their center o sphere of quarks. The demonstration is for the solar system, the Sun and planets, but identical for all the universes. For Example the Sun has in its center a sphere of quarks with the radios r=160 km, the Earth r=460 m etc. All objects of natural materials have inside them a sphere of quarks. All cells that make up the living objects and tissue have in their center a sphere of quarks. From the law of thermal radiation, the law of Planck’s constant, the law of Wien, the quarks generate electromagnetic waves with a frequency ν =1034Hz, equivalent to a temperature of T =1023 K. Seeing how all natural objects, alive or not, are formed on spheres of quarks, all of them generate electromagnetical waves with ν =1034 Hz, therefore the Universe has a background noise around this frequency. With adequate technology we can receive this background noise and have the physical proof that there are quarks in the centre of objects of natural materials. The objects of artificial materials, created by humans, do not have a sphere of quarks in their centre and therefore have a shorter life. It appears that a confusion is made between dark matter and quarks. We deduce that the Universe is constructed and it exists on a web-like weaving (strings) of electromagnetic waves with the frequency ν = 1034 Hz, emitted by the quarks. I close this section with a short philosophical discussion and I propose a solution for the lenghetning of life. In section 2. is the atom. Through equivalency relations between the mass m and the electrical charge q ,the formula M · G = v2 · r is valid in atoms also. Therefore the laws of Kepler and Newton are valid in atoms. The linear orbital velocity of electrons is directly proportional with the mass of the nucleus and inversely proportional with the distance r between the nucleus and electrons. Also, the rotation velocity around the axis (the spin) is directly proportional with the mass of the internal solid nucleus for electrons, protons, neutrons, nuclei, all elemental particles. Therefore they have an internal structure similar with that of cosmic objects. In atoms there is neither dark matter nor dark energy. In section 3. is our galaxy (the Milky Way). I calculate the mass of our galaxy and the orbital parameters of the two best known satellites, The Big Cloud of Magellan and the Small Cloud of Magellan. I use the above formula, therefore the laws of Kepler and Newton and the results are the same as the empirical estimations. The calculations for all galaxies with satellites are done similarly. Therefore there is no dark matter in galaxies, around them, in the satellites of the galaxies. In the galactic cluster the laws of Kepler are valid. A more ample discussion is constituted by the galactic disk, finalized by a table, because from here the conclusion was drawn that there is dark matter. I have analyzed the curvature of orbit velocities of stars in the Galaxy, starting from the center up to the edge of 100000 light years, in 52 points around the galactic longitude of zero degrees. In the table we can see that the following sectors on the radios are rotating semi-rigidly, semi-fluidly, with very close orbital periods. - from r=1920 light years to r=7000 l.y. we have the galactic bar until the 3 Kpc arm starts - (10500 – 13400) l.y. the Norma arm - (17300 – 21100) l.y. the Scutum – Centaurus arm - (32000-38400) l.y. the Perseus arm - ( 62500- 65800) l.y. towards the Galactic periphery - (97600 – 100000) l.y. the Galactic periphery These radius sectors rotate semi-rigidly, having the maximum star density. The reminder of radius sectors rotate semi-viscidly, the velocities of the stars being slowed or accelerated, but Kepler’s and Newton’s laws are respected. This phenomenon is present in all spiraled galaxies, including Andromeda (M31). The halo of the galaxies is similar. There is no dark matter inside the galaxies. I close with a short philosophical discussion regarding the beings, the alive material body, the human. There is no dark matter and visible matter, as there is no matter (mass). The being, the human does not feel the matter (the mass), but only the electromagnetic waves emitted and reflected by the material objects and received by the sensory organs of the being as electromagnetic energy, which is filtered by the brain’s neurons as feelings, making sense of the sensory mind (manas). The mind is made of rationality (ratio) which gives though (cogito) through thoughts (ennoia). In conclusion there is no dark matter, there is no dark energy, there is only electromagnetic energy. Respectfully, Turcu Vasile MATTER.pdf
Name Jesus Christ The word “Mesiah” or “Messiah” comes from Hebrew language, where “masiah” means “anointed”, “the one who’s anointed”, “the one who’s consecrated”, “at the crown which was poured oil, to consecrate him”. The noun masiha = anointed, derived from the verb masah = anoint. Greeks pronounced μεσσίας (messiaz). The name Christ or Hrist (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ), is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word “Masiah”, meaning “Anointed” or “Consecrated”. From here comes the name of Christians, meaning "followers of Christ" (christianoi). When the source is Latin we write Jesus Crist (Iesu Cristi), when the source is neo-Greek we write Jesus Christ, when the source is ancient Greek we write Jesous Christ (so wrote evangelists), when the source is Hebrew we write Joshua Masiah (Joshua Messiah) and when the source is Aramaic we write Joshua of Nazareth (this is the original name, from birth). On the time of Jesus, Aramaic was spoken in Galilee. In Nazareth, Jerusalem and Judea he was named Joshua (Joshua of Nazareth), in the rest of Palestine, Syro-Phoenicia and Arabia was called Joshua or Joshua (of Nazareth). In Matthew’s Gospel the angel tells Joseph in a dream: “She will give birth to a son, and shalt call his name Jesus” (1, 21). In Luke’s Gospel we read that the angle tells Mary: “And behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus” (1, 31). In Jacob’s protoevangelium is written that the angel responds to Mary: “Therefore the holy fruit that will be born in thy womb shall be called Son of the Most High. And thou shalt call his name Jesus” (XI, 3). In apocryphal Gospel “life of Joseph the carpenter”, the angle tells Joseph in a dream: “Will bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus” (VI, 2). In “Bartholomew Gospel” apocrypha written in the III century, we read: <<When he spoke these things, Jesus said: “Bartholomew, my father called me Christ, so that I might come to earth and brush with oil life anyone that comes to Me. He named me Jesus, so that I can cure any sin of the ignorant, and to give people the truth of God.” >> (IV). So the name Jesus was given by angels. Later in life, Jesus says he is Christ, term coined until today. In the Palestine of that time at least 12 alleged prophets were called Messiah (Christ), not only Jesus. In Hebrew, Jesus and Joshua are one and the same name. In ancient Greek, Jesus as Joshua, is said Iesous. In ancient Hebrew, for Jesus and Joshua, exists Yehoshua. It’s a “theophilus” name: he associates the name of God Yahweh (Yeho), or Jehovah, form that can pronounce the sacred Tetragrammaton YHWH, the root of the verb “to save” (Yasha). So Yeho-shua (Yeho-Yasha), meaning Jesus or Joshua, means “Yahweh saves”, “Jehovah saves”, “the Lord God saves”, “God saves”. Isus-Jesus-Joshua-Iosua-Iesous-Yehoshua (Yeho-Yasha) means “Yahweh saves”, “Jehovah saves”, “the Lord God saves”. The Greek word Ie-sous like the French word Je-sus for Jesus, preserved traces of its original Semitic morphology Yeho-shua (Yeho-Yasha). Only returning to the Semitic substrate of the text, we can understand verse 1, 21 from Matthew. Contrary to the relationships that are established in Hebrew and Aramaic, in Indo-European languages the casual link between the name of Jesus and the verb “to save” is lost. A relevant translation is: “Jesus” means “Savior”. So Jesus Christ means “Anointed Savior”, anointed by God Yahweh. If you go back to its original substrate, ie Semitic (Hebrew and Aramaic), Jesus Christ means “the Anointed of Yahweh saves”, “the Anointed of Jehovah saves”. Or, in a free translation, “Saves Anointed of Yahweh”. The name of Jesus is given by an angel to Mary at Annunciation, or to Joseph in his sleep and represents his mission on Earth is, that is to save people in the name of God Yahweh. Strict religious, salvation is forgiveness of sins. In Jewish tradition, the meaning of the word “to save” induce the salvation of the body rather than of the soul. It is also the salvation of an oppressed nation, so salvation is an act that restores freedom. In Christianity the meaning of the word “to save” refers only to the soul, the spirit, ie the divine part of the human body, because through soul (spirit) we have a direct and continuous contact with the Spirit of God. So in a strictly theological way, “Jesus Christ” means “the Anointed of God saves the soul” or “soul Savior”. In conclusion, Jesus Christ, Jesus Crist or Joshua Messiah means “the Anointed of Yahweh saves”, “the Anointed of God saves”, or, simply, “Savoiur”. Jesus and priests, bishops, forgive only the sins of the soul, not the sins of our body. In ancient Hebrew Jesus Christ is written Ya’Shuah ha Mashiah = YHWH, Yahweh (Jehovah)is salvation. So not Jesus as a person, son of Yahweh, is salvation, but God as Yahweh and saves people, extrasolar civilization YHWH is salvation. How Newton wrote, after the 2060 Earth will be led by extrasolar civilization YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah, Jehowah). Yahweh = I am, how was revealed to Jacob then said Israel: I am who I am. Through all these manifestations our vices are only suppressed, obscured, enclosed, confined, but never eradicated, excised, removed, leading to what's worse, the illusion of salvation, false salvation. Only genetic salvation will be real. In terms of human salvation, eliminating the defects of our lives, living only with virtues, this is what is written in the Gospel of Matthew: "Hearing, the disciples were very surprised, saying: Who can save us? And Jesus looking at them, said to them, for men this is impossible, but for God all are possible.” (19, 25-26). Jesus clearly tells us that a man can’t save himself, a man can not eliminate the defects of his life. Bishops and priests, being people, can’t be saved and can’t save themselves. Since all religions are about salvation but they can’t save, all religions are false, are untrue, they are the ignorance of people. However to obtain the salvation of man, all religions together with their churches introduced fasting and prayer and the society instituted the family, school, education and make laws against vices (that’s why is necessary to have a Parliament). In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is written the name of Jesus of Nazareth. In the Gospel of Philip, Gnostic writing from II century and discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi (Upper Egypt), we read: <<”Jesus” is a mysterious name, “Christ” is a revealed name. For this reason the name Jesus doesn’t change in other languages, but always His name is “Jesus”, as it’s called in any language. “Christ” is also his name. In Syriac is “Mesiah”, in Greek “Christ”. Of course, all the other nations have this name according to their language. “Nazarene” is the name that reveals what is hidden. >> (56, 3-12). And further: << Apostles who lived before us have used this name for Him: “Jesus, Nazarene, Messiah”, ie “Jesus Nazarite, the Christ”. His last name is “Christ”, his first is “Jesus”, and the middle one is “Nazarite”. “Messiah” has two meanings: “Christ” is “the true one”. “Christ” was measured. “Nazarite” and “Jesus” were measured. >> (62, 6-12). The name “Nazarene” and “Nazarite”, written in Greek “Nazarenos”, it doesn’t came from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, where Jesus lived with his family. It derives from the Hebrew language, where nazir (nazair)= sanctified, separated, devoted, consecrated, celibate of God Yahweh. Is the Holy Lord predestinated by Creator Yahweh (Jehovah) even from his mother’s womb to serve God Yahweh. “Jesus of Nazareth” means “Holy God”, “the Holy God saves”, “Yahweh’s Holy saves”. See Mark (1,24;10,47;14,67;16,6) and Luke (4,34;24,19). Matthew and John do not use Greek transcription “Nazarenos”. How the Gospels were originally written in Greek, from the name “Nazarene” in Greek appears the word “Nazoraios”, which means “inhabitant of Nazareth”. So, in Romanian language we have only one name ”Nazarene”, which in Greek is written in two ways: Nazarenos = nazir (nazair) and Nazoraios = inhabitant of Nazareth. The name Jesus Nazarene = Jesus Nazoraios = Jesus of Nazareth, occurs in Matthew (2,32;26,69 and 71), Luke (13,37), John (18,5 and 7) and Apostles Acts (2,22;3,6;4,10;6,14;24,5;26,9). Also, in all four canonical gospels Jesus called himself the Son of Man, even at the very beginning of public activity. In Matthew starting with chapter 8, Mark with chapter 2, Luke with chapter 5 and John with chapter 2. This name that Jesus assigns, is explained by the gnostics of Valentinus in II century, who preached about Anthropos as being the spiritual essence of human beings (in Greek anthropos = man). Gnostics were in total agreement with Colorbasus, who said that when God revealed, He revealed in the form of Anthropos. Gnostics, reports Irenaeus bishop of Lyon (died in 202), claimed that “the primordial father of everything, primordial being and primary incomprehensibility, is called Anthropos… and this is the great and profound mystery, namely that the power that is above all others and that it contains all others in her embrace, in called Anthropos… and this (Anthropos) is truly God above all.” (Against heresies, 1.12.3 and 1.30.6). Because of this, explained gnostics, Jesus called himself “ Son of Man”, ie “Son of Anthropos”. So “Son of Man” means “Son of God”, “Son of Yahweh”. Namely God Yahweh = Man, is man. Jesus called himself “Son of Man” in order to not be accused of blasphemy, saying that he’s “Son of Man” and so killed with stones (see John 8,59). In this way people understood that Jesus is “Son of Man”, therefore “Son of Adam”, son of a man that is certain as we are all, especially since he did not write (only once with his finger in the sand), but only talked. He knew what he was talking, but the people understood the version “Son of Man”. How much intelligence to mislead the masses! But this strategy has not held at the trial before the Sanhedrin, where were present the 71 wise men of the Jews. But even here elders, chief priests and scribes put a question mark (according to Luke). Eventually, with the direct of Jesus, all Sanhedrin was certain title “Son of Man” is the same as “Son of God” and Jesus was immediately sentenced to death. The title “Son of Man” is the first concrete evidence that we have the image and likeness of God Yahweh (YHWH). So from its origins in Genesis (Adam), God Yahweh (Jehovah, the Lord, the Father) gave us the genetic heritage, the 2x23 chromosomes. Further, using the same method to analyzing the neo-Greek name Jesus, in Romanian. This name is composed from two words: “Ii” and “sus”. Latin form of the name Jesus (Isus) is composed from two words: “I” and “sus”. Popular pronunciation of the word "Ii" or "I" is the verb "to be" in the third person, present tense, meaning "is". In Romanian, it is frequently used "i" or "îi" meaning "is"(“este”). For example: “ i ziua” (ie “is the day” = “este ziua” = “i ziua”), “i 12” (“is 12” = “este 12” = “i 12”) etc. It seems that the origin was "his" reaching today "i" and "ii". How, any own name begins with big letter, it writtes “I” and “Ii”. So, in Romanian "Iisus", "Isus" is "Ii-sus", "I-sus" meaning “is above”. The full name in Romanian, Iisus Hristos (Jesus Christ) = Is up the Anointed. Meaning “the Anointed God Yahweh”. Because "it is"(“este”) refers to the present time, it means that Jesus Christ is currently up, so he ascended, leaving Earth. We know that his last action on Earth was ascension, which happened 40 days after the resurrection, in the day of the year ,Thursday, 14 May 33. From the scientific point of view in the sky can only be an extrasolar planet, whose location is given by deciphering the sacred Tetragrammaton YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah). Turcu Vasile
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Non-Christian documents about the existence of Jesus Christ Christian tradition bring as evidence about the historical existence of Jesus the mentions made by non-Christians, preserved until now, therefore those whose impartiality can’t be questioned. It’s about the mentions from the texts of three roman authors: Cornelius Tacitus, Plinius the Young and Suetonius. Also, the Hebrew historian Iosif Flavius. Let’s begin with Tacitus, big historian and roman writer, patrician and consul (approx. 56-120). Around year 116 writes his most important work “Annales”. In the fifteenth book is described the famous fire, who started in the year 64 and who burned almost the entire Rome. We know that Nero (Octomber 54 – 9 June 68) was accused by his contemporaries that he would have personally ordered to set Rome on fire, in order to obtain free land where to build a new Rome, after his own imagination. Nero decided to fade the suspicions by blaming the Christians. In chapter 44 we read: “That’s why, to stifle the rumors, Nero sought some specific culprits who gave them the most cruel chastisement; the crazy called them Christians; because their iniquities, they were hated by everyone. Christ, from whom they took the name (Christians), was sentenced in the time of Emperor Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilatus. Their harming faith, suppressed for the moment, started again to spread not only in Judea, the birth place of this evil, but in Rome too, where it pours from everywhere all the atrocities and (where) everything that is reprehensible takes shape. Therefore at the beginning where grabbed Christians who confessed, then, after inmates, a lot of people from their ranks where proved not only that they were guilty of burning Rome, but for be beings who hated all mankind. And while walking to death, Christians were mocked in so many ways like: they were dressed in the skins of beasts then let them to dogs to tearing them down or crucified on the cross or bestowed burning at the stake, and when dusk, were burned alive in the form of a torches to light the night. Nero offered even his parks for this performances. He organized even circus games, took part dressed coachman, stand in a heap with plebs or a phaeton. Because of this, although Christians were condemned as guilty people, who deserved the most cruel punishments, yet the people started to pity the guilty ones, like the punishments were not given in the interest of the congregation, but because of the cruelty of one being: Nero.” Plinius the Young (61 – 114) fulfilled the function of governor of the Emperor Traian (98 – 117) in Bitinia (province of Small Asia), between years 111 – 113. In a letter – statement he request clarifications from Trajan: “ I never took part in Christian investigation; so I don’t know which crime usually punished or investigated, or what exceptions they make… Meanwhile, this is the procedure who I adopted with the accused in front of me to be Christians. I asked them if they are Christians and asked them the second time and third time, under the threat of punishment. If they persevered, I ordered to execute them, because I have no doubt, regardless of their faith, they anyway deserved to be punished because of their stubbornness and uncompromising perseverance… As for those who say they are not nor have ever been Christians, I thought fit to let them go, after they recited a prayer to gods to my dictation and make offerings of incense and wine to your statue, who I ordered to be placed at the court for this purpose and, in addition, they cursed Christ – things that (so they say) the ones who are true Christians can’t be convinced to do them… they stated that all their fault is marginal to routinely gather in a certain day, before sunrise to sing alternatively a hymn to Christ as a god...”. The most important commentary belongs to Suetonius (70 – 140). In his book “The twelve Caesars” written in the year 121, in “The life of Claudius” at chapter XXV, 4 writes: “As Jews, roused to Chrestus, provoked countless skirmishes, Claudius expelled them from Rome”. Orosius mentions that this expulsion took place in the ninth year of the reign of Claudius, in the year 49. This is all we have about the echo awakened by Christianity in Roman writers texts. We conclude that they aren’t confessions from outside of Christian world to confirm the historical existence of Jesus. The three fragments analyzed appeared after more than 80 years after the death of Jesus and inform us about Christians, not about Jesus. The name Chrestus was spread among slaves and liberties, proof being the fact that the inscriptions in ancient Rome he was discovered more than 80 times. The unique information about Jesus, that preserved in Jew literature, is the famous mention from “Jewish antiquities” by Iosif Flavius (37 – 117), written around the years 90 – 93, known in the circles of biblical scholars as the Testimonium Flavianum: “At that time Jesus lived, a wise man, if it can be called a real man. He was the author of amazing miracles and teacher of people who were happy to find out the truth. Drew to his side a lot of Jews, but also a lot of Pagans. This was Christ. Even if Pilatus, due to accusations by leaders of our people, nailed him to the cross, the love didn’t ceased from the ones who loved him from the beginning. Because he showed before them the third day alive again, as predicted by the Prophets sent by God, accomplishing a thousand of miracles. From then until today Christian people lasts, which takes it’s name from him.” (XVIII,II,3). Today we know that this unique Jew information about Jesus is an interpolation, a false, a later insertion counterfeit by a Christian copyist. Also, we know when took birth this PASSUS simulated. Origene from Alexandria (185 – 254) tells us that Iosif Flavius doesn’t believe that Jesus was Messiah: that means that in his copy “Jews antiquities” are not included the words Jesus and Christ. Church fathers: Clement (150 – 215), Minucius, Tertulian (second half of century II – 240) and Teofil from Antiohia, knew well Jews antiquities and not mention any word about information related to Jesus. So in the oldest copy of Jews antiquities this information doesn’t exist. Barely Eusebiu (263 – 340), the author of the first “History of churches”, quotes in the form given above. So we conclude that Testimonium Flavianum was made by some copyist and introduced to “Jews antiquities”, at the end of third century. From tenth century we have a short Arabic version, written by Agapios, bishop of Hierapolis (in Syria). And from XI-XII century there’s a Russian version or long review of Testimonium Flavianum, written in war of the Jews against the Romans in the disposal of Prince Yaroslav of Kiev. In the XX book, chapter IX of Jews antiquities, we read that in the year 62 at Jerusalem High Priest Ananus: “Convened a council to court and brought in front of him the brother of Jesus, called Christ (he was called James), along with a few others, accusing them for breaking the laws, and being sentenced to be killed with stones. " This phrase has always attracted much less debate because it does not confirm the historicity of Jesus, but that of Jacob, that no one challenges. But the phrase can - that seems obvious - and was added at a further copying of the text. Only Paul and the apostles called James “the brother of the Lord”, and Jews “the Righteous”. Not in one case it is called "brother of Jesus". Towards the end of the II century Origene publish his book “Against Celsus”. Greco-Roman philosopher Celsus, follower of Stoicism and Platonism, confidant philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius (161 – 17 March 180), published in 177 treaty “The true word”. From the writings of Celsus we do not know today more than the quotes given by Origen, because “The true word” was not preserved. It can be read in “Against Celsus”, Book I, 62-63: “Jesus was surrounded by ten or eleven men blasphemed and indigent and walked with them far and wide with a shameful face and pathetic begging in order to survive”. And in the Book II, 9: ” As I have to believe God who, among other things He was reproached, has not met anything that promised, after we’ve accused, condemned, deemed worthy of torture while he was hiding and try running the most shameful, was caught and given from those he called diciples? Could not yet, if it was God, neither flee, or not to allow taken tied; and even less, if it was regarded as the Savior, the Son and Messenger of God, to be abandoned and betrayed by his companions, who were the closest and it kept him as they teacher”. But Celsus does not cause a moment of doubt about the historicity of the person of Jesus. It can also be added the fact that, in 73 a Syrian historian named Mara sends to his son Serapion, who study at Edessa, a letter to remind him among others that Jews condemned "their wise king" who tried to give them new laws. Therefore, as a punishment, says Mara, Israel was took his kingdom, part of the population was massacred, and those who survived were scattered around the world. Mara wondered: “ What was of use for Athenians that they tortured their wise king? Rightfully God avenged the three wise men.” But here is not written the name Jesus. We present further the very interesting testimony of the famous Karaite writer Ya’qub Al-Qirqisani, who lived in the first half of the tenth century. In the book “History of Jew sects”, Al-Qirqisani says that in the first century there is a so – called “the sect of the cave” in the Dead Sea region, meaning the Essenes from Qumran. “ As in those days, writes Al-Qirqisani, there appeared a doctrine of a sect called the cave. It was named like this because its religious writings were discovered in a cave. " The meaning of the expression " how on that time " does not raise issues because this information of Al-Qirqisani is placed between the story of the Pharisees, Sadducees and boetusei and story of Christ. After talking about "cave sect", Al-Qirqisani continues: "Soon there emerged Joshua, according to the rabbis, was the son of Pandera, he is known as Jesus, son of Mary. He lived in the days of Joshua, son Perahiei, who is said to be Jesus maternal uncle. This happened in the reign of Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome (between 30 B.C. and 14), meaning on time of the second Temple ". Karaite were members of a Jewish sect that appeared in the eighth century in Asia Minor, from where they spread to Egypt, Spain, Crimea, Poland, Lithuania.As their name says, "sons of the Bible" Karaite did not recognize anything else instead the Bible (Old Testament), rejecting the Talmud and rabbinic prescriptions introduced later. In “The truw word”, Celsus gives the most space to the origin of Jesus. Relying of rumors he says that Mary was a woman of the country with a bad attitude. Her husband Joshep, a carpenter by profession, he expelled her from home because he find out that she betrayed him with some Pantera, Roman Army Soldier, of Greek origin. Rogue woman wandered around the country and in some stable gave birth to Jesus, illegitimate child. When he grew up. Jesus went to look for work in Egypt, where he learned the art of miracles, and when he returned to Galilee he used his conjuror skills to earn a living. He was so successful in this occupation that he became conceited and began to say he’s the son of a god. And in Zara Abode treaty is written the entire history of Mary’s adultery with the Pantera soldier. Likewise, in the Talmud Jews kept different opinions about the person of Jesus. In a baraita from Talmud we read: << On the eve of Easter they hanged Joshua (of Nazareth). The soil had gone for forty days before him saying: "Here it is Joshua (of Nazareth) who will be killed with stones because he indulged witchcraft and that lured and made Israel to fall into error. All of you who have science that can exonerate him come to speak in his defense". But there was no one to defend him and was hanged on the eve of Easter. >> Arabic Quran contains many signs (verses) with Jesus and his family. For example, in Sura II Cow: << and they gave Jesus, son of Mary, clarified signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit >> (81); Imrin family in Sura III: << Angels May said: "O Mary, God tell thee word that comes from Him, his name will be Messiah Jesus, son of Mary. He will be great in the world and then and will be close to God. He shall speak to the people in the cradle and aged man and will be devout ">> (40-41); in Sura XIX Mary: << This is Jesus, son of Mary, the word of truth, of which they doubt. It is not for God to give birth to a son. His glory! If decides something, He says "Be!" and is >> (36). There are many verses that contain the name of Jesus. These are writings from non-Christian sources about Jesus. Turcu Vasile
Thank you for your answer. People on Earth use kilogram to weight bodies, not mass. Theoretical in IS the kilograms is used for mass, but pratically the kilogram is used to weight. According with the European satelite GOCE, the gravitational acceleration at the North Pole is g=9.8326153533 m/s2, at the South Pole g=9.8313703633 m/s2 and at the meridian equator 0º g=9.78040575 m/s2. Newton’s gravitational law shows us the attration force between to bodies with mass m, it doesn’t show the mass of the bodies. Attration force is exercised between electromagnetic waves with different frequencies emitted and absorbed by the mass of the bodies. The attration force is not exercised between the mass of the bodies, therefore we never feel the mass m and we will never know what mass m is. It goes without saying that all the living and non-living material bodies emit, absorb and reflect an electromagnetic spectrum, not only one frequency. According with Planck’s black body radiation law, the Sun has on it’s surface (photosphere) the temperature 5770 K. From observations the Sun’s photosphere average temperature is 6000 K. The difference between the two temperature values of the Sun’s photosphere it’s explained by the deviation of the actual solar radiation from the ideal law of the black body. From this reason I used Planck’s constant h from the formula of electromagentic energy of a quantum E = h x frequency. It seems that the unification attached here is correct. I have the feeling that we are talking here according with the Indian philosophy, Nyaya sistem. With respect.
The temperature on the Sun's surface is 6000 K.According to the law of thermal radiation E=3kT and law Planck's E=h x frequence,at this temperature we have electromagnetic wave with the frequence equal to 3.75 x 1014 Hertz (at the limit of infrared with the visual).We apply the experience during a total solar eclipse.The luminous flux of a star found behind the Sun has a starigth line.When the electromagnetic luminous flux reaches the Sun,it gets curved under an alpha angle,according to the general relativity.The electromagnetic wave with the frequence equal to 3.75 x 1014 Hz are being rejected from the Sun and have a curve angle on the outside.The other electromagnetic waves are attracted by the Sun and have curvature angle on the inside.Till the Sun,we have a electromagnetical luminous flux from the star.From the Sun we have two distinct electromagnetical luminous fluxes.In order to make the experience visible,we'll pick a star that has the temperature of about 6000 K,with a strong electromagnetic luminous flux and we'll be using the latest tehnologies.This way,we'll be able to find out if the electromagnetical waves having the same frequencies are rejecting each other and if the electromagnetical waves having different frequencies are attracting each other. According to the theory of relativity,we are having the continuum of space-time.In general relativity,the gravity is interpretated as a distortion of the continuum space-time by the cosmic bodies,resulting a noneuclidian curved space.The distortion is concave when the electromagnetical waves of the continuum space-time are attracted by the electromagnetical waves emitted by the cosmic body.The distortion is convexe when the electromagnetical waves of the continuum space-time are rejected by the electromagnetical waves emitted by the cosmic body.Our living body has sensing organs (5 for the exterior and 1 for the interior of the body) which work only with electromagnetical waves,electromagnetical energy.The senses from the brain,aswell as the understanding of senses from the mind (manas) aswell.Nobody feels the space,we all feel the time only.The time means electromagnetic waves.The science is the certitude given by the sensing organs of the human body.Uncertainity means religion.As the space does not exist for the sensing organs of the human body,there is no continuum space-time,but only time.The gravity is just time,it's just a distortion of the electromagnetic waves,which means Einstein was not right.Because we only feel the electromagnetical waves,we think that we feel the continuum space-time,but in reality we feel only the time.To belive means religion,not science.Only the time is curved,the space is smooth and straight.As Trismegistus was writing,4000 years ago: ,,Because elements are like the Edges of that Speech that is written;they seem lifted and full but in fact they are,by their nature,smooth and straight."(X,113). We don't see the Sun.We see the visible electromagnetical waves emitted by the Sun and recieved by our eyes.We don't see the surrounding objects,we don't see the natural enviroment in which we leave,we don't see mases.We see the visible electromagnetical waves emitted and reflected by the bodies recieved by eyes.We don't have sensing organs to feel mass,we only feel the electromagnetic waves.For us,mass doesn't exist.This is why,there are no gravitational waves,no gravitons or photons,there are only electromagnetical waves,there is only electromagnetical energy.So,the unification attached here is concrete,but is needs to be improved.Regarding the experience OPERA from CERN from 9th of February,2013 I have posted here:Speeds greater than the speed of light. The unit of measurement in IS for the mass is the kilogram.But,kg is a unit of measurement for weight G of bodies,not for their mass. G=m x g where g=the gravitational acceleration.We know that g is a gravitational field H.According to my unification,there is no gravitational field,but only electromagnetical field.So,kg are given by the electromagnetical acceleration on the surface of the Earth,mass being highlited by the electromagnetical waves which are being emitted,reflected and absorbed by all the material bodies,alive and dead,but we will never know what the m mass is. According to the unification of the gravitational force with the electromagnetical force attached here,the Earth has the electrical charge q=5.147 x 1014 Coulombs.The potential energy of the Earth is E=q x V with V=the electric potential in volts.The electric potential is V=(1/4 x pi x epsilon0)(q x r) with r=radius of Earth on Equator.Replacing,we discover that the potential electromagnetical energy is E=3.769 x 1032 Joules.The energy of mass is E=m x c2 with m=mass of the body and c=the speed of light in vacuum.For Earth,we have the energy of mass E=5.369 x 1041 Joules.By making the ratio,we obtain (5.369 x 1041/3.769 x 1032)=1.4 x 109 .The energy of mass is 1.4 x 109 times larger than the electromagnetical energy of mass that we use.The energy of mass is over one billion times stronger than the thermonuclear energy.Look for the energy of mass and we will have an energy is over one billion times stronger that the one we have today,solutioning the human kind's energy.This is the first application of my unification attached here. All the best, Turcu Vasile
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External photoelectric effect is the release of free electrons from a metal,under the action of incident light.Incident light consist of electromagnetic waves in the visible and obeys Planck's law.So the photoelectric effect is given by the electromagnetic waves,not by photons as corpuscles.These free electrons routed through a wire,is the electricity that can power a light bulb.The physical phenomenon is reversed in the light bulb.Free electrons enter the atom and between the atoms of bulbs filament and release electromagnetic waves of incident light,the bulb illuminating.Here are only electromagnetic waves,not corpuscles called photons. Theoretically,ideal,the laser beam should contain only electromagnetic waves with the same freqvency.In reality,beam contains very similar freqvency electromagnetic waves that give a monochromatic light,for lasers in the visible.As long as the power of attraction of electromagnetic energy between electromagnetic waves with different freqvencies is greater than the power of electromagnetic energy rejection of electromagnetic waves of the same freqvency that make laser beam,the laser beam keeps its shape over time and space.After a time and space,the laser beam disperses,spreads,because the electromagnetic waves of the same freqvency of the beam are rejected,and all electromagnetic waves of the beam are attracted by electromagnetic waves of the enviorement that the beam goes through.A laser beam that contains only the same freqvency electromagnetic waves,with freqvencies identical,can not be done,it doesn't exist in reality.But in the universe is an electromagnetic force of rejection.It is manifested between electromagnetic waves that make the background noise in the microwave universe,which have equivalent freqvency with the temperature of 2.7 K and electromagnetic waves with the same freqvency emitted and reflected by all living and nonliving material bodies.It is homogeneous and isotrope in the whole universe.It seems that the universe also has the background noise in the middle infrared.In the universe all material bodies have different temperatures,so all are attracted.There isn't a body in the universe with a single temperature,because electromagnetic waves with the same freqvency are rejected and can not give birth to a material body. Earth's average temperature is 278 K (5 degree C).Sun rays that have a straight trajectory are curved to Earth when passing the planet,but electromagnetic waves with equivalent freqvency with the temperature of 278 K (middle infrared) are curved backwards,moving away from Earth.Let there be experiments with lasers in the visible and middle infrared,emitted from the Moon,to see if I'm right: electromagnetic waves of different freqvencies are attracted,electromagnetic waves of the same freqvency are rejected.This physical phenomenon can be seen in the cluster of stars called the Pleiades. All the best.
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Plus-minus signs do not exist in the univers,they are given by man in order to explain some natural phenomons.They are only symbols in our head,which have no equivalent in physical reality.We can take the Sun with a plus sign and the other bodies in the solar system with a minus sign.Or vice versa.Or without any sign. All material bodies are disrupted because of electromagnetic waves (radiation) emited,absorbed or reflected by than,or by the other bodies in the univers.I believe that attraction-rejection phenomon between all material bodies,is strict electromagnetic.Meaning that electromagnetic waves with different freqvency attract each and electromagnetic waves with identical freqvency reject each.In oder words,material bodies with different temperature attract each and material bodies with identical temperature reject each.This phenomon can be checked using general relativity.Light rays passing near the Sun (eg.eclipse) are deflected by an alpha angle,from their straight normal path.Gravitational formula (28) or electromagnetic formula (29),the results being identical.On the surface of the Sun the temperature is 6000 K.Electromagnetic waves which have different freqvencies than 6000 K (according with thermal radiation law) are attracted and the curvature is towards the Sun.Electromagnetic waves with equivalent freqvency to 6000 K temperature are rejected and their curvature is getting faraway from the Sun. Each material body has electrostatic,magnetic and magnetic induction field.According with this unification,each material body has electric charge and therefore has electromagnetic field.Meaning that not the mass generates electromagnetic waves (gravitational waves),but the electric charge of the mass generates electromagnetic waves.Thus I explain why material bodies in the univers have electrostatic,magnetic and magnetic induction fields.Theoretical results obtained in this unification are identical or similar with the ones from observations,which means that the theory is good.For instance with formula (35) the Biot-Savart-Laplace law,result in the Moon's orbit a magnetic induction 5x10^-8 Tesla,that is the value of the magnetic induction measured on the surface of the Moon by landed astronauts.We stand on Earth which has an electric charge,like the birds on electric power wires.We say that Earth is electrically neutral,how birds think that the electric power wires are,the air being a good isolator.We don't feel the electric energy only when there is on electric potential difference on the surface of Earth and we say that Earth is electrically neutral.According with this unification,the electric charge of Earth is 5x10^14 C and the Moon is 6x10^12 C.If we join an electromagnetic cable with the Moon from a receiving station on Earth,we create a potential difference between Moon (minus) and Earth (plus).Therefore we use perpetuum and free the electric power of the Moon,salving the energy problems of mankind.
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This is the unification of the gravitational force with the electromagnetic force,Theory of Everything.The unification has been done by following two ways,the results being identical.The first way is represented by the analogue atom-supergalaxy.The second way is represented by the equality between gravitational force law and electrostatic force law.In the universe the mass of a body is represented by m=(4 x pi x epsilon0 x G)-1/2 x q and the electrical charge of a body is represented by q=(4 x pi x epsilon0 x G)1/2 x m .Using these formulas I have calculated the electrical charge of the supergalaxy,the galaxy and the solar system.For example the Galaxy has q=+-2.5 x 1031 Coulombs,the Sun q=+-1.7 x 1020 C,the Earth q=+-5.1 x 1014 C,the Moon q=+-6.3 x 1012 C. In the 4th chapter I have proven the equality between the gravitational and electromagnetic forces in the universe.In the subchapter 4.1 is the proof of equivalence of mass with electric charge in the universe.The formula (12) m=(1 / 4 x pi x epsilon0)(qcen x q / v2x r) is identical for newtonians mechanics and quantum mechanics.With these results I have calculated the interaction energy of the gravitational and electrostatic in the universe,the results being identical.Then,I have calculated the gravitational and electromagnetic radius of bodies in the universe,them being identical as well.I have calculated the classic electromagnetic radius of an electron and a proton,the results being identical with the results obtained using the general relativity.The experimental verification of the general relativity theory is in the 8th chapter.I have calculated the electromagnetic advancement of perihelium,the gravitational deplasation of the spectral lines towards red or purple,the deviation of light rays who pass close by the Sun,the results being identical with the general relativity.In the 9th chapter I have calculated the intensity of the electrostatic field,magnetic field and the magnetic induction in the supergalaxy,the galaxy and the solar system,the results either identical or nearly identical to the results in observations.Electromagnetic we can discuss all newtonian and relativistic mechanics.When the precision of the calculation of the electrical charge will be below 10-18 Coulombs,we realize that the matter is not electrically neutral. In conclusion,in the universe there are only electromagnetic waves and no gravitational waves,there are no photons or gravitons.There is only electromagnetic energy and there is no mass.There is only electromagnetic forces and no gravitational forces.So,I have proven the second sentence in the Tabula Smaragdina by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus: ,,What is below is the same with is above; also what is above is the same with is below,to fulfill the miracle of a single thing." All the best, Turcu Vasile Dear friends223.pdf
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V0 is relative to V,according to formula (8). In my opinion,it could be experienced in an elementary particle accelerator.For example,take a lenght of S0=103 m. An elementary particle of mass m has relative speed in the accelerator V=2.99777468x108 m/s.The speed of light in void is c=2.99792458x108 m/s. According to formula (8) the rest velocity is V0=2.99777468x1012 m/s.From accelerator system we compute V ,but the particle has V0 .Recording the time t traveled by the particle. S0 103 t = ----- = -------------------------- = 3.33x10-6 s V 2.99777468x108 or S0 103 t0 = ------ = ------------------------- = 3.33x10-10 s V0 2.99777468x1012 If the time is 3.33x10-10 s ,the theory is corect.If not,it's false. All the best,Turcu Vasile
By introducing the rest velocity V0 for bodies with mass m,it follows a symmetric postrelativistic theory,which is elegant and beautiful,but closed: we have V0,S0,t0 and m0.There is a rest space S0,a rest time t0,a rest mass m0 and now we have a rest velocity V0.Physically speaking,does anyone feel the space,to say what it is? Is there restless time? No! There is V0,which animates all material bodies. But V0 follows from the theory of relativity,that is,formula (8) from my paper. S --------------- V2 (1- -----)1/2 S0 c2 V V0=-----=--------------------- = ------------ t0 V2 V2 t (1- ------- )1/2 1- -------- c2 c2 A material body (reference frame 0') has a relative velocity V=100 m/s.With formula (8) we compute V0: 100 100 100 V0 = ------------------------------ = -------------------------------- = -----------------------------= 100.0000000000111= 100+0.111x10-10 m/s 100 1 - 0.1112650056x10-12 0.9999999999998887 1 - (----------------------)2 2.99792458x108 V is computed in the reference frame 0. I used SI system unit.
In this paper we give four examples for computing the rest velocity V0 ,in accordance with formula (8): for meson,miuon,electron and the Earth on it's orbit.At the end,we give also an example for OPERA experiment neutrinos Example. A car drived by a pilot,has at one moment a velocity by V=100 m/s (360 km/h).The reference sistem O is the Earth which all what is fixed on its surface.Now the O' reference sistem is the car and its pilot.This is the velocity in state of motion V ,determined with the apparatus from the ground the sistem O.In accordance with formula (8) from the paper,the mobile has in fact the rest velocity V0 which is V0=100+108x10-13 m/s,or 100.0000000000108 m/s.In fact the mobile O' has a velocity V0 greater than those that is measured on ground O ,with 0.108x10-10 m/s (approximate 10% of an atom's diameter).The rest velocity V0 is shown by car's dashboard. Example.In the cosmic rocket's case which has a velocity in state of motion V=10 km/s,in accordance with (8) from the paper,the rest velocity is V0=10+108x10-10 km/s.So the real velocity V0 of the rocket is greater with 108x10-13 m/s than V,the velocity which we are calculated on the ground.In this case,the refference sistem O is the Earth and the O' reference sistem is the rocket from space.In fact each man (O' refference sistem) which walks on the ground has the rest velocity V0 ,and on observer on the Earth (O refference sistem) calculates the velocity in state of motion V.Always V0>V . Every material body (O' referance frame) has in reality a rest velocity V0 computed with (8),but in O referance frame we compute it's moving velocity V.In O referance frame we compute the moving velocity V of the O' referance frame,using electromagnetic waves propagating with velocity c.Because of that we are unable to measure a velocity greater then c from O referance frame.Only in the O' referance frame (e.g. neutrino in OPERA experiment) we can measure a velocity greater than c.It seems that in OPERA experiment it was possible to measure the rest velocity V0 of the neutrino,greater than c. In accordance with formula (8) we introduce a new variable,the rest velocity V0 of bodies with mass m.Electromagnetic waves do not have rest velocity,only a moving velocity V=c ,in void.This is similar with the motion of bodies through air.The ones with supersonic speed (over 330 m/s),can be heard after passing.The air is propagation medium for sound.Electromagnetic waves are the propagation medium for light.We show in this paper that for a relativ velocity V=185281.928611 km/s ,the rest velocity V0 surpass c.Over relativ velocity V=1.85281928611x108 m/s,in respect to O referance frame,material bodies (O' referance frame) have a V0 greater than the speed of light c.From O referance frame we detect the O' referance frame after it is gone.When V>1.85281928611x108 m/s then V0>c ,in this way interstelar flights are posible.More over,in O referance frame we have V,S,t and m,and in O' referance frame we have V0,S0,t0 and m0.In newtonian macanics we have the same variables V,S,t and m in both O and O'.In relativist mecanics we have V,S,t and m in O,and V,S0,t0 and m0 in O'.We propose,in accordance with formula (8),that in O' we have V0 instead of V,creating a postrelativist theory with velocities greater than c,only for bodies with mass m.In this way we can explain the space contraction,time dilatation and mass increase from theory of relativity.With V0>c it is possible that causality law is violated.It could be a explanation for dark matter and dark energy.
There was a problem with the experiment and so, the neutrino speed isn't greater than c. Anyway the reviews are diferent between the savants. My theory demonstrate that there are speeds greater than c and I give the calculation method.
A postrelativist theory is suggested. The theoretical result is in accordance with the experimental one, into this field. The relativistic physics that we use don't permit us to use speeds greater than the speed of light c and thus, the OPERA type experimentals results can't have a theoretical interpretation. The mathematical and physical interpretation of the OPERA type results is done with my theory presented in this paper "About the rest velocity V0", which permit speeds greater then c for particle bodies with steady-state mass m0. All the best, Turcu Vasile rest velocity.pdf