so, i have a question...
lately, like over the last year or so, ive been getting increasingly more 'aware' of ourselves and surroundings. im coming up with more and more ideas of things and expressing them to my friends. they think im crazy, im getting to the point where i think im going crazy. they think its just me, but i know that the ideas im getting arent intentional, its like, i just cant stop thinking about this stuff. so i came here to look for answers.
basically, to start with ill just post what i wrote last night out of nowhere.
im looking for some clarification. weather to be proved right or wrong, i just need answers to determine if im going mad. thnx in advance
my theory. on us and the universe.
matter, is made of electrons (or something like that.) - atoms are mostly made of electrons.
electrons are held together in different ways by different sound frequencies. creating different atoms and finally different matter. - (correct?)
different combinations of different atoms making up different formations of matter eg. wood material or metal material, water... etc. - (correct?)
the different elements are made of these different combinations of frequencies and or atoms (or something similar) - different combinations of electrons + and -
different frequencies of sound can change the state or form of matter. changing the shapes we see in the physical world - (correct?)
all frequencies are happening simultaniously around us, including the ones our senses cant detect) all possible or unlimited forms of the same atom 'are'. and only detectable by us wen we become aware of them, seeing them not with our 5 physical senses, but with our conciousness.
our conciousness is all one. it is just a presence of awareness in a universe of electrons and sound (maybe even photons) - photons are also made up of electrons :L
we only become aware of the other forms or states of mater (that is also every other possible state all at the same time) wen we let our conciousness forget about the physical world we detect with our bodies senses.
because all conciousness are 'one', the majority of unaware keep the physical world visible to all.( to them, the solid state of the 'body'/matter still exists) to fully experience wakening awareness, we must all let go of the physical world at the same time.
eg. you look at a cup, that cup is both there and not there at the same time. the 'not there' state is simply the other forms its atoms have taken due to sound frequencies) (all at the same time)
wen we are aware of this, all ideas suggest 'the cup would vanish' and or be something else or be every where in the universe at the same time?
'it doesnt vanish' due to those that are still unaware. that one person simply believing the cup is there would keep the others from seeing it as something else. our sences are the prison of this awareness. (only when your are able to forget about your senses can you see things in the senses of conciousness. a sense of different and (all ) frequencies and electrons, + and - at the same time. our conciousness/awareness is able to perceive all simultaneously.
to become fully aware in our awakened state all of the time, every single person (maybe animals aswell) must realise that truth. at which point, the world as we know it would instantly fall apart and become everything other than what our body can sense. our body would still be there, we would just be able to leave it and perceive the universe with every sense of our conciousness. (perceive all possibilities of states of electrons that sound frequencies hold together)
summery... :L
the universe is built of all possible states, arrangements and forms of electrons + and - created by sound frequencies all at the same time.
our universal conciousness is something that is a witness to it all. we must all (forget about the physical world that our physical senses perceive) to perceive everything else
the universe holds (only!!!) electrons + and -, sound frequencies conciousness (and maybe magnetism?) - magnetism is basically made of photons, which leads back to electrons) these combined create all and infinite possibilities.
our world is not imaginary? or a holographic projection. it is simply the particular state of matter that at least some of the combined conciousness is aware of. it helps us traverse the space in witch it resides, easier?, the 5 senses that hold us here in this state then become a prison that most (majority of conciousness) are scared to leave.
even those that are truly trapped perceiving a form of the physical state can get away, like everyone else, wen we sleep, we dream that dream is a perception of some or all of those other states? wen they wake they forget, if they dont forget, they just dont truly understand. (you can train to remember more of your dreams and understand them) tripping is the same thing, but in an awakened state.
not got a clue other than the ones science gives of what electrons and sound frequencies actually are, obviously they are also made of something, even our conciousness. (which may just be electrons????)
and then this, that i only thought of this morning....
our consciousness, if made of those same electrons, is simply software. a program, in witch it reads/perceives all that other electron information (the true universe)
this leaves every single thing basically made of code??? does this sound familiar? like exactly what we are creating in our computers???
not to mention that that computer is still made out of code lol