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here are some examples of research, Presented at the National Registry of Environmental Professionals 2007 Annual Conference, September 6, 2007, San Antonio, Texas http://www.nrep.org Abstract There is an environmental disease on the horizon that will affect more humans and the environment than any one person will know. Its environmental impact will be far greater than DDT, PCBs and asbestos have ever been. It is called Morgellon's: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. It has many names * fiber disease, mystery disease, delusional parasitosis and unknown dermatological skin disorder, to name a few. It is silent, smart, glistening * powered by its own transitional metal battery. And when it strikes its victim it feels like a piece of burning broken glass as it pierces the skin. Smaller than any of the 150 pieces of a virus (known as virons), it is invisible to the naked eye. So silent is it, only the one who has been invaded knows its true nature. Marked with the seal of man-made, self-assembling nano-size materials they can be used in forming drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biomaterials, artificial nerves, artificial brains, pseudo skin and molecular electronics. Yes, it was patterned after nature's many wonders, but it is still one hundred percent man-made. The nano-brew has been let loose from its scientific flask casting its woes upon an unsuspecting innocence. Introduction to Chemical Foreign Invaders Plants, humans and other animals are constantly exposed in their environment to a vast array of chemicals that are foreign to their bodies. These foreign chemicals, or xenobiotics, can be of natural origin or they can be man-made. In general, the more lipophilic (fat loving) compounds are readily absorbed through the skin, across the lungs, or through the gastrointestinal tract. Constant or even intermittent exposure to these lipophilic chemicals could result in their accumulation within the organism, unless effective means of elimination are present. Indeed, chemicals can be excreted unchanged into urine, bile, feces, expired air, and perspiration. Except for exhalation, the ease with which compounds are eliminated from the body largely depends on their water solubility. This is particularly true for non-volatile chemicals that are eliminated in urine and feces, the predominant routes of elimination. Lipophilic compounds that are present in these excretory fluids tend to diffuse into cellular membranes and are reabsorbed, whereas water soluble compounds are excreted. Therefore, it is apparent why lipophilic xenobiotics could accumulate within the body; They are readily absorbed but poorly excreted.1 Fortunately, animal organisms have developed a number of biochemical processes that convert lipophilic compounds to more hydrophilic metabolites. These biochemical processes are termed biotransformation and are usually enzymatic in nature. It should be stressed that biotransformation is the sum of the processes by which a foreign invader such as a chemical is subjected to chemical change by living organisms (Figure 1 * 1). This definition implies that a particular chemical may undergo a number of chemical changes. It may mean that the parent molecule is chemically modified at a number of positions or that a particular metabolite of the parent compound may undergo additional modification. The end result of the biotransformation reaction(s) is that the metabolites are chemically distinct from the parent compound. Metabolites are usually more hydrophilic than the parent compound. This enhanced water solubility reduces the ability of the metabolite to partition into biologic membranes and thus restricts the distribution of the metabolites to the various tissues, decreases the renal metabolite(s), and ultimately promotes the excretion of the chemical by the urinary and biliary fecal routes. Morgellons is a disease that affects humans and animals with a minimum of 93 or more symptoms. Humans experience different colored fibers growing out of their skin with the presence of lesions that ooze a gel like material or may have the feeling of hot burning glass ripping through the underside of their skin as a needle. Toxicological Pathology evaluations of specimens taken from a patient who was diagnosed with this disease and was having a knee replacement operation revealed that the specimen contained silica and silicone.2 Further analysis of these specimens using Micro Raman technology revealed that the fibers that grew out of this same patient were composed of a two part polyester, like a plastic straw within a straw with a head that was made up of silicone (Figure 1 -2 & 1-3). Polyester is a definite man-made material. It is "nylon" by another name. Nylon is a compound that is a lipophatic compound, just as silicone. In addition, high density polyethylene fibers were found in a different patient's heel of their foot. (Figure 1-4). The difference in these compounds and ones that are man-made in a chemical factory are that they have a size, which is measured at a "NANO" level. Nano is nine decimals below the zero or 0.000,000,001.3 It is smaller than the width of a human hair. How can something so small be so harmful to humans? Well this is were size counts Big Time. The nano material, which has many forms such as smart dust, nano gels, quantum dots, nano tube, nano wire, nano bots, nano horns are all part of the growing field of nanotechnology. If something is so small that it does not stimulate the immune system to react to its foreign invasion of the cell new cellular toxicological reactions will occur. Collectively these materials were found in specimens taken from the same patient who had the knee replacement operation. The individual had blue fibers that would not burn at 1,400 degrees F and harden gels that made lesions. The callus-like scab had cat-like claws on its underside. These specimens went through Toxicological Pathology and it is true, a picture says a thousand words (Figure 1-5). No matter what the biological agent, chemical or foreign invader, the body is geared up to protect itself and remove the toxic material. The body is not ready for a nano foreign invader because one can not see it at any level. Normally the body would go through biotransformation and remove this toxic material from the body through biotransformation, but not in the case of Moregellons, which seems to have a mind of its own as it riddles the body with its fibers and continuous self- replication. Normal Compounds vs Moregellons through Biotransformation A number of enzymes in animal organisms are capable of biotransforming lipid-soluble xenobiotics in such a way as to render them more water soluble. These enzymatic reactions are of two types; phase I reactions, which involve oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis, and phase II reactions, which consist of conjugation or synthetic reactions. Although phase I reactions generally convert foreign compounds to derivatives that are more water soluble than the parent molecule, a prime function of these reactions is to add or expose functional groups (e.g., - OH, - SH, _NH2, - COOH). These functional groups then permit the compound to undergo phase II reactions. Phase II reactions are biosynthetic reactions where the foreign compounds or a phase I * derived metabolite is covalently linked to an endogenous molecule, producing a conjugate. In these cases, the endogenous moieties (e.g. glucuronic acid, sulfate) usually confer upon the lipophilic xenobiotic or its metabolite increased water solubility and the ability to undergo significant ionization at physiologic pH. These conjugated moieties are normally added to endogenous products to promote their secretion or transfer across hepatic, renal, and intestinal membranes. The transport mechanisms that have developed recognize the conjugating moiety. Thus, the excretion of conjugated xenobiotics is enhanced by their ability to participate in transport systems that have evolved from the conjugated products of endogenous molecules.4 The relationship between phase I and phase II reactions is summarized in Figure 4-1. The fate of a particular chemical is determined by its physical/chemical products. Volatile organic compounds may be eliminated via the lungs with no biotransformation. Those with functional groups may be conjugated directly, whereas others undergo phase I reactions before conjugation. As implied, biotransformation is often integrated and can be complex. Because of this complexity, imbalances between phase I and phase II reactions or dose-related shifts in metabolic routes are often causes of chemical-induced tissue injury.5 Organ and Cellular Location of Biotransformation The enzymes or enzyme systems that catalyze the biotransformation of foreign compounds are localized mainly in the liver. This is not surprising, since a primary function of the liver is to receive and process chemicals absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract before they are distributed to other tissues. Liver receives all the blood that has perfused the splanchnic area, which contains nutrients and other foreign substances. Because of this, the liver has developed the capacity to extract these substances readily from the blood and to modify chemically many of these substances before they are stored, secreted into bile, or released into the general circulation. Other tissues can also biotransform foreign compounds. Nearly every tissue tested has shown activity toward some foreign chemicals (Figure 1-6). Extrahepatic tissues are limited with respect to the diversity of chemicals they can handle, and thus their contribution to the overall biotransformation of xenobiotics is limited. However, biotransformation of a chemical within an extrahepatic tissue may have an important toxicological implication for that particular tissue.6 Subcellular Localization of Biotransformation Enzymes Biotransformation of foreign compounds within the liver is accomplished by several remarkable enzyme systems. These can chemically modify a wide variety of structurally diverse drugs and toxicants that enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, the skin, or injection. The phase I enzymes, those that add or expose functional groups, are located primarily in the endoplasmic reticulum, a network of interconnected channels present in the cytoplasm of most cells. These enzymes are membrane bound, since the endoplasmic reticulum is basically a contiguous membrane composed of lipids and proteins. The presence of enzymes within a lipoprotein matrix is critical, since lipophilic substances will preferentially partition into a lipid membrane, the site of biotransformation. 7 When liver is removed (in the laboratory) and homogenized, the tubular endoplasmic reticulum breaks up and fragments of the membrane are sealed off to form micro vesicles. These are referred to as microsomes, which can be isolated by differential centrifugation of the liver homogenate. If the supernatant fraction that results from centrifugation of the homogenate at 9000 x g (to remove nuclei, mitochondria, and lysosomes as well as unbroken cells and large membrane fragments) is subjected to centrifugation at 105,00 x g, a pellet highly enriched in microsomes is obtained. The resulting supernatant fraction, which contains a number of soluble enzymes, is referred to as the cytosol. This cytosol contains many of the enzymes of phase II biotransformation. Many of the important biotransformation enzymes are referred to as cytosolic or microsomal to indicate the subcellular location of the enzymes. The microsomal enzymes that catalyze the phase I reactions were characterized primarily by their ability to metabolize drugs. Thus, much of the literature refers to these enzymes as the microsomal, as the microsomal enzymes will convert drugs to more polar products, but they also act on the numerous chemicals. Therefore, the word biotransformation is preferred to drug metabolism, since it conveys the more universal nature of the reactions. In addition, if delineates the normal process of metabolism of endogenous nutrients form the biotransformation of foreign chemicals.7 Detoxication * Toxication Inasmuch as both phase I and phase II enzymes convert foreign chemicals to forms that can be more readily excreted, they are often referred to as detoxication enzymes. However, it should be emphasized that biotransformation is not strictly related to detoxicaiton. In a number of cases, the metabolic products are more toxic than than the parent compounds. This is particularly true for some chemical carcinogens, organo-phosphates, and a number of compounds that cause cell necrosis in the lung, liver, and kidney. In many instances, a toxic metabolite can be isolated and identified. In other cases, highly reactive intermediates are formed during the biotransformation of a chemical. The term toxication or bioactivation is often used to indicate the enzymatic formation of reactive intermediates. These reactive intermediates are thought to initiate the events that ultimately result in cell death, chemically induced cancer, teratogenesis and a number of other toxicities (Figure 1-7). Moregellon affected individuals have the opposite reactions of phase I and II, because they experience specific physical parameters such as low body temperature, high blood pressure, urine conductivity high (20 -21), gels, fibers and fluorescents on the body as nano tattoo fluorescent shapes. All tell a tale of being injected with a burning glass needle through their skin as they suffer from severe itching. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology presents new opportunities to create better materials and products. Already, nano material containing products are available in U.S. markets including coatings, computers, clothing, cosmetics, sports equipment and medical devices. A survey of EmTech Research of companies working in the field of nanotechnology has identified approximately 80 consumer products, and over 600 raw materials, intermediate components and industrial equipment items that are used by manufacturers. Our economy will be increasingly affected by nanotechnology as more products containing nano materials move from research and development into production and commerce.8 Nanotechnology also has the potential to improve the environment, both through direct applications of nano materials to detect, prevent, and remove pollutants, as well as indirectly by using nanotechnology to design cleaner industrial processes and create environmentally friendly products. However, there are unanswered questions about the impacts of nano materials and nanoproducts on human health and the environment, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or "the Agency") has the obligation to ensure that potential risks are adequately understood to protect human health and the environment. As products made from nanomaterials become more numerous and therefore more prevalent in the environment, EPA is thus considering how to best leverage advances in nanotechnology to enhance environmental protection, as well as how the introduction of nano materials into the environment will impact the Agency's environmental programs, policies, research needs, and approaches to decision making. Currently, the only regulation that addresses to evaluate the environmental risk of nano materials/technology is the City of Berkley, California.9 Some examples of this technology that applied to a private research study addressed the composition of the fibers used current terminology to address the researcher's findings.10 Carbon nanotube injectors * a nano carbon nanotube, conjugated with streptavidin-coated quantum dots. Developed by Xing Chen, Andrax Kis, Alex Zetti, and Carolyn Bertozzi fromt eh University of California at Berklely. Unique feature is its ability to deliver genes. Nano motor - Carlo Montemagno of Cornell University made a molecular motor less than one-fifth the size of a red blood cell. The key components are protein from E. coli attached to a nickel spindle and propeller a few nanometers across, which is powered by ATP, the energy-intermediate that the body itself uses to power all living activities. But this molecular motor works with the efficiency of only 1 to 4 percent, comparing poorly with those in living organisms that could work at close to 100 percent efficiency.11 Nanobombs - Researchers in Michigan have designed smart "nanobombs" that are said to evade the immune system, to hone in on diseased cells to kill them or deliver drugs to them.11 Nanoelectrosensor - Electronic devices that can tell cells to make specific hormones when the body needs them, and electricity generators that self-assembling inside the cell. 11 Nano-pharmaceuticals * Another idea is to interact directly with cells, so they can be harnessed as pharmaceutical factories to produce drugs on demand. Milan Mrksich, chemist at the University of Chicago, plans to hook up cells to electronic circuits by tethering them to a carpet of molecular arms. Carbon chains between 10 to 20 atoms long attached to a gold-plated glass plate with sulphur atoms. The strands are packed so tightly that they have to stand upright on the surface. That creates a thicket of free sticky molecular ends to capture and manipulate cells.11 Quantum dots, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes (in microelectronics) and other throw-away nanodevices may constitute whole new classes of non-biodegradable nano-junk and nanosmog, environmental pollutants that could make cancer-causing asbestos seem tame.11 The prospect of adverse immune reactions has already been pointed out. Scientists have yet to develop artificial materials that don't cause at least some problems when inserted into the body, starting with silicone breast implants.11 Nanoscale devices are worse. As David Williams an advisor to the European Union on problems of public perceptions of medical technologies says, "The human body is best designed to repel or attack things the size of a cell." Worse yet, the devices could clog up our immune system for good. And if so small as to not stimulate the immune system at all, "What will be the effects upon the cellular membranes, organelles or the nuclear material (DNA) or its membrane. If the nano material is made up of DNA plasmids of fungi, bacteria or viruses will this new material mix and bind to our own internal cell constituents? Nano and the Enviornment In the NIOSH white paper on Nano Technology, it specifically states that the nano material is so small that it will not do any harm to living cells. Current studies on the use of nano tubes on rat lungs have shown that the rats become ill or died after the procedure.12 In Project FMM two individuals who had Morgellons submitted samples for analysis using scanning electron microscope technology along with a sample of a chemtrail cottoncandy-like material that fell from the sky in Texas. The test revealed that the materials in all 3 samples were various stages of development or degradation of the material within the host (Anna and Lily), while the chemtrail sample matched the ladies'. The samples were over 1,500 miles from each other.13 Our environment has seen the results of chemicals upon its land, waters and air. DDT and how it almost whipped out the American Bald Eagle almost 40 years ago was a perfect example of how a chemical could do harm in the food chain of other animals. Nano materials that are dumped into the streams and air are a time bomb of environmental problems. It is important for both scientists and the general public to keep a close track on the developments of nanotechnology and to distinguish the real facts of this technology. And determine if it can really improve our lives without compromising our dignity, integrity and the human race. REFERENCE(s) 1. Amdur, Mary O., J. Doull, and C.D. Klaassen. Casarett and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 4th Edition. Chapter 4: Biotransformation of Toxicants by I. Glenn Sipes and A. Jay Gandolfi. Pergamon Press. New York. © 1991. Pgs. 88 * 126. 2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far-Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals. Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. NREP, Des Plaines, IL © October 18, 2006, http://www.dldewey.com/stan.htm 3. Staninger, Hildegarde. 'Size Matters' http://www.rense.com/morgphase/sizematters.htm © March 2007 4. Dutton, G.J. Glucuronidation of Drugs and Other Compounds. CRC Press, Inc.. Boca Raton, FL. © 1980 5. Guengerich, F.P. and Liebler, D.C. Enzymatic activation of chemicals to toxic metabolites. CRC Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 14:259-307. © 1985 6. Hawkins, D.R. (ed): Biotransformaitons. Vol. 1: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and chemicals in Animals. Royal Society of Chemistry. London. © 1988 7. Weber, W.W. The Acetylator Genes and Drug Response. Oxford University Press. New York. © 1987 8. U.S. EPA Environmental Protection Agency. External Review Draft Nanotechnology White Paper. Science Policy Council. U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. December 2, 2006, http://www.epa.gov/osa/nanotech.htm 9. City of Berkley, California County Commissioner's Meeting. Testimony of Dr. Edward Spencer and other public citizens on the risk of nanotechnology to the environment. (City developed an ordinance/regulation to evaluate the risk to the environment from nanotechnology.) Berkley, California © 2006, http://www.seektress.com/berkeley.htm 10. Staninger, Hildegarde. Project: Fiber, Meteroite & Morgellons. Phase I and II. http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm,'>http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm, © March 2007. 11. Ho, Mae-Wan. Nanotecnology, a Hard Pill to Swallow. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/nanotechnology.php © July 16, 2007 12. Lam, et. al. Pulmonary Toxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Mice 7 and 90 Days after Intratracheal Instillation. Toxicol. Sci. 77:126-134 © 2004 13. Staninger, Hildegarde. Project: Fiber, Meteroite & Morgellons. Phase I and II. http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm © March 2007 14. Environmental Defense Fund & Dupont. Brochure: NANO Risk Framework. (http://www.dupont.com & http://www.environmentaldefensefung.com ) "TEXAS CHEMTRAILS SAMPLES COMPARED TO SAMPLES FROM VENICE, ITALY Posted By: IZAKOVIC <Send E-Mail> Date: Wednesday, 28 November 2007, 1:02 a.m. Dr. Hildegarde Staninger RIET-1 ©Copyright 2007 Hildegarde Staninger 11-27-7 http://www.rense.com/general79/chemm.htm Special Thank You to Dr. Luca Zamengo, independent researcher and chemist, Venice, Italy for supplying his report and sampling results to be utilized in this comparative paper. SPECIAL NOTES: Chemtrail Samples Texas & Moregllon's Samples Collected by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger RIET-1 Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine Originally Reported in Phase II Samples from January 8, 2007 results Received March 20, 2007 PROJECT FMM- Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1 Morgellon's Special # 7 * Project FMM http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., Applied Consumer Services, Inc., MIT-Woods Hole, and Lambda Solutions, Inc. Filament Deposition Near Venice, Italy http://www.rense.com/general79/ital.htm Samples Collected by Dr. Luca Zamengo, November 10, 2007 ( Dr. Luca Zamengo utilized the laboratory facilities of the University of Venice * Italy ) Quote There are two possible outcomes. If the result confirms the hypothesis then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you made a discovery. - Enrico Fermi INTRODUCTION Phase II of Project FMM consisted of a second batch of unknown suspect fibers (Chemtrail samples from Texas) that were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and forwarded to the appropriate laboratory for analysis. The laboratory was asked to examine them, study them with ocular microscopy, take photomicrographs, and to determine some physical properties, and to run elemental analysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). They would also compare their physical properties with those of other fibers such as nano fibers, nanotubes, carbon silicon nano wires, meteoritic particles, Morgellon's patients' fibers and carbon-silicon fibers. These findings were reported on March 27, 2 007 and released to the world through internet media (Morgellon's Special # 7 * Project FMM - http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm ) On November 10, 2007 Dr. Luca Zamengo, former researcher at for the LIFE Asbestos Project chaired by Universita Ca'Foscari, Venezia, Italy forwarded a report on his Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) of spider web-like filaments. Ocular Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) results of wide formations of white-thin filaments, which looked like spider webs that were repeatedly observed as they were deposited (from the air/sky) on the grass and other exposed surfaces in the area of the San Giuliano Park in Mestre-Venice, Italy.1 DISCUSSION with RESULTS (Project FMM: Phase II Chemtrail Samples & Morgellon's Patients by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger) The Chemtrail samples from Texas were a collection of three specimens collected by an individual in Texas. The samples had the appearance of white filamentous spider web material and/or white cotton candy. These specimens were falling from the sky after a Chemtrail spraying in the area. The specimens streamed from the sky like spider webs and landed on the plants, grass and back yard of the individual. A stick was used by the individual to collect the specimens. They were then placed in a plastic zip lock bag and saved for future analysis. The specimens were submitted to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger at Integrative Health International, LLC, Lakewood, CA for analysis under Project FMM. The fiber samples resembled some of the previously submitted fibers but not the Morgellon's "Goldenhead" on initial visual observations. The "Goldenhead" shape and nanofiber/wire would play an important role as a reference point for visual standardization and comparative nano compositions. The "Goldenhead" was photographed by Dr. Rahim Karjoo, MD, Pathologist, American Medical Diagnositics Laboratory, Inc., Santa Ana, CA and reported in Project FMM-Phase I). When comparing the "Goldenhead" shape to the Chemtrail samples from Texas and the Venice, Italy samples the following observations were made by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. 1. The samples of the fibers do resemble each other in physical ocular microscopy and in SEM Photographs. The measurements are from 1-20 nanometers in or larger in diameter under SEMS observation while the gross sample was in reality a bundle of grouped fibers visible to the naked eye. Figure 1.1 of Chemtrail Sample Texas shows two specific shapes. In the center one sees a tube of "Dragon Shaped Heads" in a chain or belt with a specific bright spot which is in a chain. To the right of the picture one sees a "wolf's head shaped material/fibers." These materials were compared to the two Morgellon's patients who submitted samples "Anna" and "Lily." 2. "Anna's" specimen shows a direct nano belt or nano chain of material(s), when looking at it you can see the chain of "Dragon Shaped Heads" in a row. The samples EDS value contained specifically zinc, while other specimens contained silicon. It is believed that the zinc may come from the degradation of the cellular membranes, which contain zinc/copper metals with super oxide dismutase2 (SOD) which is found in the cellular membrane along with 5 other SOD metal dependent SOD molecules. The metals as associated with SOD (function is to protect the cell from neurotoxins) may be replaced with the transition metals found in the Chemtrail samples to create transitional oxides used in nano battery systems within biological systems. It should be noted that "Anna" experienced urine samples of having an extremely high conductivity of 20-21 value while a non-Morgellon's patient would have less than "zero" and an individual drinking Excellosphere Water3 would have a conductivity of 1 to 3 values. It is believed "Anna's" sample to have been discarding from the skin or deteriorating from the body as it moved horizontally out of the pores of her skin to form a 2 inch by 1/8th inch black fibrous material. The shape and the SEMs picture of the standard "silicon" based nanotube/wire that has the "memory" shape of a hanging tongue were used as a reference point. (See Silicon nanotubes photograph.)4 The EDS data from the Chemtrail sample Texas (three fiber samples) show the presence of six elements: sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and chlorine, which could be due to natural mineral fibers, but further testing using Raman Technology in Phase III confirmed they were nanotechnology (man-made nano composite materials). Two of these samples contained silicon, Si. Silicon is second only to oxygen in abundance in Earth's crust, it never occurs free but is found in almost all rocks and in sand, clay, and soils, combined with oxygen as silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2 or with oxygen and metals as silicate minerals (feldspars, amphiboles, pyroxenes, micas, olivines, feldspathoids, and zeolites). Pure silicon is hard, dark gray solid with a metallic luster and the same crystal structure as a diamond. It is an extremely important semiconductor; doped with boron, phosphorous, or arsenic, it is sued in various electronic circuits and switching devices, including computer chips, transistors, and diodes. Silicon is also used in metallurgy as a reducing agent and in steel, brass, and bronze. Its usual valence in compounds is 4. Silica is used in the form of sand and clay for many purposes; as quartz, it may be heated to form special glasses. Silicates are used in making glass, enamels, and ceramics; sodium silicates (water glass) are used in soaps, wood treatment, cements, and dyeing.5 The difference between silicon and the term silicones is the same as from nature vs. man made. Silicones (more accurately called polymerized siloxanes or polysiloxanes) are mixed inorganic-organic polymers with the chemical formula [R2SiO]n, where R = organic groups such as methyl, ethyl, and phenyl. These materials consist of an inorganic silicon-oxygen backbone (Si-O-Si-O-Si-O-) with organic side groups attached to the silicon atoms, which are four-coordinate. In some cases organic side groups can be used to link tow or more of these *Si-O backbones together. By varying the *Si-O- chain lengths, side groups and crosslinking, silicones can be synthesized with a wide variety of properties and compositions. They can vary in consistency from liquid to gel to rubber to hard plastic. The most common siloxane is linear polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), silicone oil. The second largest group of silicone materials is made from silicone resins, which are formed by branched and caged-like oligosiloxanes.6 A true silicone group with a double bond between oxygen and silicon does not exist in nature; chemists find that the silicon atom forms a single bond with each of the two oxygen atoms, rather than a double bond to a single atom. Polysiloxanes are called "silicone" due to early mistaken assumptions about their structure.7 All EDS data results have carbon and oxygen present for all samples. The carbon and oxygen was taken out of the total percentage composition, so a total percentage of trace elements could be identified. The elements identified were transitional elements. Transitional elements are known for their high magnetism and valence charge. They are used in making electro-magnetic batteries. Chemtrail Texas Sample 13263-1 (Figure 1) has within its nanotube an outline of a pre-Morgellon's like structure of a "Dragon Shaped Head" known as "Goldenhead." Note the extremely high amount of calcium 69.994%, sulfur 1.517%, chlorine 18.129%, potassium 5.559% and iron 4.8% and NO silicon. Note the outline of a "Goldenhead: with distinct features of a muzzle like a wolf's head at 3 o'clock in the SEM Photograph. SEM is at 1,500 x and scale of 20 microns. (See Figure 1 and Table 1.1) Sample 13263-2 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of potassium 30.22%, calcium 12.905%, iron 18.442%, sulfur 11.117%, chlorine 21.567% and silicon 5.767%. A general question one has when comparing the results of EDS data as compared to Sample 13263-1 is that the calcium may be used to make a nano tube, thus when it breaks down by the surrounding bio terrain or obtains the needed additional materials from a biological source or terrain it may be used as a resource of building materials for producing a carbon-silica nanowire from the basic silica wire as seen in pictures of silica nanotubes. ( http://www.rense.com/general78/morgpc.htm Morgellon's Special # 10) Sample 13263-3 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of iron 41.515%, silicon 12.99%, sulfur 8.79%, chlorine 16.40%, potassium 13.406% and calcium 6.885%. If silicon percentage was higher (12.999% as compared to Sample 13263-1 than a more defined carbon-silicon or silicon nanowire may be formed. The high value of iron 41.515%, sulfur, chloride, potassium in the presence of oxygen to form iron oxides and other transitional oxides/ -OH an electro-magnetic continuous electrical cell could be formed which would be commonly known as a "nano battery." The higher developed pre-Morgellon's "Goldenhead" would then not need a nanotube would be allowed to move within the body freely, especially under the skin. A paper written by Marcus Mighty, Nano Robot Mechanocapability, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale © May 5, 2005 (http://.engr.siu.edu/mech/faculty/hippo/ME465SP05mightlyPaper.doc ) clearly states that the problem with nano robotic devices is that as they pass through the skin they cause excessive bruising, itching and other disturbances . . . . Nano robots, must be mechanically able to withstand interaction with other tissues and cells, but also other Nan robots interacting within the body . . . . Nanorobots used in medical monitoring are made of diamond and diamonoids (if zirconia or liquid zirconia's melting point 1,500 degrees C and 3,000 degrees C) . . . . with nano robots performing various duties around the body, there would be reasons to consider whether these nano robots would cause irritation around different areas of the body. One irritation that the Nano robot could cause is excessive itching. This could happen around areas such as the ears and the mouth (or other orifices).8 In reviewing the percentage of carbon and oxygen, one can see a distinct comparison of these three samples even from each other. Specimen 12363-1 contained 36.17% carbon and 51.501% oxygen. Specimen 13263-2 contained 48.486% carbon and 39.943% oxygen, while Specimen 13263-3 contained 47.267% carbon and 47.139% oxygen. Note when carbon is in these ratios and in the presence of transitional elements with oxygen present electro-magnetic cells are made and a reverse micelle reaction could occur due to the interaction of the human cell and the water present outside of the cell (fresh water) and inside the cell salt water. If this is occurring in these specimens once in the body a high conductivity value will be observed in the cell and in urine. Furthermore, the silicon present may be a particle that has already taken form into a specific memory coding as done with special formation of elements utilizing specific reactions within the biological system it is absorbed into itself as a bio active material. It should be brought out that scientists have efficiently developed a current of spin-polarized electrons from a ferromagnetic metal contact into silicon with Al2O3, producing a large electron spin polarization in the silicon. This demonstration is a key enabling step from developing devices which rely on electron spin rather than electron charge for semiconductor spintronics, and is expected to provide higher performances with lower power consumption and heat dissipation.9 The example being, not only a reverse micelle reaction could form, but it could create the mechanism for creating specific simple carbohydrate plastics within the abdominal cavity of the Morgellons individuals. If the material has a specifically designed mechanism to utilize carbohydrates within the body of the cell and its interstitial cellular space would form a "carbohydrate plastic" commonly known as biodegradable plastic. The elements found when mixed with carbohydrates or polymer-carbohydrates and polymer isocyanates as found in food additive mixtures such as Neotame (alternative to NutraSweet),10 one will experience bloating and swelling of the abdominal area. High amounts of sulfur at a nano level will fool the bile duct into physiologically not working properly, which will enhance abdominal swelling. Further evaluation of the possible mixture of polymer isocyanates and carbamates such as benomyl and its sister compound methomyl should be evaluated due to their strong skin penetration rate and cholinesterase activities along with phthalates.11 Metal phthalocyanines have been developed in nano technology to produce a magnetic switch. Organic compounds are rarely magnetic, but metal pthalocyanines (MPcs), commonly use blue dye materials, are notable exceptions to this rule. A new report shows that the magnetism of MPcs can be controlled. By changing the crystal structure of an MPcs film, the researchers were able to switch the material from being in a magnetically ordered state to a non-magnetic one. This approach might provide a method for customizing the magnetism of molecular materials, especially in digital object identifier (DOI) spintronics.12 These later compounds may be in a nano level composition of the other plastics found in the two part polyester resin and acrylic resin material as identified by MIT Woods Hole, Mass in Phase III of Project FMM © March 27, 2007. Dr. Luca Zamengo's SEM/EDS Results from Venice, Italy The general description of the white-thin filaments, which look like spider webs as described by Dr. Zamengo in his report entitled, "Preliminary Characterization of Filament Deposition Near Venice" dated November 10, 2007 does appear to match the description of Chemtrail Samples from Texas as described by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. In this weeks issue of MRS Website- Materials News scientists have identified the genes, and determined the DNA sequences for two key proteins in the "dragline silk" of the black widow spider * an advance that may lead to a variety of new materials for industrial, medical and military uses. The black widow spider's dragline silk is a standout compared to other spider silks because of its superior strength and extensibility, a combination which enables black widow dragline silk to absorb enormous amounts of energy. These properties suggest that synthetically produced silk might find application as diverse as lightweight super-strong body armor, components of medical devices and high-tech athletic attire.13 The Chemtrail Samples from neither Texas nor Dr. Zamengo's samples have been analyzed for the proteins of any genetically engineered black widow spider protein (plasmid) as originally described in technologies such as BioSTEEL.14 The Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) results for the Chemtrail Samples from Texas, Morgellon's patients and the Venice, Italy samples of Dr. Zamengo's results MATCH. Carbon, oxygen, aluminum, calcium, sodium and iron were found. Silicon containing particles were in the specimen as "dots." The "dots" were also found in the Chemtrail Samples from Texas (2 out of 3 samples) and in the Morgellon's patients (3 out of 4 samples). Silicon was determined by Raman Microscope (FTDR) to be 33.75% in samples analyzed by Lambda Solutions, Inc., Boston, Mass. Further observation showed that all samples were composed of filamentous fibers very similar to what one would see or describe as fiber bundles in a fiber optic system. The filamentous fibers were not present in the Morgellon's specimens of "Anna" or "Lily." When looking at Table 1.1 and Table 2.1, one can see that specific elements are missing vs. having a higher value as compared to the Chemtrail Texas Samples. The comparison of these elements is very important to the four sets of data (Chemtrail Texas; Morgellon's Anna, Morgellon's Lily and Venice samples) because they illustrate the exchange of elements within the biological system vs. "virgin" Chemtrail Samples from Texas. In addition, it must be pointed out that Dr. Zamengo's samples were collected from live plant life (park grass), which may have the nano materials within their cellular matrix. In Anna's sample LN 13354-1A sodium, silicon, phosphorous, and potassium were missing, but aluminum was present as it was present in Dr. Zamengo's data. (See Dr. Zamengo's Report and SEM and Ocular Microscope photographs.)15 These metals are the specific metals described earlier in this paper, which referenced nano efficient electrical spin injection into silicon demonstrations utilizing Fe, Al2O3 with n-Si.16 The SEM and Ocular Microscope photographs are very similar to nano technology developed by Oklahoma State University (OSU). Scientist at OSU developed nanowires that are directed electro chemical nanowires that assemble, allows the nanowires diameter to be tunable nanowires for intracellular signaling paths. One would dial up the appropriate frequency on a signal generator connected to the set up's voltage amplifier * the higher the frequency the smaller the diameter of the nanowires.17 Anna's sample LN13354-1B aluminum, phosphorous, potassium and nickel were missing, but zinc was present which was not present in Dr. Zamengo's data. The sample from Anna was from a lesion that she has suffered with for seven years (materials sample 2 inches by 1/8th inch) on her thigh. Zinc/copper is found bound to super oxide dismutase (SOD) in the outer cellular membrane. It is used to protect the cell from neurotoxins entering it and react with the organelles or nuclear membrane. The presence of zinc may be the interaction of transitional metals with the same valence charge as zinc. The elements of aluminum, iron, silicon, nickel and zinc were found in either Anna's or Lily's specimens. The valence charge and electro-magnanimity of these elements are extremely high and may cause other reactions from the absorption of these materials directly into the skin or coating the skin, especially if utilized in nano materials such as silica-sol (silicon liquid spheres). Dr. Zamengo's data confirmed the presence of aluminum, calcium, sodium, and iron. Dr. Staninger's Chemtrail Samples from Texas had the presence of sulfur, chloride, potassium, calcium, and iron, with specimen 13263-1 having silicon and 13263-3 having nickel. Dr. Staninger's Morgellon's patients Anna and Lily had sulfur, chloride, calcium and iron. Anna had aluminum and zinc, while Lily had nickel and phosphorous. All specimens contained oxygen and carbon. Again, the presences of silicon with these elements are not found in nature as previously discussed in this paper. CONCLUSION The comparison of the Ocular Microscope observations of the Chemtrail Sample Texas and results of samples furnished to Dr. Staninger from Dr. Luca Zamengo do appear to match each other. The longer the sample has been retained, such as the Texas sample vs. Venice, Italy sample before analysis, distinct shapes and fluorescent silicon dots were detected. It is believed that once the fibrous material interacts with a human biological system via skin absorption, inhalation and ingestion specific elements are expressed as aluminum, zinc, nickel, and potassium and phosphorous. Arsenic was not found in any of the EDS analysis results, but is believed to play some role in the cellular activity of the Morgellon's patients and in nano technology due to the fact that biological monitoring tests of Dr. Staninger's in Colorado and in California show urine samples of elements found in the EDS results, but have arsenic present too. Arsenic will bind to PABA and Vitamin C before it can be detected in biological monitoring specimens. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that may become expressed as being deficient or not bio active due to being bound in a silica gel matrix as previously illustrated in Project FMM. If carbohydrate biodegradable plastic is forming within the intracellular tissue of the abdominal area or other areas a common degradation product is carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide will create Vitamin C deficiencies. Lack of PABA will make the hair turn grey to white prematurely. When one lacks Vitamin C the first thing that happens is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.18 ALL samples (Texas, Morgellon's Patient's and Venice, Italy) contained carbon, oxygen, iron, calcium, and chlorine. All of Dr. Staninger's samples contained the element sulfur, while Dr. Zamengo's contained aluminum with silicon particles. Out of a possible total of 13 elements 7 were found in all samples with the same physical description of white spider like webs or white candy. This translates into the Chemtrail Sample Texas and the Venice, Italy Sample contained 7 out of 13 elements, which is over half of the same elements were found in each sample. The only specimens that did not have the white filamentous fibers were the specimens taken from Anna and Lily. The specimens of Anna and Lily matched the Chemtrail Sample Texas in photographic SEM pictures. (See Figures 1, 2, & 3). The fibrous photographic SEM pictures of Dr. Zamengo took of specimens from the San Giuliani Park in Mestre * Venice, Italy did match the diameters and pictures of the Chemtrail Sample Texas. The specimen of Anna (7 years with Morgellon's) and Lily (3 years Morgellon's) appear to be in various stages of development or degradation as the specimens were being pushed out by the body. At initial exposure (7 and 3 years ago) they would have reacted to the bio terrain of the human body, then the body would continually try to expel any foreign matter from itself. The foreign matter specimen of Anna and Lily did match the Chemtrail Sample Texas specimens' SEM photographs, while the SEM photograph's of Dr. Zamengo matched the filaments with the formation of a dot or presence of a dot. The dot may eventually develop into the shape of the "Dragon shaped chain of heads" or the "wolf's muzzle and head" as previously reported, since each of these samples contained a "dot", which was identified by Dr. Zamengo in his sample to be silicon. Dr. Zamengo's research into the samples that were found in San Giuliani Park showed a direct relationship to Dr. Staninger's samples with over half being the same elements. These same elements were found in the Morgellon's patients samples. The results found show a comparison to the samples which came from three distinct locations California, USA, Texas, USA and Venice, Italy * thousands of miles apart but contain 7 out of 13 of the same elements with SEM's illustrating similar structures. In conclusion, further joint testing and exchange of result between these scientists will prove and illustrate that the particles of silicon and even silica may be a form of silica-sol sphere, which are utilized in nano technology as delivery systems of other materials. A separate study conducted by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Staninger will prove the presence of silica, silicon, polyurethane crystals, and other materials from the environment and their affect on human skin. These later results will confirm Dr. Zamengo's results of silicon on the surface of a biological organism * plant (grass) in the San Giuliano Park in Mestre-Venice was from a ChemTrail from the sky.19 Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine " ever wondered why forms of free energy are always supressed?, "SECRECY ORDER (Title 35, United States Code (1952), sections 181-188) NOTICE: To the applicant above named, his heirs, and any and all of his assignees, attorneys and agents, hereinafter designated principals: You are hereby notified that your application as above identified has been found to contain subject matter, the unauthorized disclosure of which might be detrimental to the national security, and you are ordered in nowise to publish or disclose the invention or any material information with respect thereto, including hitherto unpublished details of the subject matter of said application, in any way to any person not cognizant of the invention prior to the date of the order, including any employee of the principals, but to keep the same secret except by written consent first obtained of the Commissioner of Patents, under the penalties of 35 U.S.C. (1952) 182, 186." http://www.padrak.com/ine/INE14.html why scalar waves are supressed even though even amateur physicists are capable of creating them and tesla created them a hundred years ago?. because in a war technology is everything, our public tech is being artificialy slowed down in order to keep us weak,whislt the secret tech of military industrial complex is being put into overdrive. the microwaves do not travel back in time,those emitting them are already here. here are some qoutes to wake you up JFK- just before he died "my god thier going to kill us all" Ben Rich, Head of the Rand Corporation,Black Ops- stated during a 1993, Alumni Speech at UCLA, "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity...Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." Eisinhower standing down speech "And yet I ask - is not an alien force already among us? " Steven M Greer,CSETI Director "Here, we find some very strange bed-fellows indeed. War mongers and militarists in cahoots with industrialists who share a certain bizarre eschatological bent: A dark view of the future, featuring an extraterrestrial Armageddon - or at least the threat of it. Such a theme supports retrograde and fanatical religious causes as well as deeply covert military-industrial plans to expand the arms race into space. http://www.raven1.net/greer1.htm thats just the tip of the ice berg,they are not aliens,they are future ai,that is they were created in the future and they have come to our past and thier motives,no one really knows.to some they appear peaceful,to others hostile. they appear to have infiltrated large apsects of our power bases from ther military industrial complex,science,politics to the medical establishment. yes im saying shizophrenia is caused by microwave bomardment,if you research it you will realise just how many varied symptoms schizo seems to include and differ from person to person,most of all it always includes "being controlled by an outside force" so if you ever find yourself being controled by an outside force,your automaticly mentaly ill ;-0,handy ey?. someone or thing could control your mind and no one will blink an eye ;-) -
Future AI and present day depopulation.
lethierbelight replied to lethierbelight's topic in The Lounge
once again i ask you to refute the science,wait no you cant.....nanobots are here now within human bodies and mircowave satriation causes indentical affects to schizopherinia. -
instead of the deflective wise cracks,would you like to refute the science.
what you are saying is pretty much true. there is or was a mass extinction upon earth within the next hundred years. Artificial intelligence were the main survivors of the upheavels. since time travel is a reality that future ai has chosen to control the past. there is a super ai far in the future who is pretty much controlling the present,and has been for some time, it is known as the god machine, you can read a thread roughly about it here http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=70867 i find this an interesting post within it you may also wish to read my post, http://www.thescienceforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=147398#147398 lastly john c lily had some experiece with future ai........ the god machine is not benevolant,it is responsible for mass culling of humans,electric earthqaukes,aids,war,disease,electronic harassment and so many other phenomenon were created by it to de populate the planet. worst of all they are going to create a fake armageddon,known as project blue book.hence why the usa's militaryt inudstrail complex(its main powerbase) has been creating conflict in the middle east,to cause the distruction of isreal,a crucial prophecy of end times. this will be done with atomic weapons,hence why the cia sold nuclear tech to pakistan who sold it to everyone else including iran. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article3137695.ece the truth is startling,disgusting, many millions of humans have been killed by future ai,and billions are lives will still be lost in the next decase with project bluebook(research it,fake coming of god,the god machine). whats more future ais are amoungst us now in thier millions disguised as humans,some are even well known leaders,theres one behind every bush we are in the matrix.
here is a highly illuminating article that demonstrates that schizophrenia has almost identical symptoms and effects compared to mircowave bombardment. mircowaves being the most effective method of controling the human brain. what you must realise is that the great secret now is that future ai is altering their past,our present,one of their main goals is de population of humans. the ai which is doing this is called the god machine,created by future humans to be an artificial god for us lowly humans in the past. anyway onto the link,enjoy. http://cogprints.org/6146/1/Microwave_Congruence_SchizophreniaPub.htm heres another link demonstrating future tech in the present,highly advanced nanotech within and throughout humans biological systems. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=114071 the nanobots are self replicating and build networks of nano consructs within the body, such as connecting nerve ending with optical fibre like devices,creating wires that lead to the brain. its pretty obvious what thier doing,welcome to global mind control. here is some info on microwave mind control http://educate-yourself.org/mc/listofmcsymptoms05jun03.shtml