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Everything posted by PainwithoutLove

  1. Ok, I got thrown into the garbage because I wasnt backing up my words with evidence wich is not my intenttion anyways, i wonder if i will get flushed even further down for not following the evidence shit in a somehow speculation s topic. Anyways lets start that discussion again.
  2. I would have alot of love for you if you could do one simple thing for me, explaining what exactly is your prediction all about? You got to be more concrete in your comments, otherwise the issue of your comment is no more related to any concrete facts my friend. And no i don t want my fantasies to come to reality otherwise there would be no reality. Again wich predictions are you talking about, you are making confusion out of nothing, proof that something can come out of nothing i guess
  3. I am sure that you are impatient to hear my views and or proofs but wait a minute, we have all life to discuss these issues, first of i wanna explain you that you are wrong to think that gn as any implication with nature, other than to say that time is a fourth dimension wich i already agreed. Tell me, you keep going ou of your main topic of your comment, what are the implication that i can measure? tell me that, because i know there arent any my friend. I didn t state any facts of my own opinion yet, so what is there to prove anyways?
  4. A comment made me think about another annoying thing in modern science, " it works so it means it s true" he said. What a terrible intellectual mistake. It s not because based upon a false theory, other assumption are popping out of it, assumption is an actual terms used to describe a knowledge based upon something not proved to be a fact like gr or qm, again if A is wrong B will be consequently also wrong, it s the snow ball effect. but " it works" he said. Indeed it works as long as you assume that GR is right, otherwise it collapses under its own influence.
  5. Ok secondly, G.N. has everything to do with the very small, again being hardly in disagreement with you. You see, what rules the very small is got to be linked to the very large, and if you want my mathematics, on a given subject, give me first the subject with the matter described in mathematical terms, then i will refute gn and qm with the same process that made them be alive in a math way. Indeed you are right to a certain extent, where i m not trying to prove anything here, maybe just that others are wrong, yet not at all that i am right, yet knowing i am right, but not wanting to prove it, due to the lack of common shared grounds metaphorically speaking.
  6. Dear followers, i enjoy you bringing that matter on the table. When you say it works, i couldn t more disagree on that statement of yours. Listen, it works for cosmology, and you know that cosmology depends on G.N. , so if G.N. is wrong, everything that was working well in your head will not work anymore afterwards, do you get my point?
  7. I ll reply to Moontanman, since he deserves it, since he speak in a respective way, i like the guy already, anyways. To answer to you, i would say this, truth is about understanding reality in the way reality needs to be understand. For some, reality is something really fine tuned, with no place for investagators like me. For others, me to say, i see reality in a different way. If I can understand reality better than someone else, it means i can say i am closer to the truth than the one who understands it less, you see, truth is the universe, understanding it is being true to yourself, yet being one step closer to the ultimate truth. I hope you enjoy my answer as well as i enjoy to answer you.
  8. What if space was a property of time instead, would it not be a better way of making a model representing the cosmos and the particles? I mean listen, not only does space is a property of time, but even time is a property of something, otherwise there would be no gravity, strong nuclear force and electroweak force. Let s make it clear, time is a property of forces or force depending on wich scales you are refering to. Even time can be quantify in a precise way, depending on where you stand. If you stand on a bigger scale, time will have very less impact on the srong nuclear force, but more on gravity, if you stand on a smaller scale, time have less impact on gravity but more on strong nuclear force. I got the unification model of everything, but yet, nobody cares since i m not a good liar, rather more a good man of truth, who deserves better than being ignore. You wanna explain how mass gets a mass and wave gets a wave, look at the forces apllied on them, and how these forces can be describe in different ways relative to their respective space factor or " scales" so to speak. Anyways, just saying if someone is interesting in a grande unifying theory, just ask me, you ll be satisfied.
  9. What about the fact that almost everybody thinks that the very small is different than the very big, i think it is quite the opposite that would represent the best the reality. Let s now talk also about general relativity, it is for sure something great to visiualise the universe as a 3d in a 2d plateform ( space time fabric), yet it is fancy, yet it is ridicule also. I mean if you take a close look at what it should look like to live in a world where time differs from place to place, it would be a bit odd to think that way. It is for sure one of the most admirable theory out there to explain how gravity works, yet it doesn t wanna fit with our observation of the double slit experiment. If einstein was right, there would be no waving mass when time factor is disable since einstein said that time was a property of space, rather more the oposite when observing a matter acting like waves upon a space fabric. For now I hope you are following me and understanding no so easy to grasp notions of cosmology and quantum mechanics but yet easy to understand for you clever guys out there. Ok, now, if einstein is wrong and planck is also wrong, am i going to be The one that is right? It depends on many factors, but for now lets focus on the matter at hand. Lets face it, E does not = Mc2 , yet the idea of a fourth dimension of time is actually pretty much accurate, but doesnt fit in the G.N. model neither does it fit in the Q.M. model, these two being wrong anyways.
  10. I am tired of seeing physicist, cosmologist, theoretician and others trying in a desperate way to find answer to questions they don t seem to possess the ability or capicity to answer to. Dark matter, dark energy, black holes, wave-particle duality, 11 dimensions, multiverse, strings, higgs boson, higgs field, are all terms used to describe one thing, ignorance. I am sick of lies, I decided to find out the truth all by myself, since nobody else seems to be even close to understanding and finding what it is. The truth of our universe and the way it works was bogging my mind when i was listening to some lies over lies to cover up the first lies about lies. I discovered the truth by eliminating the lies, so that all that remains was the truth. Now, I wanna start a topic on that subject, the truth of reality. Let's start the topic with quantum state or the state of the very small. One thing that was bothering me all along was that one experiment, the double slit experiment and the fact that scientists decided to make contradictions to the reality and making up some hidden realities, probably hidden in their own minds, but certainly not in our own reality or universal reality. Look closely at the results of the double slit experiment and you will find out that there is nothing to it that comes close to make a quantum state or quantum theory. The observation of a mass motion capture, like a film makes the mass look like it was a mass, not waving at all. But when motionless capture, like a simple picture, the mass acts like a wave. It is totally understandable, and doesn t required any wave mass duality. The why is simple, it is because in the picture the time factor was disabled, making it look like a wave property, and when the time factor was enabled, making it look like an mass. Conclusion based upon the truth is, that, when i take a picture of myself, wich one is more likely to represent the reality i live in, the picture of myself, or myself talking about that picture? Do you understand where i try to get to? The double slit experiment does prove only one thing, that there is indeed a fourth dimension aded to space wich is time. Yet it doesn t mean that quantum or small things are governed by laws of the reality of the picture, rather more the reality of the motion of pictures. The truth is understandable, because it reflects reality, quantum mechanics isnt understandable because its like understanding how santa claus should navigate to give his gifts in one night to all children in the world. Hoping for you clever guys to understand the reality as it is.
  11. I will make a clear answer to the question, what is quantum theory? The answer is that the quantum theory is based upon an observation that causes many interpretation or theory if you like. The observation of the double slit experiment is one that can bring someone to the notion of quantum world, or world of the very small if you want. Now, the experiment consist of making a matter thrown at two slits on a flat surface. The results of throwing lets say an atom or an electron at the the surface will be that the wall behind that flat surface will get a pattern of atoms or electrons or whatever you feel comfortable with, on that wall. Now, the reason why scientist put an emphasis on taking small objects is ridicule, because with larger objects the results would be the same, but they prefer sticking on to atoms and electrons to be more precise. Now, the conclusion of that experiment is simply that when capture as a picture, the atom acts like a wave, but when motion captured like a film, they act like an matter. So the interpretation of scientist made up all complicated consequences of that interpretation, called quantum mechanics. By having an interpretation of what happened to the matter or light in the double slit experiment makes you a quantum scientist. Just remember one thing, reality contains only one true interpretation, wich means that 1 over all the possible interpretation is right, so don t get cocky at playing the game of hypothesis, since yours stands a very low chance of being The One.
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