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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

  2. I've seen all of those resources by now 😥 I might have to try alternative search engines. Beaheaheahhhhh That was a joke... unless it isn't
  3. I need help and I don't have the brainpower to research anymore (for today at least... that typically happens when I'm focusing all my mental energy on technicalities). I need to know 1. how to (here's an example) download the pdf automatically (using python) from a link, (i.e. http://www.xxx.gov/18746/app=get%20inmates.pdf) and 2. how to convert the pdf to a file that can be processed by OCR (such as pytesser).
  4. That is the closest thing to what I was describing. Of course my original idea contains embedded within it the idea of artificial intelligence, but the video you just posted is almost exactly what I was describing. Truly amazing.
  5. That last video you posted blew my mind twice at approximately the same part. I don't know why but I thought that I might've sensed ignorance or hatred.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, and excuse me for any arrogance that may come across by saying this but, I think that I may be the leading expert in this particular subject... at the very least, on these forums. I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw the title of this thread in new content. The reason I say that is because I know the computational aspect and have gotten more in depth with it than any other person has, as I have witnessed at least. If I do happen to get into it from a programmatical perspective, then please understand how hard it actually is to write something like that out with a cellphone. This post is complete moot! If you knew anything about a point of interest, you would know that it's completely quantum when it's received. A classical computer could very well be operating quantum mechanically at this very moment! The one you have, right now, before your eyes! Explain how our computers can access ONE UNIT in a list (a list that can have "infinite paper") instantaneously. I've witnessed it. There's nothing more astounding to me than how efficient this particular part of the generative algorithm is. I'd absolutely love to see the rest of this discussion. Citation please The list that I call knowledge IS, NECESSARILY, quantum. I cannot sway from that argument for any known or predictable reason. Points of interest prompt units of knowledge instantaneously (upon recognition), and, computationally, can only be parametrized statistically with no arbitrary component. When you start getting into time, it's, IMO, best suited as a tuple, which means that it does "smear", but because of the "smear" it's being considered classical. I believe that time is prompted and that you will have no recollection of no occurrences.
  7. I like using this account sometimes because it has a negative reputation so it's funny to see how people respond. I'm not an admin btw.
  8. It is my fault in some way or another and I am having anxiety over it but I seriously only had 6 drinks over a period of 4 to 6 hours. That's partially why it doesn't make sense to me. The other part is that I was fine up until my friend started talking shit to me. We do that sometimes. That's just how we are, but my other friends have never seen me that way so I think that they over analyzed my behavior. The reason my friend Jackie thought that I was acting like her boyfriend was because I wasn't letting people flirt with her. My friend (who isn't quite my friend anymore after my ex left me for him) was making moves on Jackie and I didn't like it because I got beef with him now. Guys hit on Jackie all the time and it's never bugged me before, but apparently I gave the wrong impression.
  9. If you wake up in the morning wondering where you are and hear that you were being an asshole the night before (but not quite an asshole) and was told that you were treating your friend like she was your girlfriend (but not quite like that), should you have anxiety over a night where you completely lack recollection? I didn't know if I should post this but I feel like a complete idiot after last night. I was thinking that someone may have drugged my drink. I had to do a lot of explaining today and I was thinking that people were wayyy over analyzing my behavior. I told them what I was probably thinking (I was treating the girl like family and talking shit with my buddy like he was my brother) and I think it made sense to them afterwards but I still have no recollection of what really happened and that's what is seriously bugging me.
  10. I'm going to call this the LPIIP (pronounced L PEEP). And I also imagined a headset of some sort that reads your mind and projects your imagination.
  11. I don't have the model name yet but we're considering getting google glass so that's probably what we will have. I've never worked with this type of thing before so I don't know what I'm doing yet.
  12. It's camera glasses. The problem is that you need to spend time uploading the video and people just don't want to do that. I want to skip he whole process of plugging it in because we get so many videos that it would be a lot easier to just have them upload automatically.
  13. I need to know how to do this.
  14. So in a 1g object, it's energy is approx 34,596,000,000 grams?
  15. It's that time of the year! Time to whip out the grill

    1. Schneibster


      I hope to get mine going again this year, I wasn't able last year.

  16. Thanks for your answers. Swansont somewhat put my mind to rest on this topic, the rest of you came close to helping it make sense to me but I'm not sure if the equation is just a guide line or a rule.
  17. Why is energy equal to mass times the speed of light squared? It doesn't make sense to me. Why squared? Why the speed of light?
  18. I missed my one year anniversary! Welp, cheers to the one year! You guys rock love these forums

  19. Ju tol me ju lof me, but july. JULYER

  20. My assumption was that our bodies are going to be much brighter than their surroundings, especially if we are exercising while we are in the room. The trickiest part would be the physics in my opinion. The lasers/projections need to only interact with the fog after a certain distance. Here's a list of the most difficult parts of the mechanical illusion from hardest to least. 1. Treadmill Balls 2. Light 3. Wave frequencies 4. Fabric/Steam maintenance 5. Programming the treadmill balls to respond accurately 6. Programming the graphics 7. Sensing not only motion, but acceleration, deceleration, friction of projected surface, position of bodies, etc. There's probably more but idk at the moment.
  21. An infrared camera can do the trick. It won't pick up on the fog.
  22. I've already watched that video 3 times since you first posted it. It's really cool and very close to what I was describing.
  23. That's really cool but it's not what I was talking about.
  24. That's what this topic ultimately came down to. I think that we had a consensus that insect wings are much more efficient because they're light, but getting them to flap enough to lift you up is going to be tough
  25. So you're saying that scaling up a dragonfly to our weight and making it look like a human has completely different behavior wrt it's surroundings?
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