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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. But insects have a lot more control about their position.
  2. I'm not sure I understand.
  3. Not exactly what I was talking about but close. My idea was to have a real interaction but have it just be illusions in a room. Like a video game or a skype call
  4. Agreed. It depends on your interests, really.
  5. I'm imagining that we could use a light fabric that is tightly intertwined but as durable as steam with gentle sound waves to recover the fabric. The walls would need to be covered in a a bunch of lights/lasers that flash light that only interacts with the fabric after a certain length (3ms). The fabric has to be user friendly and abundant. The floor would have to be full of intelligent treadmill balls.
  6. I know how to bypass the captcha now but I really didn't want to use OCR to get around it because it's going to use an entire OS to perform that task.
  7. I'm preventing crime by decreasing fugitive rates. I like the idea of cheap supervision because I absolutely hate supervised training.
  8. I know about that but I like doing it myself because I know how to do these things
  9. Ohh yea now it makes sense
  10. Thanks for that, these people here think that it's funny how I have a negative reputation so they make a point of making it worse when they can lol, I used to worry about it but it's just become a joke by this point. Thank you for your response, I'm hoping to get a little more in depth about this but I don't have the time ATM so I'll have to save it for later. I don't like the idea of using the entire operating system to pull it off, I like doing the back end work because you can fly through text like it's nothing. It's extremely efficient and can probably save a lot of time.
  11. How intelligent does my artificial intelligence need to be? I can't afford to have a project cancelled

    1. Sato


      More than you, I would suppose :D.

    2. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      It's not going to be more intelligent than me, I'm the most intelligent person in the world.

  12. One question is whether I can use a bot program (data mining) to bypass the whole entering of letters and numbers process that some websites use to make sure that the user is human. I know it's made to prevent that type of activity, but my company really needs to access information that, at this point, only a human can access. We need to use our time efficiently, and at this point our employees are taking anywhere between 10 and 15 minutes just to check two webpages. We're trying to access 5-10 webpages within 30 seconds and some of them require that the user identify the letters and numbers in the image. The other question is this. When you get to a webpage and you want to perform a search, if you're using google it's easy to encode the query into something that you can just tack on to the end of the URL in order to make the search, (https://www.google.com/#q=like+this) but in webpages that deal with criminals and the whole legal system, the url doesn't change. It stays the same. (www.xxxxx.com/sheriff/12931.htm). I need to figure out how to get around these things. Any help will be appreciated (I'm using Python 2.7 for this task)
  13. This is a touchy subject, and it's on the verge of illegal to say the very least. You walk a very thin line when you get into that type of computer science so be careful
  14. If you assume there is nothing, then you assume there is something

  15. Ok let's assume that the universe is a list, how big is it?

  16. Loll! That was hilarious I saw that lecture I see it every day I look at new research papers. Chomsky says "very triumphalist but achieves nothing".
  17. If you got that message, it's proprietary.
  18. Yea buddy. First I gotta ask what industry are you in? I'm trying to solve crime/bring justice here.
  19. I agree. My problem is that I need to use my time efficiently, so I'd prefer to use a web platform on our dedicated servers. This business could be running MUCH smoother than it is right now. We are swamped with calls all day and it's easy to get backed up because of how many websites we need to search.
  20. Can't wait to see these new pictures that measure dark matter. It seems like they may provide evidence that support m-theory IMO

  21. No you're good. I have googled it before but the information was like a wild goose chase for a little while there and that's what made me post it here.
  22. I'm going to start programming in Python soon but I do not know how to make a user interface. Is there an easy way to make one that is compatible with windows and mobile platforms?
  23. There's plenty of methods. The one I use is just linear algebra; it's basically just counting. I prefer not to use graphs unless I'm trying to find patterns in sound. Some major companies prefer that you have experience using praat for that task, it's openware so try it out if you're working with sound. I like to go straight to the source though and use bits as opposed to graphs because it seems to be a lot easier to work with (and MUCH more precise. It's basically 100% confidence with identification), but if you're using python, you can import graph modules. Making probabilities, or using statistical inference, is mostly useful for determining the boundaries between units of knowledge so you don't accidentally interpret more than what's usual. Beyond that, it's just making the program pretty (like by adding confidence thresholds). If you have any specific questions I'll help. It's amazing what people are able to do with machines now that we've discovered pattern recognition. http://youtu.be/pp89tTDxXuI I think I said this in a different thread, but most of what I've been seeing from the intellectual community are toys. I know that google and amazon have ambitions but from the google frontier, I really haven't seen any advances for some time. Last one I noticed was about 3 years ago with speech recognition. They do have quick answer boxes too but it's not anything like AI at this point. The FBI is using facial recognition now, so that's good news, but the potential for this type of software is huge. You just need to be able to sell yourself.
  24. Maybe it's best in the lounge for now
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