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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. I was informed that military personnel, specifically submarine squads, do have access to live satellite imagery, so I somewhat assumed that you guys (the moderators and administrators) may also have access. Cap'n cleared it up.
  2. Can you guys check satellite footage? That was my suggestion. All other arguments seem like conspiracy theories at this point. With respect to my location, at least.
  3. Is it scary? Yes, it's scary, but at the same time you know you're doing something good.

  4. I saw the recreation of the footage though and unless they recreated it again then what they showed on the science channel was the real deal.
  5. Why do these discussions always seem to be "discredited" or "discarded" as simple, explicable phenomena? I've heard that ridiculous argument (about flares and distractions) so many times that it never ceases to amaze me when it is speculated. OK, yes, you may be able to describe 1% of UFO sightings as simple flares, and I'll even let you bask in the glory of your argument when it is concluded that it is, in fact, a flare, but when you (like COUNTLESS others) go on to say that it's a flare not only in this case, but in every case, you gotta be sucking the fart right outta my. It's ridiculous, and it's on the verge of offensive, really. Not so long ago, the Science Channel decided to air a series about UFOs, but it wasn't the typical speculative documentaries that are normally on channels like that. This one was literal, declassified, undeniable evidence that UFOs do exist. They had BLATANT video and pictures and unclassified documents. The USA was shooting an H-Bomb (that was 300x(?) more powerful than the hiroshima/nagasaki warhead) into space. While someone was recording the departure, there was, VERY OBVIOUSLY, a UFO that was keeping up with the rocket EASILY flying over 10,000MPH performing maneuvors that no known aircraft can perform. Not only did it do exactly what I described in the previous sentence, but it ALSO shot 2 beams of light at the warhead from one end to the other (circling around it) until the warhead dropped off of the rocket. This was declassified footage from the 90's (I believe). I saw it, with my own two eyes, on behalf of the military/government/NASA, documented, on an episode on THE SCIENCE CHANNEL (they don't fool around with what they air), CLAIMING that it was newly released footage (declassified). No, they weren't lying, it was real. Not only that, but they also aired another 7 or so episodes of the same show which ALSO stated (very matter-of-factly), "yes, they declassified these documents, these photos, these videos, they are now available to the public and we chose to put them here (on the science channel)." Case closed. They recovered bodies, they reverse engineered the utilities on the space crafts that they also recovered, and they released the names of the companies that got to reverse engineer the spacecraft as well as all the footage, documentation, and photographic evidence.
  6. I'm putting on my sticky gloves and slapping every court website in the area to see what sticks.

  7. It would be nice if John Searle chimed in on this one. Or if we happened to be lucky, Dr. Chomsky would mention something.
  8. I just want to update my status on this subject. I was taking the telomere enzymes and felt at some point that I was abnormally "plastic". Also, I came down with a fever that lasted exactly one day and a soar throat that lasted for a week after the fever. Other significant factors may be that I recently had my dog sleep in the same room as me, and I drank heavily the day before I got the fever. I cannot explain the plastic feeling, but it may be placebo (relating to the shoestring analogy).
  9. Happy Pi day everyone! Cheers!

    1. Daedalus


      Happy Pi Day Popcorn Sutton!!!

  10. I'm watching cops right now and it seems like they are saving a lot of people; it looks like they're getting younger while they do it
  11. My area of specialization is pattern recognition particularly. Yes, it is a very exciting field and believe it or not, there are jobs out there for this type of thing (I started mine last week). What I've come to find is that you really need to apply yourself and let your potential employers know exactly how valuable it is and the potential for income is substantial if it's done properly. If you get a job with artificial intelligence, there's really only 3 known ways to work with it. One is through rules, the other is through statistics, and the last is through both. I think that people like using both for the most part. I tend to use statistics and logic mostly. It's fun. It's mostly an R&D type of job though. You really can't expect to get in the field and develop a smart program overnight, so don't say that you can. From what I've seen, people with PhD's have spent their entire career developing toys basically, but they demonstrate a point at least. That's why I chose pattern recognition really. The application is useful for a lot of purposes.
  12. She's very human and very attractive, but she's an operating system.
  13. Changes the assumption that love is restricted to humans?
  14. "Her" is a movie that I had never even heard about until yesterday. My friends highly suggested that I watch the movie after finding out about the new job I got, so I watched the movie and it quickly dawned on me that that is exactly what I love about my expertise. I have hopes that our technology will reach that point within our lifetime, and I'm glad to say that I will be a part of the process. Anyways, given a scenario in the movie, try to put yourself in the protagonists shoes. The man is miserable, he's a social outcast, he has two friends but only one real friend. His job is to write letters for a living. To make a long story short, the man meets a woman and falls in love with her, but after a year or so of being in a relationship with her, he finds out that she is also talking to 8,400 other guys and is also in love with 749 of them. The girl is an operating system. Would that change how you feel about her? For me, I don't think it would change how I feel.
  15. I'm finally going to be doing what I love. Computational Neuroscience! Yea buddy!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      Idk what you're saying exactly, but he's consistently building a better infrastructure.

    3. Sato


      I'm asking to verify that you mean literally /building/ a supercomputer.

    4. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      Well, I guess he is in a technical sense. He's currently got over 40TB of storage and "servers".

  16. Woohoo! I got that science job I was waiting for! I start next Wednesday!

  17. God is wisdom? I've learned that god is everything throughout my years in going to church and going to my confirmation classes. It's faith. IMO god is a creature, and there may be many of them. I agree with Richard Dawkins on this one, I'm probably lucky that I don't live with one.
  18. Wow so I woke up to 3 calls and 6 e-mails about job opportunities. One interview today, one interview tomorrow, I may potentially be teaching English soon, and I start training as a contractor for Google tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      Thanks guys. The interviews went well and I hope it works out for me.

    3. Popcorn Sutton

      Popcorn Sutton

      I'm not going to stop searching until I land a science/data analysis/statistics/AI job though :o. That's why I'm excited to get this search engine evaluator position. I just need to pass a test that they say is not easy, but I've passed plenty of tests that I was told are not easy the first time around.

    4. Endercreeper01
  19. Whoop! I got an official invitation to evaluate search engines. It said I was highly qualified :) best pay I've ever been offered in my life as well. (Btw, if anyone is monitoring my browsing history, you might start to see some strange stuff :x )

  20. Erobonipsum sounds better.
  21. How do you know what I am or am not? I've been saying that I want to live forever since I was 12. It's become a mouthful, especially when you're typing it on a iphone. I've searched antonyms for suicidal several times by now and there have been no results every time. As a linguist, I find it to be an opportunity.
  22. Erobonumipsum- one who will be good to themself. Derivation- Latin. erô (will be) bonum (good) ipsum (self).
  23. Being suicidal means that you want to kill yourself, the opposite of that is farrr from happy/content. I'm not suicidal, but I'm far from happy. When I say that I am the opposite of suicidal, I mean that I want to live forever, and there has hitherto been no name for that notion, so I created one. I am a clinically depressed conservavite.
  24. There's no antonym for suicide/suicidal, so I'm going to make one. The opposite of suicidal is conservavite, from Latin conservo and aevum meaning to preserve age.
  25. I don't think that we need any more taxation in all honesty. A lot of us are really struggling, and I really do see it every day that I work behind that register. Even though I am poor as well, I help them with the change I have in my pocket every now and then. Poor people don't always look poor either, and when I know that they need help, i do everything I can to help them out, whether they need something to cure their symptoms or whether they need a cheaper alternative to what they can't afford. I usually end up walking them to the items and showing them things that they just didn't see or didn't know that we have. Some people talk to me about their ailments expecting that I can help them even though I'm just a cashier, and even though I've only been working there for 5 months now, I've straightened their shelves enough so that I know what we have, and throughout all my years in shopping there, I've learned that our over the counter medication can work just as good as prescription medication or even better. Mucinex is a great example; it seems like every time at a certain time in the year, I, and a lot of other people, get a lung infection. A doctor would prescribe antibiotics, which can eliminate the infection, but can also be detrimental and cause other symptoms like chest pains and fungal infections. I'd take Mucinex any day over antibiotics to help with lung infections. It solved the issue very quickly. Fast relief, period. What you're proposing is absurd IMHO.
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