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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. I'll stop "lobbying" and I won't mention anything about plagiarism anymore. I was mad, period. Is there anything else I can do to make myself more trustworthy and likable?
  2. Wow Phi, thank you. Really. Every now and then I do go back and read some of my earlier posts and, honestly, I really know what you're talking about. I was actually banned from the linguistics forums both because I was way too immature when I was posting and because they thought that I was becoming pathological (and I really don't know what that means, even to this day). But really, I know that I had a good deal of influence among linguists. My approach to language acquisition had never even been thought about up to that point, and when I realized that a lot of people were talking about it and publishing textbooks with my ideology in them, it actually made me mad. I'm glad that I am allowed to be on these forums though, and, looking back at it, I really do realize how much I've changed, and I think it's been for the best.
  3. That's sounds really cool Cap'n!
  4. Thanks for clarifying Ophiolite. I do think that my specialization requires a different breed of person, and there are several reasons why I choose to remain anonymous over these forums. This is a place where I can talk about my interests and get personal at times without giving out my name or my face. Why shouldn't I be trusted? If you don't want to post it here, can you pm me about it?
  5. Alright well thanks for the advice people. I slept on it.
  6. Ophiolite, I do not know exactly what will be required of me for the position, but I do know that there is a good chance that I am most suitable. I said that there is a chance that I would have it done in a month, but I've learned that I should never quote someone a timeframe that is uncertain. I've learned that you should always give yourself a timeframe that is ample enough to complete the project within. I told the guy that I should have it done within a year, which, I think, is plenty enough time for me to complete the project. I am the originator of the hypothesis, and by now I have two publications about my experience with it and its potential applications, one of which happens to be of interest for this particular area. I do feel a bit insulted, you really don't know who I am or what I specialize in. I know that there are people who have spent 40 years on making a prototype, and another 20 years on working out the details, but only to find that their project is a "dead end" and has been terminated. That being said, I think that it's quite appealing to know that it can be done within a year, and I know, personally, that there's a very high possibility that I can have it done much quicker, but I want to know the exact requirements before I can say for sure. Right now, it's a ballpark estimate. I guess that I'm glad that you're not the one in charge. If I may ask, what is your area of expertise and why might you hire someone? Ophiolite, after reviewing your profile, I've come to the conclusion that we do not share the same interests. In reality, I think that all of my experiences have led me to specialize in something radically different than your area of expertise. I hate to brag, and so I really won't. I specialize in big lists, and I think that that is all I really should say about my expertise. I can bet on the fact that you're most likely not interested in that.
  7. A bit of a personal story, if I may. I don't think that I was born a philosopher, but I was exposed, luckily, to philosophical inquiry at a very young age. It was actually when I was 12 years old. I had an atheist friend who ALWAYS questioned my spirituality. I was born and raised a Christian. I was baptized, I was forced to go to church (however much I hated sitting in the audience listening to a boring lecture that had absolutely no relevance to real life), and I was forced to be confirmed. I was taught that I should NEVER question the teachings of "my religion". It was absolutely horrible to say the least. I truly believed, or was brainwashed to believe, that there was a heaven and hell and that if I ever strayed from my faith, then I would be judged and most likely condemned to damnation if I never asked for forgiveness from Jesus and I didn't accept the "fact" of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Luckily, and I really do consider myself VERY lucky, I had a friend who was atheist and ALWAYS shunned me for being Christian. He told me what he expected after death. He said that it would be just like how it was before you were born, which may be true. When I think about death, I think about Physics now, as opposed to religion. I like to look at it purely objectively, but sometimes I can't help but think that our mind lives on, and I really won't go into details about why, but all I can say is that there have been some very strange occurrences with regard to people who have already passed. My friend was interested in weather, for whatever reason, and it really still makes me laugh to this day. I didn't see what was so interesting about weather, and even to this day I could really care less about it. I wish it was a little warmer where I live because it truly has been very cold here this winter, but whatever, weather is weather. What can we do about it? Not much of anything to talk about there, IMO. I became interested in Science at about the same time that he became interested in weather. I had "The Handy Science Answer Book", and I read the entire thing, at the age of 12, from front to back. It wasn't like I was obsessed with it or anything though, I really could've cared less about it at the time as well. I would've much rather been drinking pop and jumping on the trampoline, but my friend wanted to talk about these things. He was interested in what I had learned from the book. Truth is, I learned a lot. Not only was I given answers, I was also given questions, and I think that that is the most important thing you can get out of a Science book, especially at a young age. I've come to learn that people, honestly, don't even want to talk about Science. I, personally, LOVE scientific inquiry, and there really is nothing more exciting to me than having a conversation with someone about it. In this age, I'd be lucky to have someone who is willing to spend even a minute talking about my interests, but, at the age of 12, me and my friend at the time really didn't distinguish between what was a strange conversation or not. There really was no such thing as awkward back then, so we would literally spend hours, weeks, months, and even years of our lives contemplating the implications of what we learned, and we could go on talking about the same topic for a long time without stopping. I really valued that friendship. I learned a lot, but most importantly, I learned how to be logical. There came a day where my friend, who was very susceptible to addiction, became addicted to cigarettes, inhalants, prescription pills, sex, alcohol, you name it he did it. He became suicidal, attempting to kill himself 7 times. He was really bad, and most of our parents, for whatever reason, thought it was best to keep their children distant. My parents, however, thought that it was best if I was there for him. To make a long story short, it was the worst part of my life. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I would've been MUCH happier if I had kept my distance, but, by staying friends with him, I kept growing intellectually and I had a lot of insights that I think have truly changed the world for the best. They didn't help me, personally, but they were very useful insights for a lot of people. I guess you can call it "thinking outside of the box" if you want, but in reality, it was just how I thought. Looking back at it now, I keep my distance from him, and he knows that he really effed up. He's lonely, and everything he did to make his life better has really secluded him. I thought that he was the smartest person I knew, but, now that we talk with each other every now and then, I can really assess how smart he is, and I don't think that he's smart at all. He's actually the very opposite. He's made a lot of poor choices, and now that we aren't friends anymore (or distant friends), it seems like he doesn't even care about science. I thought that the only passion he really had was science, but I've come to find out that I was projecting my own thoughts the entire time. I hate to put it this way, but all he really cared about was getting his booze at the end of the night and overdosing on stimulants. It really is a sad story looking back at it, but I have to love him because he was at least willing to have discussions with me that no other person I know of would even dare to discuss. I've come to realize that I am a philosopher, and I have an amazing capacity to learn language as well. I won't brag much, but I don't think that philosophers are born, I think that they are lucky to become one given their environment.
  8. You might find yourself doing classified work in the future with that type of specialization. I do not know of any industrial need for a computational biologist, but if your working with the genome, it's necessary. I can't really get into details about this, but you might find this video interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsVy28pDsYo This is actually my field of expertise. If you're looking for insight, feel free to contact me. This type of research is currently curing learning disorders, or getting very close to say the least.
  9. Why would it be illegal to clone one of these things? Should we make a petition? The government and the military shouldn't be the only ones allowed to do that type of thing. I just don't see how it could bring harm to us.
  10. I like big lists. The biggest lists of all time.
  11. Do you? And what is it that I did? Please enlighten me (but if you truly know who I am, better PM me).
  12. Did I say something to make you guys think I was talking about myself? The first part wasn't about me.
  13. I want a job with the government, and for the record, I'm farrrr from perverted. My counselor has told me a few things (confidentially) about how perverted people can be. Take BTK for example, he learned at a young age that watching a rooster get it's head cut off was what turned him on, and he became a monster. That's sick. Also, when I was young, me and a friend of mine stumbled across some porn on his dad's computer of a woman using a snake to masturbate. That was messed up to say the least. A bit of a personal story is that I'm being considered for a support position and R&D is part of the project. I haven't spoken a single word about it to my friends or my family. I haven't said anything about it to anyone. I learned quickly that the job is going to be classified, and that's ok. I really don't want to ruin my chance with it and I look forward to meeting the person who will be in charge. I quoted the guy one year to finish the project, but in reality, I know that it could literally take me one month to do because I've already been experimenting with this type of work for a while. I will not talk about it at all. The most I have said about it is that it's going to be a bunch of boring statistics. I just want to know that once I finish the project, I'm not going to be tossed aside and forgotten. I guess that this may not be the right place to ask these questions because you guys are most likely not going to be the ones in charge, but if I do get the job, it will help a lot of people. I guess that answered my question. Why hire someone to do classified work and then release them with a thank you?
  14. It's been proposed that Micro Tubules actually ARE knowledge. I don't know how we would even be able to test that statement, but if we find a way and prove it right, I will be celebrating to say the least. We should make the day of this discovery a holiday if it is proven. The type of test that I am thinking about requires A LOT of assumptions that also haven't been proven. IMO, I think that they would need to be magnetic, or at least resonate magnetically for unification purposes. I also think that they need to be radioactive, but, like I said, these are two assumptions that haven't been proven, but I do believe that they are supported with analogies.
  15. I checked my profile settings and everything is OK there, but I haven't been getting e-mails lately when people reply to my topics and topics that I've posted in.
  16. What if the job was important? What if it was something that would be very useful and probably save a lot of lives? I'd imagine that if that was the case, the scientist might like to finish it ASAP.
  17. Maybe I should've started a new thread, but I thought it was relevant. Say that a scientist gets hired in for an R&D position with the government and completes the project with one month. After the project is done, is it worth keeping the scientist around?
  18. Does a scientists feelings matter? What if they develop care for their boss or their peers? Do those feelings matter? Could it cost them their funding? Also, what if the project that got them the job to begin with is already complete? What happens to the scientist after that?
  19. I don't know if this is possible, but it would be really interesting to see if they could clone this species. I'd like to see if the structure of their brain is similar to what we know. I'd actually like to see everything about the creature, organs, skin color, stuff such as that. I'd clone it if it's possible.
  20. I was watching a YouTube video on a question answering session with Lawrence Krauss. He made me think, like usual, and I wanted to make a post about it. If there is a scientist, and he/she is VERY good at what they do, possibly even the best at what they do, they have an obvious utility and their work could be very important and useful for some very practical purposes. Before you decide to take this person on board, you look into their background and find that they have some perversions, but otherwise are a normal person. Would those perversions change your mind about hiring this person and/or funding their research? What if they have seemingly lost interest in their perversions for a few months, a year, a decade, etc.? Lawrence seems to think that it doesn't matter, I agree with him, but what are your thoughts about it?
  21. Lol that was a cool response. What about my experience peaks your interest though?
  22. Yea, I've lowered my expectations since the first post. I got accepted into a local university for a second degree, which is a Bachelors in Computer Engineering. I think that that would be an extremely interesting field for me to get into, and I hear that I should be able to get an internship that pays up to $70,000 USD a year even before I graduate. My parents really hate the idea of me going back for another bachelors, but I don't think it's really up to them, especially if I'm staying in the area. I do have opportunities in Mexico. I could go to the Technological University of Mexico for free with a good chance that I can study for a Masters or a PhD, but it would be in Linguistics or Philosophy, and I really don't want to specialize myself in those subjects anymore because I know that I have A LOT of expertise in Linguistics and I am VERY up-to-date with my knowledge in that area. As for Philosophy, I can do that while sitting in an armchair. I would love to teach classes on Linguistics and Philosophy, but I'd rather get into engineering because that field is what really peaks my interest. I do think that it's very possible that I am the best at what I do when it comes to pattern recognition and computational linguistics, and it seems like politicians and unspeakables have taken a liking to my activity in those areas. I have one prospect for a position where I could put my abilities in those fields to use, and it would be extremely useful for their purposes, as they say themselves. I know how to make central systems for specific tasks and I am an extremely good logician who knows how to make computers recognize patterns that would be extremely difficult for even an expert to recognize. There's a good possibility that the work I would be doing would be classified, so that is why I am hesitant to mention it here, or with anyone; I haven't spoken a single word about it to friends, family, or anyone I associate with over the internet. I know that if I go to Mexico, not only can I study for free, but there is a good chance that I will get paid for it, and I will probably be able to get citizenship without needing to marry, which is unheard of from my perspective. I don't know of a single person who has ever received citizenship in a foreign country without needing to get married, so I think that that would be a HUGE achievement on my part. The problem with that is, like always, my parents are WAYYYYY too protective of me. They don't want me to leave to Mexico, or Thailand, or the Philippines, or anywhere else that I have an opportunity. They make it very clear to me that they don't want me to be out of driving distance from where we live, and they're literally holding my passport hostage in a safe that I do not have access to. It seems like whenever an opportunity for me to pursue my dreams arises, they quickly discredit it with their pessimism. There's a good chance that I will literally need to be saved from these people. This is the single biggest thing that I hate about my life. They love me way too much to let me go. I'm afraid that if I ever get the chance to do what I love, I'm literally going to tell them that I'm going to the store, and just leave. I know for a fact that I can get into a masters in Linguistics and/or Philosophy and then go on to study my PhD, but in all honesty, the last thing that I want to do is just talk about things. I want to do something exciting. I want to help more than anything. That's all I really want to do, I want to help.
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