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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. here's another version that got reference down pretty good http://labs.codecademy.com/q2l#:workspace maybe this one is better. It seems a lot better. http://labs.codecademy.com/q2l/1#:workspace
  2. Here's a link to a thread where I posted my chatbot for you guys to try out. I appreciate feedback http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/73987-try-out-my-chat-bot/
  3. Yea this is my first time running the codeacademy lab, I'm not sure how to get it to keep running. Maybe you guys can help
  4. you need to click the run button and type where it says "Type Here:" it's working fine for me
  5. http://labs.codecademy.com/q13/2#:workspace Now I need to find a way to save the info Hopefully you guys can play around with it for a while. If you spend more time talking to it, it gets a lot smarter. Or I might need to change up a bit of the code. We will see lmk what u think if you read the code, I think that the part that may need to be modified is somewhere buried in the if poi in knowledge loop. I may need to add sumptions (continued forward or reverse prompting) to get a better response.
  6. I think Mike is explaining it very well. I don't know if there is much more to say about it, but it seems to be true that all occurrences require initiative. We may never know the true origin of things, and I'm sure people will have their opinions, but I firmly believe the stance mike is presenting and I see no coherent opposition. We should rejoice for finding a new truism. Its stuff like this that slaps some sense into us because it's so blatantly obvious. I'd also like to urge you guys to understand the true meaning of meaning. It's an association. Mike has given all of us the initiative which has prompted some of us to respond, and others to think. Thats meaning. Cow can mean bell, the definition is not rigid. It may seem meaningless, but the theory is and will be very useful. You can call it a theory of everything because you can generalize it to anything. It doesn't answer many questions, but when it is made public via algorithm, it will answer all sorts of questions. It's exactly the theory we need.
  7. Sorry, I commented but it was off topic. If you want my opinion, pm me. Please forgive me for the previous post.
  8. I think that I originated the concept of pattern recognition. I know that the field was very concerned with sentences and their structures. Cleverbot ignored the structure and went straight to the conditioned response. It doesnt seem like the bot uses any of my techniques. My program will produce responses like ['the universe', 'l', 'it is', 'ooks like', 'a chotch']. This type of response is well received, and I think people will welcome it when they see how it really works. You could bring up selling pancakes at the beginning of the conversation with the bot, and 20 inputs later, it will produce a response like [' what is', 'selling pancakes', '?']. I'm happy to see this happening and it seems like a big achievement. I can use these responses as evidence for my theories (which have cross ontological implications) so it's nice.
  9. I'm working on getting the code up asap. I'm also trying to introduce a search like function so we can avoid the issues that cleverbot runs into. It doesn't remember what it was talking about and I have a hunch as to why.
  10. Pattern Recognition If by sentence structure, you mean determining reference and proper interpretation of input, then pattern recognition.
  11. My interests are software engineering and biomechanical synthesis. I also like theoretical aspects, but I'm more of a production minded person. My goals in life are here- Create a program that will become an expert in various subjects and make it useful. Create insect wings that are scaled up to be usable for humans. (requires a microscope, a high speed camera) Possibly create a new type of fuel that we can use to travel to space. Help wherever I can with my particular insight. What I want- A lot of time to spend on my interests (which will benefit the rest of humanity as well). Enough money to survive and fund my projects (which will be dependent on where I live). Not to have the added stress and anxiety of an obligatory, irrelevant work load (such as repairing stone chips and writing rules for language) To reduce, and possibly eliminate our fear of rejection. To help enhance our ability to survive and do the things we want to do as a species.
  12. B.S. in Philosophy and Linguistics
  13. I applied to the PhD program
  14. It's just sound recognition, whether it's a voice or not doesn't matter. I'll have to look into backing it up. I don't know what to say about that post klaynos. I don't agree with most of the methodologies of modern linguistics. I went through a lot of trouble redefining the field to a certain extent. I came up with a theory I called maximalism. It has over 300,000 hits on google. Searching "maximalism linguistics"
  15. RIP Popcorn But yea, it seems that all solidified matter in the universe is the result of compaction. I want to say that an impact cause a substance to spiral rapidly enough to create a solidified surface (like an air bubble). If you look at all the diagrams they show about gravity being the flex of space, you can also conclude that the flex might be a result of the draft of an object and the space converging at the furthest point. This type of flex is seen everywhere astronomically. But the draft and prior substance seems to be necessary for solidification. The prior substance could be the closest thing to nothing there is, but it would still solidify.
  16. (I posted something off topic, please forgive me) Mod reply: you're forgiven.
  17. I might need A LOT of storage. I hope to eventually get this thing up with sound too. Put it on phones and make it listen. I've already got it working with sound too but it takes time for it to become efficient. I might be able to handle the storage and get a few external hard drives.
  18. They all sound very interesting. I want to hear about radiation and the electron orbital charge.
  19. I'm not following. If I have a team of developers, then we need an administrative password because if it is actually a solution, then it could be too valuable to let anyone have
  20. Indeed. We run into horrible problems with measuring the variables involved in making decisions, theres alot of factors involved. If youre measuring something that has a definitive subjective experience, you would literally need to calculate all bodily activity, so thats obviously not an option unless we create the experiencer.
  21. What are some of those schools with freedom?
  22. I thought that the shape of our universe would be determined by the impact that caused it. Atomic bombs don't cause things to solidify. If they had a vaccuum that followed the explosion the it would cause things to solidify, but that also requires priors
  23. I need the materials and I need the tools and I need time most importantly. Given all that, I could probably build a pair. Maybe I'll just let the big boys handle the problems and focus on myself
  24. I'm not following you Mike. What are you trying to say? I can't accept the premise that there is no causality.
  25. I'm considering my options. I'm more of a production minded person. I don't think I'm stupid, but I also know that school can be very stressful, and I don't want to be obligated to follow a specific course. I need flexibility with my studies. Theres so much that I want to do to make the world a better place, I'm afraid that I won't have the opportunity to do these things.
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