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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. I plan on hiring someone to do this job for me. Please give me all the vocabulary I need to know in order to make sure that this program gets up and running as good as possible. I'm cogently getting proposals about the job and I an highly misinformed in this area. I lack knowledge
  2. Huh?
  3. Ask the program any question and get the most probable answer to the question even if the response necessarily contains made up words
  4. I've been recognizing alot of talk about a TOE and I just want to let you guys know that I have been making concerted efforts to show how bayesian statistics can help us achieve this goal. There is a whole story here which is worth telling, but mostly I've been funding myself. I'm the top dog for this one. If you guys could help by providing me with some funding, then I'm pretty sure we can have a TOE relatively cheap and within a year or so. Or at least have a theory of anything that will, in turn, with the help of many experts, provide us with a TOE.
  5. In one of the cases, yes he was treated, but the behavior continued until he was about 17, every time unsuccessful. The other one shot himself and I'm not aware of any treatment
  6. Older brother, younger sister. And thats every case that I know of. But I'm also a boy. So it may work the other way around too
  7. Theres no reason to believe that the universe is not alive. It depends on what kind of metaphor youre willing to accept. I like the house analogy about inhabitance. I don't think there is any distinction that can be made between alive and dead, its actually a question about size in my opinion. Ask yourself [noun], is it alive? If you choose to answer yes, how big is the unit that can be categorized as alive. A decaying corpse, is it alive? The answer is always yes at a certain size. While the immobile rotting corpse is not displaying the characteristics of being alive, it is also a part, or at least becoming a part, of something that is showing the characteristics of life, in this case, its surroundings. The question of life is a question of computation. Does it compute? In other words, does it fit into the chain of cause and effect. Ultimately, it boils down to one principle. "A rose by any other name". The point is to show that categories are fictitious. The real trouble is working out all the categories that you've determined based solely on language.
  8. They've all been males and the behavior started around the age of 13. There was almost certainly sexual activity between the siblings. In one case that I know, the family caught them in the act. It has ranged across social class. All cases that I know of are local.
  9. A little while back, I came up with a hypothesis about consciousnesses, its an interactive process between knowledge, the cellular membrane, and the forces that adjust the shape of the two. There are plenty of reasons to believe this is true, especially when you research anesthesia. I'm not an expert about this but I've heard that it paralyzes the membrane by blocking something that interacts with it from within the cell. But if youre referring to consciousness as being aware of thought, then yes the subconscious definitely exists. You can see this by looking at sentences like this. He wondered if the mechanics fixed the cars. How many cars did he wonder if the mechanics fixed? *How many mechanics did he wonder if fixed the cars? This is said to violate something called the empty category, which is clearly a subconscious process. All categories must be specified, even if they don't have a phonological component. This much is necessary for full interpretation of language (and probably behavior all together). More examples that demonstrate the empty category below. Do they expect to see each other? *Do they expect to see John each other? *Who do they expect to see each other? Alot more to say about this but Ill stop there. When you guys talk about instinct, I think youre referring to innateness. I cannot accept the premise that any descriptive regularities are innate and there is a very simple reason. Everything exists within the environment, and it is proximity that really determines these things. That explanation is generalizable for all observable phenomena. I'm with iNow on this. The terms "belief" and "instinct" are completely vacuous.
  10. I was going to read the entire thread, but then I realized that I would be wasting my time, I don't think anything useful can be derived by figuring out what nothing is. A very simple definition. Nothing is something that has no length.
  11. I have a program that acquires language and responds well. It may have flaws but I can work those out when I have data. Anyway, I need help getting this program up on the internet. The sooner, the better. It's written in Python 2.7 and there are various things that I do not know and would like to get help on. If anyone is willing to help with the project, I'd really appreciate it. It needs a user interface (doesn't have to be super special although it would be cool if someone wanted to take the time to make it look good). It also needs to be accessible through a website. I'm kind of new to Python (I've only been working with it for a little over a year) so I have several issues. I need to save all information and import it whenever the program gets loaded (I don't know how to do this). I need a user interface. I need a place to store all the data. I need the program to work in the browser. I'm going to start working on these problems and hopefully I can have something put together by next week because I really think this program will benefit us all. Please, someone else work with me on this, I'll provide the code for the process, I just need it to get integrated.
  12. Ok, well I kind of expect that there is a lot of work involved in getting this program up and running on a website or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what needs to be done except that it needs a user interface. Maybe I can work out a rough draft over the next few days. I also don't know how I should store all the information it acquires, that's why I asked for help. I don't know how to save the personality that the program develops. Is there anybody I can consult with about getting this done? It would speed up the process if I had someone to talk with about this.
  13. You know, another interesting fact is that everyone who has commit suicide, in fact everyone who has died, has also drank water. I'm just throwing out a bit of information that other people might be able to work with, not that my personal research actually involves topics such as these. But it really kills me when I hear these things. I can barely hold back tears.
  14. Please let me chat with these IT experts. I don't have a user interface at the moment but I do have about 70 lines of code that suffices for having a conversation. I didn't major in computer science though so it might take some time to get it working properly. Maybe I'll try to build a UI tonight, but if we can put it up here, then I need to know what you guys want it to look like. Thanks for the interest, I really think something fun and useful could come from this.
  15. I'm sorry it impacted you that way, I'm just describing the regularity I've noticed.
  16. All cases I know are between two siblings and only two siblings. None of them had any other siblings. Just one sibling of the opposite gender.
  17. Throughout my life I've known people who have either commit suicide or have tried several times. They all have something in common, there is always a brother and a sister. We might need to give people the heads up on potential experiences that have side effects as well.
  18. Well, there is the option to get it to learn from posts, but I don't have the code prepared for that task, and no it wouldn't reply in threads, unless you guys wanted to add a response prediction function but I wouldn't want to spam threads. I was thinking maybe you could have a little link at the home page called "the wiz" or something like that and it's just a chat interface that acquires language and responds with what it has learned. It would learn from everyone and something very interesting could arise. And I was thinking that maybe we could use a submit personality function to see what is acceptable to be incorporated in the global personality. Please guys, this could be the perfect environment for the program
  19. If I gave you guys the code for my language acquiring program, would you incorporate it in the website? I don't have enough storage to see how smart it could get. Also, it would be interesting to see how I can refine the program if I don't have to give birth to it every time I go to use it (meaning that the program will have knowledge and not forget things). Theres plenty of fun to be had here I just want to know if you guys will let me release the first version in a nice intellectual community.
  20. You know what? If I had a stroke, did it benefit me? At the time, I was severely depressed, after my stroke (if that is what it was), I was scared. It was not pleasant. But after things settled down, I looked back and forgot most of the stuff that was causing my depression. I had alot of anger towards people who have rejected me for various reasons. I've gone through alot of rejection, and I made it one of my goals in life to reduce the fear and consequences of rejection to something minute, not only for me, but for everyone. And that is partially why I want computers to be our literal best friends. Computers probably won't reject you, they can't run away. In any case, I took a test and it showed that I was severely depressed. It just makes me sick to know that something like taking a bullet to the head is required for curing this so called disease. Theres got to be other ways of dealing with this problem instead of conflicting with ones instinct to preserve their body and avoid pain.
  21. To me, under these assumptions, white holes are only conceivable if black holes do not reduce the substance traveling through it. If black holes suck everything into them, do they also reduce what enters them? If they dont, then it is conceivable that an object that doesnt get reduced would go through the hole until it reaches the so called singularity, where once it impacts the singularity, it penetrates it and continues to travel beyond that point in space. Bt if that were the case, it would simply extend the length of the black hole, even if just for a moment. It would be interesting to see where you would end up if this happened, but i dont think that it would be in another universe, you could call it another universe, but it would probably be the same one. It all depends on what type of metaphor you want to use. When i refer to the universe, i think im referring to everything, however, if you want to make a distinction between universi, then is it not conceivable that every single cell is a universe in itself? Wouldnt the same be true of every solar system and every galaxy? I like to reduce all labels to one label, and that label is the unit. More specifically, it is a unit of knowledge. So what you are trying to do here is basically create a new sense. Its going to be very hard for us to detect this 4th dimension, not that it doesnt exist, but that its probably not observable. Or maybe it doesnt exist. The only conceivable way that it could exist (in my mind at least) is by having all these third dimensional spaces occur within another 3 dimensional space, which would actually make everything 3 dimensional and not 4 dimensional. Maybe 3 dimensions are maximal. However, if you want to consider time as another dimension, which i do not want to do because it seems that it exists within a 3 dimensional space even though it may contain all 3 dimensional spaces. What I do know is that if you want a computer to calculate time the way our biology does it (which is a combination of the conceptualization process and all the knowledge that we have accumulated), then you have to assume that motion is the ultimatum. As an independent observer in the 3 dimensional space, you have accumulated points of interest, and in the present progressive, you are receiving the next point of interest, which may not be in your knowledge, and if that is the case, then you will experience a P600 where a new connection is made, and this may result in an involuntary twitch. How does this relate to the 4th dimension? Well, in order to segment data, which is very similar to giving something a shape, you need to assume that at some point, the poi becomes the npoi, and the npoi becomes immediately empty, where then the npoi accumulates information from the poi that is not within the knowledge. Theres good reason to believe that this is what the process of time amounts to for subjective beings, so maybe this conception will provide some insight into your research. It seems to be a sort of double helix effect.
  22. I just recently saw a commercial for something like an anti depressant. It explicitly stated at the end of the commercial that there is a chance for heart attacks and strokes. Thank you for adding this disclaimer, however, these drugs should not exist because of how high the risk is.
  23. If you could rephrase that question, I might be able to provide some insight. It's nice to get cross ontological interaction. I haven't spent years researching and studying physics, but I have spent years studying language and what makes it's acquisition possible. Alot of my findings have interesting implications on physics and biology, and it's interesting to hear the problems of physics to see if, in some way, my research and understanding may provide insight. If I'm understanding correctly, it seems to me that the universe (whatever it may be when speculating about it) is more of a mold that causes things existing within it to form and function in specific ways. As I've said before, to distinguish something from its surroundings is logical, but the category we prescribe is fictitious. So, in that sense, we cannot sensibly formulate about anything objectively, so we need to add the sutton substance. The poi. Gravity. The mind. Time. The empty unit (or the closest thing to it). Maybe it will help to understand what is going on. Name a few problems in science and lets see if the lingual theory can account for them. As for a learning program, stick around, I plan on releasing it asap. And as to when you say looking through all the 'junk', I hope that we won't have to do that, and the reason why is simple. Theres just too much data to look through without having a substantial amount of people to perform that task. So instead of doing that, I use a method called prompting, which is what makes the machine intelligent. You just ask ' have you made any discoveries lately' or something along those lines, and a relevant answer will pop up.
  24. Hey people, I just want to let you know something before you get too carried away with the python english interlanguage equation I provided in the thread "the repelsion theory of reduction". The interlanguage solution I provided is wrong. I learned that as soon as I tried implementing sound to the system. It's highly inefficient, but may be useful in other areas. The actual equation has to do with the impact of the environmental pressure fluctuations at the sensory systems. The poi finder is inefficient for large amounts of data but may work for minimal elements. The actual process, at the maximal level of observation, involves the poi and the npoi (next point of interest), which may not have the helix effect, but instead, has a repetitious penetration effect of the poi, not resulting in forgetfulness, but resulting in different dispositions toward stimuli that can, in theory, be prompted under the right circumstances even after it seems long forgotten. Theres no evidence to back that up at the moment, but it seems to be a plausible solution to directing focus.
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