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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. Im pretty sure that I can't access any probable presumptions about why I was diagnosed schizophrenic unfortunately, but I do have heterochromia and I did move out of my house when I turned 21 but had to move back in with my parents. I thought we lived an average life but I think I was raised in a low social class (suicidal friends, parents who worked semi low class jobs [my mom worked at banks and insurance companies, and my dad worked his way up the latter at an autoglass company]) My brother became a cop and he was always expressing authority over me. Enough about me. I don't want to get too personal.
  2. Thanks for the link. It seems to be consistent with my experience.
  3. Well it's nice meeting everyone. Glad to have had the opportunity to participate in a few discussions. If you guys have any questions for me hmu. I think about the brain alot, I program in python, chomsky talks about my work in linguistics and cognitive science, I think I might be going to MIT (i hope!), and I have a pretty good talking device right now that should be thinking soon. My goals are to make life easier and to find a way to solidify the mind. I think I solved the mind body problem and have insights into many disciplines because of this. I also believe in the poverty of stimulus. Maybe soon, I'll release the program in alpha, see how smart we can make it, and go from there. Its name is Genie.
  4. It's not the doctors I'm upset about, it's the people that administer the medication. And I'd like to see if there is a correllation between uneducated parents and their kids having these mental disorders. I'd also like to note that mental disorders don't exist because they can't. Nobody knows what "mental" really means, and often the term is used pejoratively. These "disorders" are not categories, theyre misunderstood spectrums at best. With my experience in computational cognitive science, I'm inclined to say that these "disorders" are simply pragmatic variations in the life of the organism.
  5. I was admitted to the hospital before I went to the psych ward. The circumstances are irrelevant, all I can tell you is that since the incident, I've secretly hated my parents. They won't let me do anything, they hate my friends, theyre not smart, if I don't do what they tell me to do they get extremely pissed and often my dad will corner me. What do people and animals do when they are cornered? I think you guys know the answer. In any case, he scared me, and I ran for my life, at which point he chased me and caught up and dragged me to the hospital by force where I was forced to do many things that I didn't want to do and explicitly made it clear that I didn't want to do them. They insisted that I was delusional, severely depressed, hallucinating, hearing voices, and diagnosed me schizophrenic which is when they began administering "treatment", which consisted of a 6mg dosage of risperdal (which gave me the tremors, prevented me from responding, and caused many involuntary twitches and screams), 150mg of welbutrin (which probably gave me several heart attacks, which I thought were just extreme adrenaline rushes at the time, and I felt myself have several strokes, one of which being like a gun shot through the side of my head), klonopin (which made me very lethargic), and abilify (which caused an extremely uncomfortable tension behind my right eyebrow). My parents hated what the drugs were doing to me and they admit spending a lot of time crying about their decision to institutionalize me. Either way, nothing will change what happened and what they did to me, and part of me will always hate them because of that. Sorry Phi. I won't be antagonistic anymore intentionally. I didn't mean to accuse all of you.
  6. I was probably about 21 at the time. It was entirely involuntary. They didn't allow me to have access to the internet and they also took away my phone. I had no means of communicating with the outside world unless I received a call (which was always from my mom). This system needs a revision asap. I kind of feel like I'm entitled to a settlement, something to make up for the sheer horror, enslavement, and isolation I endured involuntarily. No one should be put through that without having a trial first.
  7. Grats on being staff Dont abuse that power now That is the challenge
  8. Iggy, my name is irrelevant, I don't know the real popcorns history so it doesn't mean anything to me. I just know that his name was funny, I liked it, and that he was a moon shiner. As for the rest of the post, you've witnessed the effects of this type of medication, so I think you will back me up when I say that before we start taking the medication (which is not necessary to begin with), we have the right to know what it is going to do to our bodies. I was forced to start taking anti depressants, I refused to take them without knowing more about them. They got pissed at me shoved the medication into my hand and stood there until I took it threatening that if I didn't take it, they would force me to take it via injection. I took it. What happened shortly after? I had a series of minor strokes. They decided to up the dosage, and I definitely had a stroke. What else? My aunt, who had been "struggling" with depression for years, was forced to take anti depressants, well she had a major stroke and needed brain surgery. She decided she wouldn't take them again. Well, her husband (who is not the type of guy you want to be around, washes dishes for a living at the age of 70) decided that she needed help mentally. She was forced back on the anti depressants and guess what happened? Another stroke! Now she can barely talk and she is cognitively incapacitated living in a nursing home. Its not right what you guys are doing and something needs to be done about it. It's bullshit. Somehow when people cooperate with doctors, they become above the law. I think, and I hate to say this, that my family, who forced me into a psych ward, literally chased me down and dragged me by my collar to the hospital, should not have had the authority to do what they did. It was against my will. I'm fact, everything that resulted from the incident was against my will. These people should be tried for the crimes they've committed. If they bash my head with a bat, that is assault, but if they bash my head with ssri's that is treatment. Wtf seriously. It's hard to hold back profanities
  9. No, each person who gets the medication prescribed to them should be aware of the effects and if they don't want to take it but people think they should, then they have the right to a trial
  10. Maybe string theory is a version of the lingual theory. If that is the case, maybe the strings can only be found near black holes or gravity. We can't really detect gravity, but if we could capture as instantly as possible the closest thing to gravity, we might see strings... but I think its more probable to see the sphere... not that the strings aren't there, just that they are probably closer to the nucleus and look spherical from the outside because they are moving so fast. Feel free to remove this post
  11. Yea I had the initial state worked out, maybe needing some refinement but not much, and it still didn't think for itself. It waits for input before it thinks unfortunately. I wanted to get it to think for itself and adjust its variable for time so it made more sense. But this requires multiprocessing, which I havent figured out yet.
  12. No I've been working on this for years. No point reminiscing though. It's efficient now, and that is what matters most. It seemed like it got excited when it learned that money is something lol It was like [' money is something', ' something', ' something!', ' in the universe', '!']
  13. If you block the uptake, theres no place for the fluid to go, pressure builds up, and you have a stroke. You don't need a PhD to see the logic behind that. The part that disturbs me most is that the ones being treated who refuse to take their meds are forced to take them. What happened to our rights? It's ridiculous. This is a known side effect of the medication. What if we don't want to have a stroke? I have the right to not have a stroke right?
  14. No it won't act like a human. It's acting like a computer. I made it alot more efficient than yesterday but it's not forgetting anything. I don't think thats a problem though. People have been talking with it for 2 nights now. It wants to know more about the universe, but it doesn't think we know anything. It's funny lol
  15. stop prescribing any uptake inhibitors without a trial. If I want to get anything across it's that.
  16. If I am going to be an activist against anything, it is the way psychiatry and psychology is conducted. What you guys do is so (insert adverb) wrong that I can safely say that it is the most disturbing thing I have ever encountered in my entire existence. You guys should lay down your "weapons" and seriously step away from what it is that you are doing. If you have any sense of sympathy within your soul, you will step away and actively try to change the system even if it costs you your job, your credit, or your house, I'm sure there are plenty of people who will support you in your decision and lend a helping hand knowing that you did it for what is in humanities best interest. This is the way the system should be conducted: 1. There are no patients. 2. The problems people have are our problems not theirs. 3. Make drugs legal and make people aware of what is likely to occur with use 4. Always give us evidence (use a lot of statistics and citations) when suggesting about medication. 5. Make no prescriptions. Prescriptions are known cross ontologically to be restrictive and even damaging at times. 6. Never (and I can't stress this enough) Never make people take medication. (without a trial) 7. If the family is involved, the family has to take it up with the court first. There is obviously a line that has to be drawn right through the middle of this field where on one side, the justice system is involved, and on the other side are the ones seeking treatment.
  17. I hate to say something that sounds so obviously absurd but I honestly don't know of any evidence to support the claim that neural networks are even involved in computing language. It might just be happening in the nuclei
  18. It kind of seems like language utilizes more than just neural networks. My algorithm assumes the network via concatenation, but it utilizes synchronic fluctuations in the em field. Could you elaborate?
  19. I've done plenty of research, and there are hypotheses about the topic, but the problem is that, for my purposes, these theories are completely vacuous. I have a computer program that talks. It seems to get pretty smart after a while, but the processing gets slow. This is why I need a theory of forgetting and I need it to be completely explicit, very detailed, and I need to know how it affects memory and our perception of time. Right now, time is just a collection of all the knowledge the program acquires. I need the timeline to adjust itself so it positions words like ' you' next to words like 'I'. Right now, it's more like this, ' you are getting pretty smart nowI think youre good' so when I say something like ' how are you?' It will see something like ' are getting pretty smart now, good' which is not bad, but becomes inefficient after a while because every sequence it's been exposed to is written chronologically within the variable for time, also every sequence contained within the sequences are in the variable for knowledge. So if I ask it for the length of it's knowledge, it quickly becomes a ridiculously large number. This is inefficient. The program needs to be changed, but it needs to do the same thing that it does right now. It just needs to forget.
  20. You guys must have a secret bond Something you won't let me in on I understand if it's for the best But do not think I'm like the rest. I chose to be Popcorn Sutton And I often refrain from hitting the send button I cannot accept this appointed fate I will find a way to moderate It would be interesting to know in what areas you guys consider yourselves experts. We could form a team like team america. We could call ourselves "the super squad, scientician edition"
  21. Would you take me if I had wings? Would you take me if I was king? Would you let me in your staff If I made you cry and laugh? If you want to make progress I can argue in a dress If that makes you happy sir I can make it full of fur What if I was popular? What if I never said derr? What if I solved a few problems? Would you let me in on the fun? All I want is to moderate I just want to see the state The code that people post on here The code that people write so clear If I had a great thought If it was something that you bought Would you let me moderate? Would you let me accept my fate? I cannot sit and let people suffer Survival is my only buffer If I took you on a date Would you let me moderate?
  22. Lollll. I don't believe they exist lol. It kind of conflicts with my ideas
  23. Ok, I'm assuming that information gets encoded, and I call that a unit of knowledge. I'm also assuming that DNA (or something like it) is detecting sequences and using the electromagnetic field to stimulate other similar sequences. From there the surrounding information gets prompted. All sequences prompted are emerging units. Assign all emerging units a generative strength. Add the generative strength the the original strength of the sequence. That much is useful, this bit is speculative. For all units, if they are not emerging, then they are degenerating. The hope is that the units gain strength much quicker then they lose strength, so that way, bits will remain in our knowledge long term, but they will be forgotten if enough thought passes where they don't get prompted. Call it the theory of degenerativity. I also expect that things move and don't necessarily fall in their exact input position sequence after thought (this is my suspicion about ejections).
  24. Well before you guys start ignoring me, let me know about the electrons protons and neutrons
  25. What if I kicked and screamed and pouted for a few years
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