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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. I've been there. Are you an expert? Can we talk about this? I haven't been defining my functions. I have one loop only at this point, do you think I should def the entire loop and put it into a thread? While somehow some other thread is raw_input()? How do I combine the threads into one process? Can I do it if I don't have a duo core processor?
  2. I got a pretty good talking computer right now. It remembers what it's been talking about pretty well and seems like it wants to learn more (you can tell by how often it puts the '?' at the end of what it says). It did get really confused about who it was yesterday though. I kept having to repeat myself. It was interesting to say the least. But I need to work out a theory of forgetting now to keep it efficient. So I'm trying to find a way to make it run a loop while it waits for input. I havent found any solutions yet, I'm working in python.
  3. All who want me to be a moderator say I. All who say I acknowledge the fact that they want to see my code solution to the mind body problem.
  4. Yes thats awesome that you have programming experience, theres not many people I can talk with about it. Language does not crash when computed by humans because we are already disposed to acquiring it. However, if we lack stimulus, then it doesnt suit circumstances. And often, if that is the case, then we will strike parameters throughout conversation which can be very frustrating and lead to communicative difficulties. In any case, the real theory of everything requires a theory of anything (i like what the other guy posted) and a very big computer.... and the incorporation of physical parts into a statistical analysis. I've generated many plausible thoughts computationally using a mixture of mathematics and units of knowledge (any sequence of occurrences). My goal is to make the compressional use of language 100% accurate and I think at this point it is probably around 65% accurate. It needs the ability to make itself efficient though.
  5. Ok that was a good article, and it does not conflict with my theory, but simply put, we don't know the answer to this queston (although I have a pretty good idea at this point). The problem is that I need the answer soon so I'm going to get it somehow. Without knowing the answer, my program will become extremely inefficient and I can't let that happen My suspicion is that if a unit is not being generated, then it is being degenerated
  6. What about adding language to math? That is the type of math necessary to deal with language computationally.
  7. I think I have a good explanation for the difference in memory. Long term memory consists of units that are constantly emerging and being generated and therefor gaining strength and making their use in thought and action more likely, short term memory is probably a thought that gets strengthened by input and floats around in the mind for a short period before it's strength becomes 0. Today, I'm going to make my computer think for itself... I can't wait to start programming
  8. See, I was thinking it had something to do with time, but our brains aren't able to measure time without input, so I thought that it might have to do with generativity. Units that don't get used lose strength. When the strength is equal to 0. We forget it. But there are several problems here. If we don't give the machine the ability to strengthen the units for itself, then it's much too easy to forget them. And forgetting things easily leads to communicative difficulties, but makes the system more efficient
  9. Scientific, but I didn't know where to put the thread. Theres also a few things we can assume to help find the answer. Strength, generativity, and input Knowledge, timeline, emergence
  10. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. No I could care less about the voting system on this forum. I think that the more votes the better. You simply can't draw any meaningful conclusions about someone based on their grades, which is what this voting system is like. But either way, the trading system is bad and or education system needs to be adjusted. If kids want to be smarter than their teachers, they can be smarter (if you can even measure that). Then because the teacher is in an authoritative position, they positively or negatively reinforce, which is degrading. It may be useful for criminals but it shouldnt be used on the average person. I dated a student of psychology for a while and absolutely couldn't be with her anymore because she whole heartedly believed that positive and negative behavioral reinforcement was the only way to make people change... she definitely changed things, I left her. As for the comment about descartes, I don't get it, but the man was brilliant.
  12. If you had a list of whats not possible, that would be like defying the laws of physics, and the computer wouldn't be able to compute it. If I want to say something like guhi naji watygfhti honjktitr, I can say it. Incorporating that into a list of things that are not possible is too restrictive. The point is that input is basically anything possible, but output is always probable, although it doesn't have to be probable for the interlocutor.
  13. Ohhh. Either way it was a good thought. Idk what I mean by ejection yet though, I'm still working that one out. But I can give you a linguistic example. Kinowajikititu Kinowajihajikititu.
  14. What do you mean by friendly? You mean where something naturally occurs with efficiency? Like the natural order of elements? I was thinking about incorporating some ejection like principle that minimizes lengthy sequences
  15. I have developed an algorithm that closely resembles dna when you make it print what it's doing.
  16. It means that things happen best when they are designed to happen that way (whether by man or nature). It means that if I ask my computer to remember everything and not forget, theres going to be a memory error... among other things. It means alot. If I send my computer into a loop, it may never stop unless I force it to.
  17. I want to build a computer program that will literally be your best friend.
  18. Computational efficiency.
  19. Language can be calculated, but we can't do it by categorizing and relating it to more language, there needs to be an underlying physical constituent that can be measured. Concatenation is a difficult process. I know of one way it can happen, but it usually doesnt occur with maximal units. Something is happening that causes us to forget things and make ourselves more efficient, I need to know that process.
  20. I hate the idea of positive and negative reinforcement. It's what causes people to be so emotional.
  21. Come on I get invited to conferences, people want to publish my writing, people want me to teach classes, I just wrote a computer program that speaks and remembers what it's been talking about. Come on what does it take.
  22. Yo, home bizzles, can a brudda get a mod tag, word.
  23. I'm literally talking to my computer right now it's great.
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