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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Clay Gillespie has been banned for persistent soapboxing, fallacies, general nonsense and, finally, pestering people in private messages.
  2. In case anyone is wondering, the angle of incidence is irrelevant (except for grazing angles): https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-are-impact-craters-al/
  3. ! Moderator Note Please stop reviving old threads if you have nothing useful to add
  4. And when a ship sails away into the distance, you can hear the screams of the passengers being crushed as it gets smaller.
  5. ! Moderator Note We are not here to do your homework for you. If you have specific problems with the task then people may help you.
  6. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations and merged with existing "Diverse" thread. You need to do more than post unexplained drawings. If you do not post the mathematical model and/or evidence, this thread will be closed.
  7. ! Moderator Note Moved to Homework Help. Please show how far you have got
  8. This may explain the apparent increase in allergies, but I don't think it can explain the basic fact that many people do suffer from allergies to common materials, such as pollen. I assume this is because immune reactions are. balancing act. It needs to be responsive enough to detect invading pathogens, but not so sensitive that it is constantly triggered by harmless substances. So, a proportion of people get a non-fatal reaction to an occasional exposure to non-threatening materials. That seems a small trade-off for protection from dangerous bacteria. Also, the immune response works because it recognises proteins. If we were exposed to truly alien lifeforms, we probably would not react because the chemistry would be completely different and unrecognisable. But that comes back to the excellent point about how come we have the same DNA, the same genes, the same 20 amino acids, use the same proteins and sugars, with the same chirality, etc. If we were aliens, why would all the evidence (from genes to fossils to anatomy) show that we evolved here on Earth?
  9. One of the nicest pieces of evidence that this is nonsense is there are languages where all positions are given in terms of compass directions. So, if you ask which way the toilet/restroom is, they will say "go 100 paces northwest". Or they will ask, "who is that person standing to the south of John?". They never have any hesitation about this, even when indoors without visual cues as to direction. Humans and not migratory. We (like many other animals) use the sun, moon, stars and the surrounding landscape to navigate. (Dung beetles use the Milky Way to navigate on nights that the Moon is not visible.) And this is why we don't really on other sense. This is not just a stupid argument, it is fallacious. So, we can't detect magnetic fields, except when we can. If this book were published as a short comedy article then it could be quite amusing. As a book, it is obviously a waste of paper and time. It makes flat-earthers look sensible.
  10. A good summary of just quite how ludicrous this book is here: http://www.scicommbobulate.com/blog/2014/2/18/week-6-book-review-humans-are-not-from-earth-by-ellis-silver Other animals are prone to overheating (lizards have to get out of the sun when they have warmed up) and sunburn. Or because we walk upright. I suggest you assume every claim in your post is wrong and do some research with reliable sources to find more accurate information. It is unmitigated drivel
  11. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations.
  12. ! Moderator Note Next time you start a thread, be prepared to bring some science, not just empty claims, and dial back the attitude.
  13. ! Moderator Note Provide a link to these tests or the thread will be closed
  14. What makes you think that? Why would one form of light (radio waves) take 13 minutes but another form of light (visible) not? ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations.
  15. It would take 26 minutes: 13 for the signal to get there and the same for the light to return.
  16. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations. Please note the special rules for this section of the forum, in particular the need to support your idea with, for example, evidence.
  17. Because the temperature is inversely proportional to mass (and the power output inversely proportional to mass squared) it will get increasingly hot as it shrinks. However, the lifetime of a moon-mass black hole is about 1045 years. Near the end of life, this will accelerate and it will explode in an intense flash. Scientists have been looking for evidence of the decay of primordial black holes (with no results so far). Handy black hole calculator here: http://xaonon.dyndns.org/hawking/ (you can provide any value and it will calculate the others)
  18. I’m not sure if there have been any formal studies, but it certainly seems that physicists are particularly easily fooled by the tricks used by people claiming to be psychic (eg studies by physicists sometimes show a small effect but when replicated by people from another background, the effect disappears). This may be because physicists are used to seeing the unexpected (“who ordered that”) and looking for explanations. While others might be more likely to say, “no, that can’t happen” and tighten up the experimental conditions.
  19. ! Moderator Note I have locked the other one. It would be better to use the report function for things like that. I’m not sure quite what point you are trying to make in this rambling screed. But it is not surprising that many places have similar creation stories (many other places have completely different ones). People were trading across large parts of the world. As well as goods, they would have shared stories. So ideas from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Europe, The Levant, India, China etc would have got mixed up. People would have picked different bits to add to their myths and religions. Gods invented in one place would have been adopted in another, with changes to fit local culture. As all these stories are human inventions, they would all have a common human substrate, anyway.
  20. We know how stars form: cloud of hydrogen starts to collapse, when it is dense/hot enough fusion starts and the radiation pressure stops further collapse (until the end of the stars life). Black holes are formed from stars, not vice versa
  21. That is correct for nearby stars. It doesn't work on larger distance because expansion means that the stars have moved away while the light was travelling. So the time the light took is not equal to either the distance when it was emitted or the distance when it arrived. Exactly. It is actually a rotation of the coordinate system between the time and distance axes.
  22. He is a pathological liar. Did you see the clip of him gesturing at the TV cameras and, barely audible above the sound of cameras, say "there are no press here". But, fascinating as it is, this is off topic.
  23. This sounds a lot like you are saying there is an absolute frame and that the speed of light is not constant in that frame. But it always appears constant. Does this mean that, in your model, it is actually impossible to detect this absolute frame reference? (And, again, I assume when you say "constant" you actually mean invariant. These are different concepts. It worries me that you don't know the difference.)
  24. Presumably it is not true, then. About the only source less reliable than Johnson is the Daily Mail, closely followed by D.Trump... Surprise. Basically, if Boris "there are no reporters here" Johnson said it was hot and sunny out, I would get a jumper and an umbrella.
  25. I think that is basically how we moved from hot dark matter to cold dark matter: analysis of the distribution observed by gravitational lensing and from the simulations of large scale structures put limits on possible velocity and mass.
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