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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Although they don't discuss that in their paper, the various papers they reference on that might answer the original questions in more detail.
  2. It is irrelevant. And not under anyone's control.
  3. Not at all. I demonstrated that there are an infinite number of non-integer solutions. I was just correcting your claim that it applies to primes. And I’m pretty sure there are no other integer solutions than 0 or 4. *thinks...* Are you suggesting there are non-integer a and b that produce a prime x? I suppose that is possible. Do you have an example? *thinking...* No, I don’t think it is possible (but can’t prove it) *thinks some more* Of course it is possible: b^2 -xb + x = 0
  4. That is not quite right. There are a number of different dark matter searches underway, based on different models of the nature of dark matter particles. These all assume there will be some interaction otherwise they would not be able to detect anything! However, we know it hardly interacts because of its properties - in other words, we know it doesn’t interact because of its non-clumpy distribution.
  5. I think there is a lot going on at the moment that will contribute to the evolution of the economy. Small sale at the moment, but it will grow. So, for example, there are improvements in recycling technology. These aim to make ore and better use of recycled stuff. Also, the EU is planning rules to make it easier to repair equipment, rather than throwing it away and buying a new one. I think there has always been the idea that if you do that, then business cannot sell as much. But there will be a growth of new business doing the repair work (either as a service or on a trade-in basis). There need to be more radical changes as well. I have seen passing mentions of various ideas from economists, but it is not my field so all I can say is that people seem to be thinking about it! (But this is getting off topic!)
  6. That is pretty much my understanding. I have seen mention of this being modelled, but not any direct articles or papers on the subject. It would be included (implicitly, at least) in the simulations of large scale structure formation, such as: https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/galform/virgo/millennium/ http://www.illustris-project.org/about/ http://cosmicweb.uchicago.edu/sims.html
  7. You obviously can't do it for primes, by definition.
  8. No I didn't. Here is an explanation of why dark matter doesn't form structures: https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-100-why-doesn-t-dark-matter-form-black-holes-c5b6d90b1883
  9. No. For exactly the reason pointed out in the first post: that requires particles to interact (bump into each other) to efficiently transfer momentum and allow matter to condense into clumps.
  10. The full paper is here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.11090.pdf Complete with life-size diagram! (How often can papers on astronomy do that)
  11. I think that's basically right: there is dark matter everywhere but more concentrated around the large scale structures. I haven't seen a more detailed analysis of this, though.
  12. My understanding is that dark matter particles can lose/exchange momentum via gravitational interactions (think gravitational slingshots, for example) it just takes a lot longer. Dark matter has an essential role in creating the large scale structures in the universe (including galaxies) so I suppose it is inevitable that it would be more concentrated around (not just in) those structures.
  13. Your post seems to talk about a special case, where a=b. In this case it is trivial to see that x^2 = 2x, therefore x = 2. Which is the first example you started with. And the only example with a = b. Looking at the question in the title: are there two numbers, a and b, where a+b=x AND a*b=x? That is obviously not true for all x. For example, if x is prime. In other words, you want to find a and b, such that: (a+b) = ab I think a=b=0 and a=b=2 are the only integer solutions. Finding non-integer solutions is trivial. We can rewrite the above as a = b/(b-1). Then set b=5, for example and we get a = 1.25 (5+1.25 = 6.25 and 5*1.25 = 6.25)
  14. AchillesIsGoodNow has been banned as a sock puppet of former member Achilles
  15. It is nothing to do with moving "near the speed of light". It happens at all speeds. GPS satellites have to account for it, for example.
  16. Well, "energy" is the generic term for all types of energy. But it is often useful to distinguish different forms of energy: kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy, etc.
  17. Important to note that the conservation law is actually mass and energy. So energy can be created from matter if you reduce the mass. This is what happens, for example, in fire and more dramatically in a nuclear reactor or a fusion reaction in the Sun. Although, in those case, the mass is actually energy (the chemical or nuclear binding energy) that gets released as heat energy. But if you take matter and antimatter, the matter is destroyed and converted to the energy of photons.
  18. ! Moderator Note Stop telling people to read your text. You have to accept that if people are asking questions it is because your text is not clear, not because they have not read it. You need to answer the questions by explaining what you mean, not just repeating the same thing.
  19. And appealing to emotion is the only effective way to counter those. On the forum, perhaps. But if you want to persuade the general public, then standing on a podium and reading scientific papers is just jot going to work. The IPCC has been doing this for three decades with little effect.
  20. You should have just stopped there.
  21. Wait till MigL finds out that she is also trying to affect other governments!
  22. ! Moderator Note Thread closed
  23. I'm sure that is part of the motivation of people attacking her. It distracts attention from the message, particularly with those who reject the message on emotional grounds. But most people have been pretty good at ignoring the trolls and haters, and getting on with spreading the message by various means.
  24. Nonsense. There is (was) a theory called Lorentz Ether Theory that did this. However, as the ether part of the theory was completely irrelevant (it didn't appear anywhere, except as an assumption, and remained completely undetectable by definition) this theory was ignored in favour of SR (Occam's Razor). You are still ignoring the invariance of the speed of light. Which is the reason for length contraction and time dilation. And has nothing to do with a mythical ether. If so, can can you show how this is modelled mathematically and how it can be detected experimentally?
  25. What? People unable to vote (for whatever reason) have just as much right to protest against injustice or for changes in society. Do you suggest policing peaceful protests to ensure that everyone taking part has the right to vote?
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