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Everything posted by Strange

  1. There is no evidence it did. There is the "zero energy universe" hypothesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-energy_universe There is not evidence that space-time is quantised (despite experiments to detect it). No. A better analogy is that space is falling towards massive objects: https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/waterfall.html (But it is just an analogy. Space is not "stuff". Not unless you have math, quantitative predictions and objective tests of those predictions. If there was nothing, where did these fluctuations happen? There is no evidence that spacetime has mass, and no evidence of anything with negative mass.
  2. I thought that was Quentin Tarantino!
  3. So the whole thing is based on a concept you have made up (this so called "thread" of spacetime). Then you wanton "centrifuge" photons. I'm not sure what that means, how it can be done or why it would create red and blue shift. There seems to be a certain amount of reality and detail missing.
  4. It is also listed in Beall's List of Predatory Journals. Pay them and they will publish. Peer review probably involves showing it to the cat.
  5. It is your thread, which is why I told AR not to pollute it with their own stuff.
  6. Asserted, not proved
  7. Thank god for that. Perhaps you could request the moderators close this thread now.
  8. I am persuaded by all of those things. Mythical beings, not so much. I like to think that it has only grown warmer with age.
  9. All the dogs you have ever known.
  10. That's up to him. Or her. Or it. I don't really care. If he/she/it would like to come and introduce themself, then I would be happy to offer a cup of coffee. Elvis! Have you considered that Shiva might still welcome you if you were to give up your monotheistic heresy.
  11. Have you considered the possibility that you are wrong? That you are blinded by your religion?
  12. Wow. Powerful arguments. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries"
  13. It is evidence that people experience those things. It is not evidence for the existence of Jesus or god. You really need to take a course in critical thinking.
  14. You mean the fact that not everyone thinks the same as you?
  15. Non sequitur. People's hallucinations under stress/trauma do not really count as objective evidence. You can find millions of reports of people encountering aliens, faeries, monsters , etc. Doesn't make any of them real. Bizarre non sequitur.
  16. This is science. There is no such thing as proof. However, it is a hypothesis based on evidence. Unlike your god hypothesis.
  17. The big bang model starts with the universe in a hot dense state. We don't know what happened before then. There are several models where the universe is infinitely old.
  18. Because you made the comparison, I was just assuming you did the same there as you are doing here.
  19. No we don't.
  20. Strawman. One more logical fallacy and I can call Bingo!
  21. He was one of the sons of El. (And then killed his father. Brutal.)
  22. One of the definitions of mass is how much space-time curvature it causes (ie. gravitational mass; there others, such as inertial mass, but they all seem to be identical). And energy is equivalent to mass.
  23. That is pretty much outside the scope of since. That is for philosophers and religions to argue about.
  24. That is not brainwashing. It is just rationality. Who said anyone's experience are false? You truly are a master of non-sequiturs and logical fallacies.
  25. You simply asserted this without evidence. You didn't even bother with the usual Creationist "it looks designed so it must be" twaddle.
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