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Everything posted by Strange

  1. They are not getting science out of it. They are misusing a little bit of scientific knowledge to try and justify something that should not need justifying. You have to wonder about people whose faith is so weak they have to make up stuff to reinforce it. Something made of light (ie. light) must travel at exactly the speed of light. If angels travel at 0.99999999999999981 x c then they are not travelling at the speed of light, they are travelling at less than the speed of light; therefore they are made of matter. Why anyone would care is beyond me. They are angels. Why try and apply science?
  2. The same as with a pulse.
  3. I don't think so. (Search the forum, you will find lots of examples.)
  4. I am "fixated" on the radiation escaping because that is the only thing that can add momentum to the craft. The force on the wires is irrelevant. The only things that matter are "what leaves the craft" and "what momentum does it carry" This has been explained to you multiple times, in different ways, by different people.
  5. OK. Lets try this. Rather than surrounding it completely, lets leave an opening on one side: But if we put the opening on the other side, then the thrust is in the opposite direction.
  6. I knew you would say that, so I have added a bit more ! Also, the burden of proof is on you as the person making the claims.
  7. Nope. If this were true then why would putting it in a box stop it working? You have had so many explanations why that isn't the case, yet you continue with the same errors.
  8. And that is exactly why you can't analyse this in terms of the force on the wires. The thrust (if any) comes from the (minute) excess of radiation in one direction.
  9. This is the mirror image of the first pules. A pulse is generated from wire B, it is partly blocked by wire A and so there is an excess of radiation escaping to the left, meaning that the craft will be pushed to the right. Which counteracts the previous change in momentum. So this pulse will undo any effect of the first. Neither science nor engineering work by trying random stuff. Both calculate in detail how something will work before trying it. So 240 W per pulse. But each pulse is only about 30 picoseconds so about 8 nanojoules per pulse. Not much energy (and nearly all of it is radiated into space with no effect). Going back to my previous diagram (which showed how a small amount of the radiation from wire A is blocked by wire B, hence generating a thrust from the radiation excess in the opposite direction) I have now added solar panels (red). This are large (compared the wires, but you said they were very close together). So they will block nearly all the radiation going in the upwards direction. The radiation going in the opposite direction means that there will be a net thrust upwards. This will be many times larger than any thrust from your wires. I'm not sure that is true. For example, a laser mounted on the ship would provide a (tiny) thrust, just from the momentum of the radiation.
  10. ! Moderator Note This is a science forum. This sort of nonsense does not belong here.
  11. What is the voltage? Or the resistance of the wire? In other words, how much power is required for the 10A pulse? How large a solar panel is required to generate that much power? Or how long would it take to charge a battery (or array of supercaps) to provide that pulse? How much do these batteries weigh?
  12. So the light is travelling 50 billion kilometres. 2 days measured by who?
  13. No it is not possible to travel at light speed. If you keep accelerating you will get closer and closer but never reach light speed. This nothing to do with science. Believe it or don’t believe it. Your choice.
  14. And that is what makes “not real” magic so magical
  15. The fact they believe they are being targeted with non-existent microwave weapons (when their medical professionals have told them otherwise), maybe?
  16. Why? Do you have any evidence that (a) anyone has ever done this or (b) anyone has ever reported it to the police? Well, duh. No one would have claimed this before the invention of microwaves (and the publication of such effects). Before then, they would have blamed demons or witches, I guess. However, it is a pretty common occurrence on forums like this to have people who clearly have mental health problems claiming that their symptoms are used by radio waves (or similar technology). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect#Conspiracy_theories
  17. These are two different things. Do you want to work out the time dilation for 99.9% speed of light? If So, it is a factor of 22. Or do you want to know what speed you would need to travel to get a time dilation of 18 million in which case it is 99.99999999999984% the speed of light. (18 million is the ratio of 50,000 years to one day) I have used a couple in the past, and they seem to give consistent results. Which have you tried? You can use Wolfram, which accepts most sentences as input, for example: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=time+dilation+at+99.9%+*+c https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=length+contraction+at+99.9%+*+c
  18. Are there any such cases? The more common problem seems to be that people with mental health problems (often schizophrenia) believe they are being targeted by such technology. If this becomes a serious problem for them, then they may be referred to mental health professionals.
  19. Firstly, no one has claimed your craft is a reflector. Secondly, assuming 100% efficiency is a good starting point to get "order of magnitude" figure. (For example, your calculations of the force on the wire in your system.) Thirdly, stop the "humorous" straw man arguments and stick to the science. It is patently obvious that your idea is hopelessly inefficient. Even if you generate a force on wire B, and even if that were the force driving the craft, you are wasting nearly all the energy by radiating it out into space. This is like having a steam train where the fire is at the back and the boiler is at the front and arguing that "some of the heat will reach the water". Or, to make that slightly more relevant to your claim that "it doesn't matter because it is solar power", hoping to boil water by just leaving it out in the sunlight. (It is of course, simple to build a system that will boil water using collected sunlight, just as it is possible to build an efficient solar-powered craft.) Your claim that it is irrelevant "because solar" disregards the fact that collecting solar power has costs. If you come along with your design that has an efficiency of say 0.1% (which is probably generous, but as you can't give us any data we'll go with that) and someone else comes along with a craft that has a realistic efficiency (say, 80%). Theirs has a 1 square metre solar panel; yours requires 800 square metres of solar panel, which will cost more to make and vastly more to launch. I imagine if anyone else has thought about it, they rejected it after a few seconds more thought: "No, that's really silly and wasteful. Why don't we use all of the energy by focusing all the EM radiation on one direction." Also note that the thrust does not come from "pulsing an emp between fixed parallel wires". The thrust pertly comes from the fact that you block the radiation in one direction but allow it to leave in the other. If you were to enclose your system in a metal box, the thrust would drop to zero. So another factor that you haven't considered is the effect of the infrastructure on the system. As you solar panels will block more of the radiation than your thin wire will, you will actually be generating a thrust in the direction opposite the panels. (And the same applies to any other metal components in the system.)
  20. You are talking about vacuum as if it were a thing; it isn’t, it’s just an absence of stuff. You are talking about a cubic foot, so it has 3 dimensions. The presence or absence of matter doesn’t change that. Your comparison with an event horizon doesn’t really make sense.
  21. Lets hope someone more concerned with privacy answers then
  22. Another solar-powered, propellentless craft described here: https://www.universetoday.com/142894/lightsail-2-is-sending-home-new-pictures-of-earth/
  23. Why are you asking? Or, more specifically, why are you asking me?
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