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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Most likely, recasting the equations in this way does not add any value.
  2. ! Moderator Note One thread per subject please.
  3. ! Moderator Note Please note that the rules require you to present your argument here on the forum. It is not enough to just post a PDF
  4. Except when they don't! https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/11/20690020/google-assistant-home-human-contractors-listening-recordings-vrt-nws
  5. ! Moderator Note @awaterpon The problem you see here is nothing to do with gravity, it is a general problem in many equations. If you want to understand how mathematics (and therefore physics) handles equations that can lead to infinities, then I suggest you read up on the concept of "limits" and how to determine (using calculus) how an equation behaves as values approach infinity. If you want to start a thread on this (in the Mathematics forum) then do so, but stick to asking questions (and not claiming things are wrong when they obviously are not).
  6. OK. Yes, the magnetic field spreads out from its source at c. It doesn't need to "travel" to become an EMP, you just need a changing magnetic (or electric) field. They will travel at c, by definition. Yes, a static current will produce a static field, which will create a static force on another wire carrying current. And yes, if either current is changes, then the field will change resulting in a changing force. So you can get a pulsing force between the two wires.
  7. Also the use of spread spectrum techniques mean that signals are virtually indistinguishable from noise (and lower power transmission is needed) so it might not even be recognised as a signal if it were detected.
  8. Please provide a proper source for this. Referencing a search engine is NOT a source. It doesn't tell us where the information comes from. Here is a definition of "space" from a well known dictionary, Merrian-Webster: From: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/space Note that this definition contradicts your claim that space cannot be empty.
  9. ! Moderator Note You were warned. Closed pending moderator discussion.
  10. If all of the wires are fixed to the craft then it is “internal” (in the sense of, part of the system). Sounds like a good idea The conservation laws (which are not due to Newton) and Newton's laws are never violated. If you think you have found a case where they are,then you have missed something.
  11. Not true. Dark matter is perfectly consistent with GR (unlike Mercury and Newtonian gravity). (Of course it is possible that a new theory of gravity could provide an alternative explanation for the effects. But no one has come up with such a thing yet. And it gets increasingly difficult as we get more information about this “undetected” dark matter that makes it more certain that it is a form of matter.) Any further discussion of dark matter, the validity of GR, etc would be off topic.
  12. I am assuming, from the fact they asked the question, that the OP doesn't have the knowledge, skills and resources to do that.
  13. First step: isolate it from ground. Second step: buy a 5000V generator or voltage converter. If you want more than 5000V, you could use a Van der Graaf generator: https://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/engines-equipment/vdg3.htm
  14. I'm afraid everything has become incomprehensible, then!
  15. From a basic knowledge of physics. The trouble is that you are not able to explain what you think will happen in terms of physics (if you were able to, you would also realise it couldn't happen). You seem to want to caused a pulse of "magnetic energy" to be created by kind of bouncing a pulse from one wire off another wire (using the magnetic field generated in that second wire). Is that roughly it? Given that your idea is not very clear, all I can do is try and explain what is possible. In the case of a magnetic field, it falls off with a cube law, I think. But that is not really the point. The magnetic field is associated with the wire that generates it. Even if you generate a directional magnetic field (as in a bar magnet, for example, which you can do with a col) it won't provide any thrust (unless there is some magnetic material for it to push against). If you pulse your magnetic field, all that happens is that it goes on and off. It doesn't radiate or travel away from your craft. But if it is around the wire it cannot provide any thrust to the craft. You need some "thing" (with energy and momentum) to leave the craft to provide thrust. A magnetic field cannot be that thing. I never said it would not generate a magnetic field. Of course it will if it is carrying a current. What I said was that you can't create a field that is detached from the wires and flies out the back of the craft to provide thrust. I never said that. You didn't frighten anybody. We have seen all these arguments many times before. Occasionally people are able to see where they have gone wrong... I don't know how else to explain. 1. You cannot fire pulses of magnetic field out of the back of you craft to provide thrust (magnetic fields just don't work like that). 2. You can't generate a force on the craft from the forces on the wires internal to the craft. If one of the wires is external and one is internal, then you can potentially build a linear motor using the force between them. 3. You can generate electromagnetic radiation and use that to generate thrust. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magfie.html#c1
  16. Not me. Try here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_algorithm
  17. You cannot generate such a field. If you could, you could not push against it. No, you haven't understood at all. You cannot generate a magnetic pulse that will drive your craft. A magnetic field (pulsed or otherwise) only exists around the wire creating it. (And with distance, the field will rapidly drop to zero.) What you can generate is electromagnetic radiation that can be radiated from the craft. Radiate this directionally and you will generate thrust. Conservation of energy applies as long as you take into account the inputs and outputs from the system. Of course it will (Faraday's laws). But it is irrelevant. Isn't this where we came in? You don't seem to have changed your position at all.
  18. Very few theories have been shown to be “wrong”. Usually, more accurate or more general theories are found - like example above. Or quantum theory and classical electromagnetism.
  19. So when do you expect the impossible to occur? Next Tuesday, maybe? I would like to put it in my diary so I don't miss it.
  20. 1. If so, you should provide a reference. 2. Dictionaries are not always a good source when discussing math, science or philosophy. In these fields words often have very specific meanings which don't precisely match the more general definitions in a dictionary.
  21. Stercorum pro cerebro habes. That may be because you provoke strongly negative reactions by your behaviour. You should think about that, and whether your god wants you to go round offending people. Perhaps you should adopt a more humble, and arguably more holy, attitude and keep these things to yourself. Well, to put it as politely as possible: I'm afraid your deranged and incoherent ravings are of no interest (or value) to science. But thanks for playing.
  22. You don’t seem to understand that there can be more space around the object. And that space could be empty.
  23. You are. Because you think “becoming” can mean “not becoming”. It doesn’t.
  24. It is only contradictory because you have changed the meaning of becomes to "doesn't become." Why would you do that? Why would your misuse of words be interesting?
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