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Everything posted by Strange

  1. What have you proposed that is new? What is the mathematical description of the new idea? What evidence is there for the new idea?
  2. Standard physics. Hence the prediction of gravitational waves by GR. There is nothing new here.
  3. You don’t have a discovery. You are describing standard physics.
  4. That appears to be a website where random people can post completely unsupported answers. There is no way to know if any answer has any validity. The person writing it could have just made it up.
  5. ! Moderator Note You need to be specific. For example, quote the specific text from those papers that supports what you say.
  6. Lorentz certainly did. There is something called "Lorentz Ether Theory" which has exactly the same mathematics as special relativity but just says that it is caused by a magic undetectable "ether". As this undetectable ether is (a) unnecessary and (b) undetectable, we can use Occam's razor and say that it can be dropped. Because it is superfluous.
  7. So you just repeat the same fallacy. Bizarre.
  8. That is a good one. It is similar conceptually to the way that the kilogram is being redefined in terms of fundamental units (there was a thread about this last year): https://www.nist.gov/si-redefinition/kilogram-kibble-balance
  9. Spot on. (I thought I had written something to that effect, but apparently that only happened in my head!)
  10. ! Moderator Note As you appear to be claiming that black holes and gravity waves do not exist (or that GR is wrong, it's not clear) this is moved to Speculations.
  11. This is a bizarre variant of the straw man argument. None of those things have to be voodoo for you to base voodoo on them. Oooooh. Scary.
  12. Of course I don’t.
  13. Right. So there is no point having any laws or police because it is not possible to protect anyone from criminals.
  14. Why should they have to leave? That's why you need laws to protect them. Sheesh.
  15. So where is your work published?
  16. I thought it would be interesting to find examples of really clever experimental techniques. So not not necessarily experiments that have produced important (or difficult) results. And not just examples of really advanced technology. But experiments that used clever "tricks" to eliminate errors, cancel out other effects, or just to make the effect visible in the first place. One example is Pound-Rebka: this used Doppler shift to cancel out gravitational time dilation of gamma rays from the top of a tower. They then did the experiment again with the source at the bottom of the tower. By subtracting the two results, they doubled the measured value (and probably cancelled out some noise). Any other favourites?
  17. That appears to be Yeh's publication, not yours. Where have you published? (And if not, why not?)
  18. So which peer reviewed journal is your perfect work published in?
  19. The event horizon is an invariant: it is the same for all observers. And it is not just the event horizon that "rings", it is space-time around it, which is why we can detect gravitational waves.
  20. LOL And failed. Your simplistic approach doesn't work. For example, gravity. Newton's theory was "proved" by all the evidence. Until it wasn't. But does that mean Newtonian gravity is "wrong"? Then how come we keep using it. GR is a more accurate model, but it will also fail at some point. We will need a new model.
  21. Who knows. There is some evidence that is the only stable configuration: From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacetime
  22. Please don't.
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